Have I Lost My Best Friend? : My Past Nightmare

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2 years ago

Since I read some articles of Ate @Jane , @George_Dee about alcohol and what they were like when they were drunk, I decided to share my story that was related to their topic.

Do you have a best friend? Are you still friends till now? Did you fight sometimes? How did your relationship last? Tell me your story too.

My College Girlfriend

I'm an introvert, but I can get along with others. I know to get socialized which is I need to because I'm now in college. This world is not for the shy and weak people. Teachers in college will not please you, you will please them.

I get close to this girl Cindy when we were in 3rd-year college. She was a working student like me. She is working in a fast-food chain, in Greenwich and I am in Jollibee. She was always tired and I witness it every day she entered the school. I am a person that if I see and feel that you are like me I wanted to be your friend.

We are comfortable with each other and became best friends, plus 2 guys added. They are so annoying in class but they treat us kind. They are also my classmate in the same course. So we became 4. Our callsign is (BAKS) We are so happy before. We found ourselves a shoulder to lean on.

Cindy is bisexual. She had a relationship with the girl for 3 years, Diane. Her girlfriend doesn't want to hang out with us if we are with our guy friends. So Cindy always lies to Diane if she's with us.

When I moved here in my apartment, I always invite Cindy, at first its okay with Diane. I treat her like my sister. I always share my personal things and give to her what I have, and because of that Diane got jealous. She thinks I like Cindy.

There is a new friend added to our circle, Mj. He is our schoolmate and his course is different from ours. We became 5. MJ loves to drink alcohol. He always invites us to go to their house after class. That day I learn how to drink alcohol.

Cindy was so close to our 3 guy friends, Mj, Kyle, and Stephen. They sit at the back of our class. Maybe because she has a heart like a guy too? But when she's sitting next to me or she is in my house I always make her feel like a girl, 'coz she is a girl!

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What happened to me when I was drunk?

1st try - At My House -Brandy Liquor

After 5 shots I cried. It feels like my throat got burned and it tastes so bad! I can't make it to enter school because of that. I'm bedridden for one whole day. Oh! No not in bed, in the comfort room.

That day Cindy and MJ sleep in my house. I didn't think and put malice even they were lying close. They were like my siblings and it's okay.

2nd try - School Year End Party - Cocktail Towers

I and Kyle only join the party because Cindy needs to buy a suitcase for her girlfriend Diane. MJ and Stephen accompany her. I love the drinks because they taste like juice but the alcohol slowly hitting me. I go back and forth in the restroom and Kyle notices me when suddenly I fall down and some guy at the bar helps me. He runs towards me and said he will take me home. When we are in the vehicle I vomited. He was so stressed to take care of me, he knows I don't want to be touched if I wasn't drunk. He hesitated to assist me.

When we were close to my house he decided not to bring me there because he was ashamed of my neighbors to see him taking me home. He called Cindy, which is at the house of MJ. Stephen was there too. So, we rode a tricycle go to the house of MJ.

Kyle almost got into trouble because of me. I suddenly get off in the tricycle and told him I want to go home. He said I told him that the way is not going to Mj's House. I cried he said and the driver got alarmed. When the driver drops us off, he said I'm still crying and insisting him to take me home. Some men come to us and told him that "Bro, I think that girl wants to go home" He is nervous and told them that "Yes, I'm taking her home bro. Our friends will fetch us here" Those men didn't leave until Mj and Cindy arrived.

He told me everything the next day I wake up and want to curse me.

3rd try - Night Swimming - Brandy Liquor

We notice Cindy and Mj are missing they were somewhere talking and we didn't mind it.

Kyle was stress again because I slipped and fall down my eyeglasses were broken that night. Also, I almost got drowned because I slipped again this time in the pool.

This is my eyeglass at that time

The next day I suffer. I don't have eyeglasses.

Fast Foward to the scenario

MJ's classmate Dave, invites me to their house. Dave is also a friend of mine, because of boredom I went to their house. MJ is there and his other classmate which is my friend too. I didn't know that they will plan to drink that day and even I refuse they will insist. I told myself okay I will drink a little and I forgot that little of mine will be a nightmare.

Cindy: Do you know what you did last night?

Me: What?

Cindy: You kissed MJ

Me: WHAT?!

Cindy: He was crying.

Me: HUH?! I was with Dave.

Cindy: You're with MJ. He was crying when I arrived.

Me: What did he say?

Cindy: You kissed him suddenly.

Me: I don't know.

Cindy: He is mad at you.

I was ashamed that I didn't know what happens. I cant defend myself that I didn't do it because Cindy believes what MJ said.

Since then Mj change, Cindy too. It feels like they hiding something from me. I apologized to MJ if I did that but I was still puzzled from that night. Why did he cry? What did I do to make him cry? Because I kissed him? He cried when Cindy got arrived? He can go out if he wants to but why he didn't do it? He waits until Cindy comes.

Days passed I figured out why Cindy change. They have a mutual understanding. They are secretly dating that's why Cindy is always at MJ's house. Cindy admits it when she comes to my house. She cried, she said she wanted to tell me about it because if they are not okay she has someone can talk to. She broke up with her 3 years relationship with Diane.

Last February I celebrated my birthday together with Dave. His classmates and some of my classmates went there. It is a day and night swimming party. I arrived in the evening because I have a shift at work earlier. Cindy has too. When I arrived there MJ want's to go home because he said he needs to take care of his niece, her sister is going to work. But the truth is Cindy doesn't want to go to my birthday. I cried that day. My 2 best friends were not there. My best friend Cindy that I used to treat like a sister leaves me.

Kyle and Stephen were there. They didn't leave me even though I always hate them for being so naughty.

This picture was taken last February (left: Kyle , right: Stephen)

Thank you for staying baks <3

Dave and Stephen know what happens. Dave said I should not think of it because it's MJ's drama to convince Cindy. While Kyle said before when they are drinking at MJ's house, MJ opens up to him that he has arrear to me and that clears up my mind he just used me to get Cindy's heart and make me look stupid.

Have I lost my best friend? Or she just lost herself and got fooled by selfish love?

We already graduated but we never talked anymore </3


Drink Moderately.

Don't drink if you really can't.

Author's Message

All feedback whether it is negative is acceptable.

Thanks to the Moderator of the Open For All community to allow my article to be auto-approved.

© Lead Image Edited in canva.com

Names that I used for the characters of my friend are alias only

Kelzy Speaks

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Written by
2 years ago


Grabeee. Ang saklap naman nitoooo. Nainom lang nang alak, nakagawa ng kung ano tapos nawalan kaagad ng kaibigan. At 'di lang isa ah, dalawa pa. :( Grabe talaga. Feel ko 'to. My mga friends ako before na super close ko, as in tapos biglang wala na. 'Di ko alam kung ako ang may problema or kulang o baka may mas better sa akin as a friend. Pero nagkaka-usap pa naman kami pero may ilang na eh. Hay nako. 'Yaan na nga, mas madami pa din namang nag-stay eh.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Inlove kasi yung kaibigan ko na babae dun sa kaibigan din namin na lalaki. Kaya parang mas naniwala siya dun. Si Stephen sabi niya kung lalaki ka tas hahalikan ka ng babae ay baka masaya ka pa, pero kung di mo naman gusto pwede ka naman umalis. Hindi siya umalis hinintay niya pa na dumating si Cindy tsaka umiyak. Sabi daw ni MJ pagdating ni Cindy, alam mo ba anong ginawa sakin niyan? Like ano daw? Si Cindy lang nagkwento nun sakin. Buti pa pag si Kyle kasama ko bahala siya na yung mapahamak at stress basta di ako masasaktan.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ay ganito din nangyari 'dun sa friend ko eh. Naka-close ko na s'ya since grade 10 pero mas naka-close ko s'ya 'nung nag-college. Dalawa lang kami 'nung start ng classes pero naging anim kami. Sanggang dikit nga kami 'nun eh pero na-inlove din. Eh 'di namin bet 'yung guy kasi napaka-bossy, manipulative, tapos may pagkabastos. Pero wala kaming nagawa hanggang sa naapektuhan lang friendship namin.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Iba talaga pag nabubulag sa pag ibig.

Pero yung lalaki na nagpaiyak iyak nung dumating si Cindy iba naman kwento kay Stephen. Sabi niya may atraso daw siya sakin means nung gabi na yun baka siya pa may ginawa. Tas siya pa umiyak.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wag pilitin ang bagay na hndi mo gugustuhin ang result haha.. Thanks for the mention

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Pass na ako Ate sa tagay, uwi na ko! Hahaha

Kaya nga po e. Pero siguro may purpose din bakit nangyari yun.

Fan reader niyo po ako <3 Pa-picture hehe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hey I found your article through noise.cash a while ago. And I got curious with the title. And while reading the whole story, I somewhat kinda relate. But not in the way that you lost your best friend. I lost mine over some silly misunderstanding. Though we kind of see each other a few times after that. The closeness we had back then, was never the same. Btw your article was great. Somewhat long but I enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing this, it kinda gave me an idea on what to write in my next article too. Would you mind if I mention you also?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hello Nana, greetings to you! I'm so grateful that you notice my article and didn't get bored even it was quite long. Hehe. It will be an honor for me if you will mention me in your next article <3 I will check you too 😘 Hugggggs!

$ 0.00
2 years ago