I think we need to look at ourselves because if we are his image bearers have we done our best to give the world a clearer image of who Jesus is? Let me rephrase that, what of people are searching for God's likeness elsewhere because many refused to reflect his likeness in their lives.
What if this is us and worse than that when our gospel like prosperity teachings are wrong....what if Jesus is often presumed to be a machine that spits out blessings if you put dollars in? What if my friends put out good energy now only because they only heard sermons preached about God's energy focused on their good days, their back statements, their seasons and not their souls.
If we only see him as a giver of increase and not an anchor of suffering we will surely drift when our seeds come back void. He is greater than a giver and also not to be portrayed as one who somehow gets pleasure from pay back. Much more can he do for us even to fix us and not just in the reaps that makes us comfortable.
We can call him our friend and not just when we need him to provide for us all the time, I don't know which is worse in the absence of love or the other kind of love. Maybe my hypothesis is wrong but I can pridefully put God in a box to match my preferences using faith to push my personal self centered agenda.
But I've been blinded in limiting my understanding of light, where he is more than the simple things we all tag him as.....not just as our giver but so much more than that to us. Yes!! He will respond and meet every need, but are we giving back the level of praises and communication to him. We can make him our saviour and our friend, that is the main reason Jesus will always come knocking at the doors of our hearts.
I always fall a victim to this cuz everytime I need him, maybe to help in an exam or a family crisis....I would kneel before him and pray so loud but when he does it I completely neglect him. Never ever shown a sign of gratitude for the things he has done that I saw not even the things yet seen. So I'm gonna have to change my ways, which you must equally do the same.
So for every reader today, who is Jesus to you? And when do you reach out every day? I think its time we dedicate our time and energy in service to him. God bless you. Is he your vending machine or somebody much greater than that....
Thank you for reading.....
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Jesus is the suffering servant, the exact likeness of the Father in the flesh. He suffered on the cross, died, and rose to life again to pay for the sins of all those who placed their trust in Him alone by faith alone.
You're right: God is not a magic genie in the heavens who spits out money like an ATM gone wild.