Hello January!
What's up users!
I never thought that it was already weekend today. Hihi I don't know what makes me busy why I didn't mind the time now.
Well, probably my mind is busy thinking about what will be the next move of my life. I know some users here might relate to my part wherein keep thinking about the life's future.
HANG IN THERE, We can do this!!
J-ust the way you are january, beautiful starter month. I'm so glad that I met you again. I really like how you were started month of the year because with you, you give me lots of realization as I started over again of my life. You were the reason as well as I giving myself full of chances in life. I was able to reset, reborn, refresh, renew, and regenerated my past life into a New life. All my life, I've reaLized that you are the only month that will let my life to restart and have a beautiful mindset and plan for the future. It's motivates me to live and exist in this world because you are full of hope.
A-and everything I do as I hope that a great journey of the year will come on my way. I learned that no matter how fail I am from my past years still there's a chances and many reasons to succeed. Everything will gonna be fine as I keep believing to myself and this year. I know that there's no as easy or smooth journey in this world but with the help of our almighty God, everything will flow the process and fall into places.
N-ot this month, not this year but God is there. I might be feel empty as I start anew with my plans, my future and my life. All I know was God within me especially I keep asking guidance by Him. I was in the shallow minded where I feel hopeless as this month started it's because I degraded myself for being insufficient, for being unproductive. It wasn't easy to deal with when you feel the pressure of everywhere. I was in the moment by pressuring myself as well in a way of thinking a lot what will gonna do, what will needed to be done and what will be my move. I been in this scenario wherein this new month and new year something like, it visualize my vision how far it goes and sadly there's no improvement at all but one thing that makes me to stand and hopeful with was the presence of Father God.
U-nder pressure the state of life. In fact, this is the main reason why I eager to fulfill my dreams. I became more stronger and look beyond my WHY in life. I might feel it today but I know I am in the process. Process in reaching all my goals.
A-achievement in life could be in my hands by reaching it in a far away. As I planned it this month I know that as time goes by it will already in my hands. Time will matter of God's will. No matter how slow it is still on progress. I know that there's no impossible by God, it always possible.
R-ight from the goodness of life, God will make it. God will never say NO, He always say YES. And with this month of January is the best thing to look forward and grateful for all the things that I had. As I start again this month, I would gladly to taste and manipulate again of what can I give as best for my life and future.
Y-et so close to be far but it will end up and it will reach the right destination . My goal today might reach tomorrow. My hopeful month today will be a grateful and blessedful month later.
It will be a great start for me today because I know a great journey is in the mind to begin and it will follow the rest.
Hello January🤗
You taught me to become a risk taker and I know later on I will taste the fruits of all my hardworks.
More opportunities, blessings, chance and hope with you. This will be a great year could be.
Ay ang witty and effort! Medyo mahina na ako pagdating sa acrostic hahaha