How I plan to spend the month of October

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Avatar for KatinessEverdeen
1 year ago
Topics: Goals, Plans, Hope



Howdy read dot users?

Greetings to all of you, I hope you guys are doing well, iam also fine and busy with hectic routine of my life, I have seen many people have started setting their goals for the month of October. After reading their plans for the month of October I thought that I should also set some goals for October month and work diligently to achieve them. In this article, I will describe my goals for October month and at the end of the month i will also write a progress report so that you can determine whether or not I achieved them.

Setting goals

Setting goals is easy, but achieving them is difficult. I used to have goals, but I never put much effort into pursuing them, so this time iam going to break this habit and work diligently to achieve my goals.

My primary goal is to complete hemlet and waiting for Godot. Both of these are tragic dramas. Hemlet is a well known tragic drama written by renowned writer, poet, Dramatist William Shakespeare. It's my goal to complete both of them by the end of October month

"Self love is the best love"

Second Goal

My second goal is to love myself, show more love to myself. Sometimes we are so engrossed in our work, responsibilities and other activities that we forget ourselves, therefore this month iam gonna make myself feel special and treat myself special.

Third goal

My third goal for this month is to write 15 articles, I have seen people setting goals of writing 30, 35 articles but for me it's not that easy, so iam just setting a target of writing 15 articles and I hope that I will be able to reach it.

Fourth goal

To improve my performance on exams, my fourth goal is to have all of my major subjects notes written down well in advance of the exams.

Fifth goal

My fifth goal is to save money in order to give an unexpected gift to my mother on the occasion of her upcoming birthday. She has been through alot in her life, so I want to make her birthday extra special by giving her birthday surprise, I hope my surprise will bring a smile on her face.

Last goal

My last goal and I think it will always be my goal is to enhance my writing skills by reading; thus I would appreciate if you could recommend to me any two books that you believe would be helpful to me in enhancing my writing skills.

These are all the goals, I have set for the month of October, and at the end of month I will write a report progress as well.

This is all for today, Thank you for taking sometime and reading my article, I would appreciate if you guys share your opinion or thoughts in the coment section.

Well, don't forget me in your precious prayers

Stay blessed, Stay happy


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Avatar for KatinessEverdeen
1 year ago
Topics: Goals, Plans, Hope


I never set a goals since I've started here because it depends only if I have enough time to write and think what will be my new topic. It's been few months since I've completed the whole month, how I missed that days lol.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

And I can't write without settings goals 😂 iam not talented like you

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Very nice goals I particularly like your 2nd goal. I hope you achieve them all!!

$ 0.01
1 year ago

I hope too 😅

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I read " helmet" instead of hemlet oh my God 😂I am funny super lame

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Haha it's okay I also wrote helmet many times even when k was searching a picture for hemlet the options of helmet were coming haha

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I stop making goals. I told myself "Just do it!" And it's working. 😊

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Oh that's very good, but I have to make goals without goals iam unable to work on myself

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Those are pretty good goals. I too am saving for my boyfriend's birthday this November. I don't know how much I will manage!

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Oh when is his birthday? Iam good in making cards if you want I will make a card for him from your side

$ 0.01
1 year ago

It's on the 15th of November. I want to get him something from my online gold digging. How do you make your cards? Hand painted?

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Seriously, and my brithday is on 16 Yes I made card by writing and adding some flowers, you will surely gonna like it haha if you are on share me your your link I will make beautiful card for him from your side!!

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Awww that is so nice of you. Unfortunately I do not have yet.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hey goodluck dear , i know you can manage to reach all of it , most importantly the gift to your mom.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I hope I will my dear sis thank you for showing your presence

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Wish you the very best of luck with your October Goals. I agree, "Setting goals is easy, but achieving them is difficult" But try to stick to your goal inshAllah you will gonna achieved.

Happiest birthday in advance to your mom. She is an amazing Indeed.

No way, you are an incredible writer and you are doing wonderful so no need to worry. Well, I am currently reading "Its ends with us by Colleen hoover.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Will read it surely it dear sis but I know iam not good at writing but I hope one day I will be writing like you and for that I have to work hard! Thanks for advance wishes, she is the best mother and you are the worlds best sister, May God bless you always!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

True my friend. Setting goals is very easy but achieving it is very challenging. It's not easy to achieve, it should have a dedication, perseverance and hardwork.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Indeed dear sis I hope this time I will be be achieving my all goals

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes you will my friend. You will achieve your goals.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Goodluck with your October goals sis. And I hope you can save the amount you want to surprise your mother on her special day. I know for sure that whatever you will give to your mom, she will be happy for it and appreciate it.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Indeed she has suffered alot her in life, and I want to bring a smile on her face by giving her surprise

$ 0.00
1 year ago