True Love is Eternal

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Avatar for KatinessEverdeen
2 years ago
Topics: True love

Greetings dear read dot users.

Story is quite long, so let's get on with the story right away.

The story is about a young couple in the city of Pandacan, Manila, the capital of the Philippines. The young man's name was Aljendro, and his wife's name was Trisha. When the Bahol Earthquake of February 1990 struck, people panicked, and many died from shock and stress. Furthermore, his wife's already-existing depression, was exacerbated by the quake. Both have lived happy lives since then. They were so deeply in love that they made vow to be together till death.

They had two children, one a girl and one a boy. The girls name was Zephyr, and boy's name was Adonais. They had a great deal of love for one another. Their love became the buzz of town. whenever a couple in the community argued or quarelled, others would give examples of their love to reconcile them.

Interestingly, their merriage was not love merriage. But after merriage, they became so close that they started to worship one another. One evening, after dinner, they went to their room, where they both sat and started conversing when his wife, out of the blue, asked him question.

You love me so intensely that you get distressed when iam absent_your face blossoms like a flower when you see me but wilts when iam not around you. So iam worried about how would you live without me? How would you live if I died or God forbade anything happen to me?

The spouse responded love is not whether you remain with someone. Love is a test. And yeah you are right, I cannot imagine my life without you. I cannot stand to be without you. After you my life will be a living hell. My face does have a floral aroma when you are around me, I feel as if iam in paradise when you are with me, and I can see and smell the wave of the aroma of heaven when you are close to me. And no doubt without you iam nothing. I want to spend my whole life with you, and if I had one wish, it would be that our lord keep us together forever. Because being apart from you is something I cannot imagine.

Tears were flowing in her eyes after hearing the words her spouse, she said to him, "As far as we are aware, no person enters this planet with anybody. He always enters this world alone and departs alone. So if I pass away, try not to be sad and never let the flame of our love die.

A few days later, while his wife was preparing tea for him in the kitchen, his daughter approaches her and says, "Mum, I had a seen a dream, that you were rising from the ground and ascending towards the sky. I made every effort to stop you, but you just vanished in the sky.

After hearing her dream, her mother said to her:

"It was a nightmare." You are a little girl. This kind of dream keeps occuring.

However, she had had this dream herself. In other words she knew that, she had just few days left on earth.

So, as she was walking down the stairs with the tea in her hands, her foot slipped, and she fell to the ground. When she fell to the ground, her little daughter started screaming and running towards her mother. Her father rushed towards the ground when he heared the child's scream and quickly started preparing to take his wife to the hospital.

After much struggle, he got a cab and took his wife to the hospital, But sadly, his wife died on the way. When the doctor examined her pulse, he declared that she was no longer alive, Her spouse was taken aback by this. And he was refusing to accept her death because he loved her so much that he could not near the thought of being separated from her.

He hold her hands and asked, "How could you leave me alone in this world?" Tears were flowing from his eyes, "You said you would be with me for rest of my life, so why you have left me for whom you left me in this world?

His lovely wife was buried following Filpino customs and traditions, and her grave is still adorned with flowers. People still visit her cemetery to pay their respects and hear the tale of their undying love for one another.

Well, the condition of his husband was not good after her death. He stopped speaking to anybody. He was still alive, but he looked like a living corpse ( died from inside).

After a year when his daughter told her brothers and father about the same dream which she told her mother, her father's eyes filled with tears, and he stated she knew she would no longer live in this world. She made me swear not to cry if she left this world and raised my children properly.

Love is still alive in people's heart, but it's just our illusion and assumptions that if someone has left this world, then love ends for them. Many people love someone forever, and there is no limits and end to their love, Even today, in our country, the Philpines, more than 60% of women are divorced, and they always seek genuine love, but unfortunately they are unable to find it.

True love is Eternal.


This was a long story, but I cut it short and shared just main points, it's true story told to me by one of my philpine friend and I tried my best to pen it down correctly, still there are alot of mistakes that I have made while writing this story, please ignore my mistakes as iam still beginner in the field of writing.


Thank you for taking sometime and reading it, don't forget to show some love by upvoting, my article and don't forget to like, subscribe and share your thoughts on true love would love to read your thoughts.


Lastly, don't forget me and my parents in your precious prayers.

Stay happy, stay blessed and be safe


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2 years ago
Topics: True love


I believe too that love is eternal, for God who is the source of love is eternal. But human relationship as husband and wife is not eternal. Our God is a God of love, peace , and order and not of confusion. What a tragic situation it is in heaven , to settle a dispute between who is really the true one to be the wife or the husband . For in heaven there will be no more marriage . If there will be marriage in heaven , it will be the Marriage of Christ and the Church. My Christian belief .

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Truly true love is eternal!

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Indeed sis it is, have a beautiful day ahead and good night

$ 0.00
2 years ago