Religious Leaders Have A Part To Play

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3 years ago

My mind have been engaged in the thoughts of giving. Narrowing it down the the present Plague the World is facing, ive been forced to ponder on alot of things particularly, GIVING.

Everyone expects the Nigerian Government to give to the society, the support they need to enable them survive during this pandemic crisis, considering the lockdown that has been imposed on majority of the states in the Nation. Some may call it Parliatives.

Truth be told, Nigeria is examined to be populated by 200 million people, if the Federal Government are to distribute Five Thousand Naira (#5000) to Every Nigerian, that would take them a long way, but how long will it take them? how long will it put food on their tables? how long will it fetch them water to drink?

Farming season is here, farmers are expected to plant their corns, vegetables, cassavas, maize, etc with the hope of harvesting sooner due to the rainy season so they can have what to eat and sustain their families. But this aint possible because citizens have been ordered to stay in their houses amidst the pandemic crisis.

Do not get me wrong on this, i totally and whole heartedly appreciate the Government for their supports during this time, considering the fact that their primary objective is to serve its citizens so i completely appreciate them.


The Government cant do it all!

Out of the 200 Million Nigerians, more than 90% are affiliated to one Religious Entity or another, whether Muslims or Christians.

If the Religious Leaders in Nigeria, whether from the Headquarters or Outreach centers give to their members in every little way they can, people will not have to put their blames and hopes on the Government.

The Government, whether in the Federal, State or Local level, CANNOT reach out to Everybody in their community. But if Religious Leaders join to give their supports, atleast, 95% of Nigerians will be touched in one way or another, through any means.

So i humbly appeal and plead to ALL Religious Leaders across the Nation, to reach out to your members, a basin of Rice or Garri or Beans is not to small to give to them.

Please dont get me wrong on this, i am nt saying that Religious Leaders CAN do it all. But, if the Government contributes their quota, Religious Leaders contribute their quota, more than 95% of Nigerians will be touched.

Lets all help our neighbours in every little way we can, as we hope this Plague to be over.



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3 years ago


Religious leaders definitely have a role to play

$ 0.00
3 years ago

A lot of religious leaders did that to their congregations but that's not their responsibility, the earlier we change that mentality the better. It's our government sole duty to do that

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Well, still everything is in the Hands of God.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes those are religous leaders for you

$ 0.00
3 years ago

They really have lot p things to do and change about our act of been greedy and not helping the poor and needy around us. We must be willing to help the poor and needy.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

We are the government. Therefore we have to initiate this action by learning to give especially to the beggars on the streets.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks for sharing, stay safe too

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Do your part, it start from there

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User's avatar Ara
3 years ago

Every leader has a role to play in the society so let them play their part

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Everyone has a part to play and if we can do it, Nigeria would be a better place

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I am so impressed with this post, but this information is coming too late why I say so this.

Now that the covid-19 is not serious anymore, and religion leaders, where just allow now to open church etc for operation.

Secondly, we don't have much leaders here that will help us to spread this news. But then I am happy because in my little way, I tell some of the few leaders that I know.

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3 years ago