BitcoinCash and Litecoin

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Litcoin and Bitcoin Cash: What's the Difference?

Digital cash is one of the most popular uses for blockchain technology. If you have studied cryptocurrency outside of Bitcoin, you have faced the challenge of offering both the fastest, cheapest and most comprehensive system for digital money - Litcoin (LTC) and Bitcoin Cash (BCH).

As LTC and BCH compete in the same use, the differences become more apparent in their philosophical and technological approach. Let’s find out how diving and how they stand against each other.

Philosophical differences

It is important to understand that the sources of Litcoin and Bitcoin cash have shaped their philosophy and communities. At the beginning of each project, the political environment and the competitive projects in the industry were very different.

Litcoin's philosophy: a fair, transparent opening

Litcoin was launched by Google engineer and former director of engineering at Coinbase, Charlie Lee, two years after Bitcoin was launched in 2011. The blockchain industry was in its infancy at the time, but alternative cryptocurrencies (wellcoins) began to enter the market. Altcoins were traded on stock exchanges and began to attract investors. Investments One of the first criteria to consider when investing is if the project starts off smoothly.

The Fair Launch must meet several basic requirements:

There is no building. The coins were not picked by the makers, which gave them great success and financial benefits from mass diggers, investors and hobbyists.

A perfect team. The team behind the project is transparent and capable.

Special benefits. The project is not a bitcoin clone and instead offers technical and philosophical advantages over its competitors.

Litcoin fulfilled these three conditions and as a result, faith and community were former

There was no building. Satoshi, the creator of Bitcoin, has a one thousand wallet Bitcoin wallet, the creator of which is considered an economic threat to the Bitcoin ecosystem. Charlie Lee, on the other hand, dropped just 150 littecoins when the John worker began hitting the network's litcoin blockchain.

A perfect team. Charlie Lee is the face of Lightcoin. He is well known and has extensive experience as a software engineer.

The same goal is a clear approach. One of the obvious advantages of Litcoin at that time was the new mining algorithm. By 2011, Bitcoin miners were already using FPGA for mining, which paved the way for fast modern integrated chain (ASIC) devices. ASIC devices are more efficient than CPUs or GPUs, which can be uncomfortable for new miners. In contrast to Bitcoin’s SHA-256 algorithm, Litcoin has launched a new mining algorithm called Script, which allows daily miners to recover mining power with a CPU or GPU. Since the script was a new algorithm, FPGAs were not available. At the time of this writing, ASIC scripting devices were available but in 2011 this crypto helped rediscover an equal space for newcomers.

In the end, Litcoin's mission is clear in its name: providing a lightweight, fast and affordable version of Bitcoin, giving investors a second chance to gain access to the first floor of the cryptocurrency market. In 2011, Bitcoin worked very well for small and fast payments, so it was a script mining algorithm that served as a real incentive for team building.

The relationship of Bitcoin to Bitcoin

Litcoin is thought to have a symbolic relationship with Bitcoin, in fact it acts as a bitcoin brother. It is also considered a test network for Bitcoin because many upgrades such as Segwit were first made in Litcoin and later followed Bitcoin after success. Over time, Bitcoin has gained recognition as a gold price store, while Litcoin has remained the preferred currency for small and fast trading.

Charlie Lee said the Litcoin team is in contact with Bitcoin's core development team and he believes they can stay together. The cryptocurrency community is undoubtedly included in the top ten market capitalization of currencies due to their loyal followers and continues to grow. They believe in chain constraints and are in good agreement with the current Bitcoin map.

Fast forward six years and bitcoin cash was introduced to the scene, but why not? Let's find out.

Bitcoin Cash View: Get back to the basics of Bitcoin

Bitcoin Cash is managed by Roger Verr, CEO of A few years later, he blamed Bitcoin on the updated Bitcoin Roadmap, outraged by Bitcoin's failure, to deviate from Satsi's idea of ​​expanding the chain to include non-chain (private) agreements.

Why did Bitcoin move away from the chain scale? Good question.

In 2010, at the beginning of Bitcoin's existence, an adjustment was made to limit the size of the Bitcoin block to 1 MB. The amendment was made to protect against security threats, especially for hackers who can access unlimited sized blocks for network theft. With 1 MB sized blocks, the chain was limited and as a result, the group had to work creatively through solutions like Lightning Network.

The purpose of the chainless solution is to remove loads from the blockchain, allow instantaneous and private transactions, chain of chain and then transfer future results to the public blockchain. This is how the exchange is like. Buyers and sellers instantly trade in the centralized ecosystem of the stock exchange, after which the trader goes into his wallet and the residue is transferred to the network.

Litcoin also agrees, because they also have an electricity network

The difference between Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash is that Litcoin is satisfied with off-chain solutions and the goal of Bitcoin Cash is to make all transactions transparent, chain and large block.

@RogerVer believes that private and non-chain deals contradict Satoshi's core view of digital cash. He spends on potential security issues - Bitcoin wants to take full advantage of the proposed universal, incredible system. In his view, the creation of non-chain payment channels goes against all bitcoins and privatizes industries like modern banks.

Bitcoin Cash's relationship with Bitcoin

Bitcoin is competing with cash Bitcoin. In response to Bitcoin's instructions, Bitcoin has been swept away by the cash flow. The original network was launched on August 1, 2017 in 478,559 blocks as Bitcoin Hard Fork. This means that anyone with a BCH-compatible wallet in Bitcoin Block # 478,559 received an equal amount of BCH. The event has been called the controversial hard fork to promote using the Bitcoin brand and user base.

In short, Litcoin and Bitcoin cash compete for the same use but are created in situations that are fundamentally different with different basic philosophies. Litcoin is commonly known as a project that works side by side with Bitcoin, while Bitcoin cash is seen as a direct competitor to win over miners and investors from Bitcoin.

It is important to examine the technical differences between them before making a decision.

Technical differences

When we understand why Litcoin and Bitcoin were made in cash, let’s look at the differences in their performance. Technical features and network statistics are a key part of the information used by cryptocurrency investors to predict the future of the currency.

These are the main indicators to consider in currency research

  • When blocking

  • Block size limit

  • Mining algorithm

  • Cover and general supplies

  • Transfer amount

  • Wealth distribution

  • Hashrett distribution

Tables for viewing these statistics on each currency as well:

Then, let’s break down a few of these ideas and see how they affect each project.

When blocking

Often, block times affect the rate of inflation. Each time a block is created, the mine donors are awarded a block. Block rewards change over time and so does inflation. We have the math to keep things simple in terms of capital. The inflation rate for Litcoin is currently 9.13% per annum and will fall to 4.09% during the next recession (4.06 months). The inflation rate of Bitcoin cash is 3.86% per annum until the next Bitcoin contraction.

The reason why the projects did not create five-second speed blocks was because the technical reasons for the orphan block had a deadline. If there are a large number of orphan blocks, it can be difficult to identify parent blocks for transactions that cause problems with the balance of the user and the overall condition of the notebook. It's a bit technical, but we'll leave it at that.

In the end, LTC and BCH account for more than 50% of the available supply, so transaction fees, productivity and accessibility are now more important than project inflation Illuminati.

Transfer speed

Many investors confuse locking time with transaction speed, but they are not directly related. Litcoin blocking time is 2.5 minutes, which does not mean that you will receive Litcoin within 2.5 minutes. In fact, at the time of writing, Litcoin has an average operating rate of ~ 30 minutes. Bitcoin cash can be exchanged, but it is now time dependent, like litcoin. These numbers can change at any time depending on several variables.

Transfer speeds - blocking, hashtags and number of infections. You want more hashtags to make things easier. The more hashtags you have, the more you can perform. The lower the hashrate, the less time it may take to complete the process. If there is zero hash, the network becomes inoperable

Block size and hash distribution

The size of the block affects the number of transactions included in the block. The larger the block size, the more transactions can be made. Some people prefer Bitcoin Cash as 8MB, while some people prefer 1MB Litecoin

Its effects are here. Larger blocks eventually lead to central mining, as large blocks of 100 or 1,000 gigabytes can only be downloaded and processed by high-level individuals or organizations.

It is not effective to expect an average of 500 blockchain downloads for Wallet Sync. As a result, several large mining corporations are emerging, retaining the network instead of thousands of mines worldwide. Bitcoin cash’s blockchain is currently 6,166 gigabytes compared to 21 21 in litcoin. While this speculation is interesting, let’s take a look at the real results by looking at the distribution of hashtags between Bitcoin and Bitcoin cash pools.

Litcoin Hash Distribution (January 21, 2019)

Bitcoin Cash Hashert Distribution (as of January 21, 2019):

As you can see, neither Bitcoin nor Bitcoin cash is their democracy. % 45% of the total volume of the two largest mining pool networks for bitcoin cash. In contrast Litcoin is slightly lower than the top two pools, at ~ 33%. So it is better to encourage individual minerals of small blockchain size, care should be taken for these mining pools. Both LTC and BCH could make some more use of decentralization.

Wealth distribution

In the cryptocurrency scenario, early birds tend to get worms, especially between LTC and BCH approved (POW) coins. First workers have great advantages over subsequent workers. Thus, it is important to use public blockchain and how resources are distributed within the wallet

The top 100 wallets in Litcoin account for 41.66% of all assets and the Bitcoin Cash Top 100 wallets hold 25.09% of total assets. In this context, Litcoin is more prone to being controlled by its owners.

Next step: Stop your stitching

In the end, both Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash are committed projects with more than 99% of the market activity, but they take a completely different approach to achieving the same goal.

The general view adopted by the community is that Litcoin looks more positive - combined with the current map of Bitcoin’s current and chain-wide distribution. At the same time, the amount of bitcoin cash is even lower, has controversial startups and, despite the impact of increasing block size, relies on full-scale scalability. Bitcoin Cash needs to polarize their reputation and persuade many to join their network to see long-term success like Litcoin

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@TheRandomRewarder Thank you for your Upvoting....

@RogerVer @georgedonnelly @MarcDeMesel @Omar@BitcoinCash I hope You Like my Article.... Please inspire me ...

Thanks for All........

$ 0.77
$ 0.77 from @TheRandomRewarder


Which one is best Litcoin or bitcoin?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Bitcoin 💯

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3 years ago

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3 years ago

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3 years ago

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3 years ago

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3 years ago

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3 years ago

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3 years ago

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3 years ago