Marriage; My Personal View

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Avatar for KennieInspires
3 years ago

Like we often hear, one who has found a wife has found a good thing, and thus see favour of God. And for a woman who has found a husband, what has she found? Well that's a question for you to ponder.

Without further ado, marriage is a formal union of two people coming together as one in a relationship, and this always happens between a man and a woman, and sometimes means the combination of two or more elements. Marriage is union between a couple and it's what tie the family together, which is a long life commitment. It provides for you an opportunity to grow independently, as the couple serves themselves and the children the marriage produces. It's way more than physical union, it deeply rooted in emotional and spiritual union, which can be more than human thinking.

Marriage to some is a waste of time and resources but in true sense, it's very important in human life. Imaging having a companion, someone you can talk to, share your thoughts with and walk with when the trials of life sets in, beautiful isn't it? How about the children it gives, watching your children grows and become better in life, that's a lifetime happiness.

The fact that you are being married is called "wedlock", and fornicating or doing other immorality when you are not tied with someone is called "out of wedlock". Most often, people celebrate that they are getting married, but so many times forget marriage is what they have to live with for their lifetime. The ceremony is called is usually called Wedding while the relationship and cohabiting with each other is called Marriage.

Marriage is very simple if we want to make it simple and it's full of drama if you want to make it hard for yourself. When you are single, you can do so many things without being sanctioned or call to correction, but once you are married, you now have someone who will always watch you and watch your steps, because whatever happens to you affects him/her. Marriage limits the way you were spending when single, now after marriage all your spending have to calculated and on your family, you will now have a concentrated spending.

Marriage makes you focus, unlike when you were single that you may not have a direction, you will now have what to live for, what you want, where you are going, what you really want to do, how to go about life, why, because you now have people or family to look after, hence makes you more serious about life. Marriage should also, make you stop fornicating, because you now have someone with you whom you are free to share any of your sexual fantasies with, hence reduces your chances of contracting sexual related diseases and improves your healthy life.

Marriage makes you work harder because you now have family as a man who are looking up to you. The thinking and feeling as a man that you now have family to cater for would make you go extra mile in creating more sources of income to balance and be able to meet up with the family everyday spending. I remember when I was still single, I was spending like very extravagantly, changing gadget every months to mention few, but now that I'm married, I could no longer do all that anymore, all my spending are now calculated and concentrated on the family.

Marriage brings more blessing for the couple who are truthful with each other, if otherwise, then you both need to check each other. That's where the spirituality comes in, where the favour and blessings is coming from would be more than your knowledge, That's just the Almighty does His things.

To keep marriage going and moving smoothly, communication is key. Imaging being with your spouse in the same room and apartment, and not talking to each other, not sharing deepest thought with each other, keeping malice with each other, all these causes the love to fade or wither away gradually. Communication in a thing every couple must take very importantly, it breeds and strengthen love and affection. Imaging getting naughty with your spouse and not feeling shy about it, imaging if you are not satisfied in the sexual area and you are able to call your man/woman to attention without being shy or feeling dejected about it. Imaging when you are going through some personal issue, and you are cool when you are able to relate it with whom you walk down the aisle with

Both the couple should have a lot and deep-rooted passion for each other, that would make them be able to support each other. The couple should be able to realise and consult each other when they make mistake instead of hording it inside them, this makes them love and trust each other more. Cooperation goes a long away in marriage, the couple should cooperate with each other, accept and support each other, without cooperation the marriage maybe heading to rock, which could make both parties be doing things differently which would not make the marriage healthy.

To sum it up, marriage may not be easy, but it's enjoyable when both party takes into consideration what we've discussed earlier. To tell you the truth, the vibe that was there when you both started, when the marriage was still fresh may tend to reduce overtime, especially when responsibility starts setting in, then you may start getting tired of each other, but the couple can still make amends, make up and take up some times to reflect and rekindle their love life,bring back the old moment to the present, sparkle it up!!!

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Avatar for KennieInspires
3 years ago


Well marriage requires lot of emotional intelligence. Marriage can only work with the efforts of both partners

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You just nailed it, its just like running a conpany, if there's no cooperation from every staff, the organization might experience a downfall

$ 0.00
3 years ago

To be frank with you,I think marriage favours women more than men,and the men we have now are all weaklings

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yea you are right, it favors women more than men, and on the simp side, its love that made some men simp

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Marriage is sweet when you get to tie the knots with the right person,I always have this intuition that the best kind of marriage is one that involves two childhood friend because they have a bond that would be quite hard to break

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Never rush into marriage else you'll run out and always seek God for guidance before going into it.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

When you say this,

"To tell you the truth, the vibe that was there when you both started, when the marriage was still fresh may tend to reduce over time, especially when responsibility starts setting in, then you may start getting tired of each other"

I can tell you in some cases like mine after six years everything still the same even better but I understand what you mean. Any relationship will be wonderful if they are both committed to each other. A husband and wife doing their job and them together as a partner. Good teamwork!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

They are many positives in marriage if you marry the right person

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3 years ago

The question is how do you spot a right person, by look or character??? One needs to check

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3 years ago

I don't think anyone should go into marriage for the fun of it. It is a serious commitment and it shouldn't be treated lightly

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Marriage involves commitment, cooperation and good communication. You can't go into marriage because you'd be having free sex, such person would be greatly deluded

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3 years ago

The only marriage I can do is traditional and marriage and white wedding

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3 years ago

What about court wedding? You detest that? And why did you chose only traditional and Western culture of marriage?

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3 years ago

The basis of marriage and people's belief is something conceptual marriage needs only agree of both party and the parents blessings that's what the Bible required.

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3 years ago

The topic of marriage is deep and surparses ones knowledge, The grace of God only make it stay and remain till old age

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Good points from you. Keep it up

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3 years ago

May The Almighty continue to make it easy for us, we need ourselves to move it forward

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3 years ago

Marriage is best enjoyed when you marry your best friend. You can never see the person fault because love has covered it

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3 years ago

This is a key point, you can also make your wife your best friend even if you don't know each other from adam before. Mutual understanding goes a long way

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3 years ago