Set of Questions that Let me Vent Out

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1 year ago

I am browsing for something to answer on the internet and here's what I found!

Questions Source: Here

1. You wake up suddenly in the middle of the night, what would be the scariest sound to hear after waking up?

For me, it's the sound of the footsteps of somebody. Let me share with you my creepy experience about it.

I am young at that time probably 9 or 10 years old when this happened. My siblings and I are left alone in our house one night because my father was invited by our neighbors to drink to celebrate a birthday while my mother is working far away from us. We are busy watching movies on the television until we get sleepy so my sister and I went to our parent's bedroom to sleep while my two brothers went to the second floor. In the middle of the night around 1:00 a.m, I was awakened by some footsteps coming down the stairs which are where my two brother sleeps. The steps are kinda slow, I thought it was just my older brother who wants to pee. So, I tried calling him.

Image Source: Canva

"Kuya! Kuya?" — "Brother! Brother?"

I said but I don't get any response. I sit on the bed and wait for him to answer back but I get none. Upon waiting, I heard that he went to our main room and switched on the light. With that, I stand up and exited our parent's room. I saw that the light in our room is on so I assumed that I am right, my older brother is there. With such bravery, I went inside our room and said...

"(Kuya?) Brother? What are you doing there?"

But did you know what is the scariest part? There is no one inside our room. Just me and the opened lightbulb that I didn't switch on in the first place. Upon realization, the fear suddenly crawled into my skin. I suddenly felt cold, I was so scared. The first thing that I did is to turn off the light and run like a madman going to our parent's room. I closed the door and never forgot to lock it. I jumped in bed, hugged my sister, and tried my best to sleep but that scary moment prevents me from doing so. So I muttered a prayer, then closed my eyes. Luckily, I fell asleep.

Tomorrow after that, I asked two of my brothers if any of them woke up last night. But they said they don't. That sends a tingle and creeps into my system again.

Ugh! I am having goosebumps while typing this and looking back on that creepy experience. Lucky me! That doesn't happen again. That's just one of my creepy experiences to share, more way to go and that's for next time.

2. What would be the consequences of a scientific discovery that extended the life span of humans to 500 years?

People who are hungry for money, power, and influence will surely take it to their advantage to live longer and do whatever they wanted. Imagine the corrupt government officials availing that discovery for their vision and convenience, high-profile criminals to continue what they desire, and war leaders who want to live an eternal life to own different nations. It will be chaotic. It will be a good scientific discovery but looking at the world we are living in today? I don't think it will leave a positive result.

Image Source: Canva

Death is part of us. It is inevitable. We are born to live for a while, we are also meant to die. That's the cycle of life, no one can ever change it.

3. What's the worst and best thing about being male?

This is the question that genuinely picked my interest to answer.

Let's proceed to the best thing first. I am being thankful for being male because I don't need to feel the pain every month whenever my period is coming up and I don't suffer from pain while giving birth. I saw a lot of women, from my friends, classmates, and even my sister who suffer from pain every month because of their period. I saw how they struggle and keep themselves strong despite of pain they are feeling. Sometimes that leads them to not attend school, file a leave from their work, and so on.

Giving birth is also painful. I can't imagine how much pain every mother felt when they gave birth. And that alone makes ms salute them more. Every mother is amazing!

Now, let's talk about the worst thing about being a male.

A lot of people thought that if you are born a man/male you are always strong. You are independent, you are not soft, you're not a crybaby unless you are gay, and you can handle everything that comes your way just because you are a man! If you don't then you're not a real man.

Image Source: Canva

But I beg to disagree with this one. That standard is just a social construct made by our society. It just adds pressure to men.

Remember, men are also humans. We can feel different emotions. We are not always strong, sometimes we need someone to rely on and help us out. We are not always independent, sometimes we also need to be dependent on someone. We are not always hard as a rock, because we can be softy at times. We are not always happy, we also need to cry to vent out.

See? We are all human, and that means we all suffer. Equality for everyone, social construct shouldn't be exercised.


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1 year ago


I think when we use the Bible as reference, we can see people lived 500 ages up. But it was shorten over time. Thus, I'm a very sentimental person so I got easily attached to someone and that makes me vulnerable. You can say I'm a crybaby, but I don't show it. I kept it hidden within me.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Men tend to hide their feelings especially if they want to cry. But that doesn't mean na hindi na pwede at mahina ka.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

OMG hahaga, ako naman yong sitsit like pssttt, psssst. Narexperience ko yan sa lumang bahay namin tas mag isa akonh naga hugas ng plato sa baba. Ang layo pa naman ng kusina namin mejo malaki kasi old house namin ee. Kada madidinig ko un, yong paghuhugas ko ng plato lalakasan ko habang nagamadali. Tas tatakbo na ako agad sa taas after that ahahahaga. Ahh those memories haha

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Ay parang mas nakakatakot iyan ate roppa hahhaha that's why noong bata rin ako ayaw na ayaw ko sa lahat ang pinaghuhugas ng gabi kasi doon nagwowonder ang utak ko ng kung anek-anek. Feeling ko may nakatingin sa akin habang nagwawash ako ng plates mygash pero ngayon matapang na ako when it comes to that. Kaya ko ng maiwan sa bahay mag-isa and I preferred that hihi

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Bwahahaha ganyan na ganyan ako my goodness haha. Nakakapag overthink no, minsan kakanta ka nalang kunyare para malimot yong kung ano nasa utak ahahah

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Oo ate hahaha alam mo ba minsan 'pag super niyerbos na niyerbos na ako bigla akong napapakanta ng 'Ama namin' at yung kanta sa superbook na 'Hesus sa Krus' hahaha I kennat talaga. Minor momints

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Di kaya niloko ka lang ng brother mo nun pero dapat pinagtawanan kna nung tinanong mo hehe. About the 500 years life span that could only for the rich and since most can't afford it, only those who benefited will enjoy the worldly pleasure.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hindiii eh, kasi knows ko brother ko tatawa agad iyon if ever na ganoon. Saka noong time na bumangon ako it will take time for him to go back upstairs. Eh wala naman akong narinig na footsteps paakyat so ano yon?? Mumu omaygadd

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Uy, scary yung mumu ha! Nako dami tala corrupt na mga animal. Walang kwentang mga officials, hindi na naawa.

Well, swerte kayong boys kasi wala kayong monthly dalaw hehe. Ako nga delayed nyahaha! Anyway, pahiram neto Khai ha! Solomot!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

That's why hindi naunlad ang Pilipinas AHAHAH. Ayan ang nagagawa ng pera sa mga gahamang nakaupo sa pwesto. Magpayaman pa ng magpayaman kahit mayaman na o dibo saan pa sila? Lol

Sure thing lang jijiah! Feel free to use it!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

When I was college ganyan sa dorm, 12-3 ng gabi hayun some people are marching sa stairs. Like they said fallen soldiers in the war hehe we just ignored it for really happened every night noon

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Ang creepy dibuhhh kahit walang tao sheesh. Marami nga rin nagshashare ng experience nila sa dorm noong college sila about horror stuffs ayan tuloy parang ayaw ko na maging mag-isa sa dorm charr

$ 0.00
1 year ago