Science is spiritual discovery rather than just human intelligence

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Avatar for Kannexbro
3 years ago

Sometimes I wonder if what science does is really based on just the ability to think alone or something spiritual is behind this, I know for a fact that nobody can think above earth, and if have the ability to even think about earth can only be achieve through these two spiritual entity that is God or satan, but if you feel that science is just human discovery and has nothing to do with spirituality now answer this Questions.

According to Samsung a phone needs about 400 component, now they will tell you that you make and receive calls through what is called radio frequency my question is who discover radio frequency, what derived to that ,who told that radio frequency can be discover or even exist in the first place

they say that the raw material used in producing glass or screen is called silica sand my question who discover this so called silica sand, what was his source of inspiration, how did he or she knew that this particular sand can be used to make glass or screen.

Who discover crude oil, how did he or she knows that it can be refined to other liquid or other useful liquid can be extracted from it, now who discover that petrol can be used in generator or vehicle, how did they come to discover that kerosene can be used for cooking , how did they come to discover that JET-A1 fuel can be used in aeroplane or used in the aviation industry.

African herbalist will tell you that if you have fever what you should take is the root of a mango tree and put it inside waster then boil it, that after it is cold that you should drink it that the fever will vanish, now my question how did Africa discover that mango root can can treat fever, how did those herbalist discover that you need to boil it before drinking, how did they even understand the pharmaceutical content of mango root and even recommended it to people Note! That herbal drug have been in existence before the white invaded african, this is to tell you that our people were not educated for them to have understand the pharmaceutical content of mango root, to the extent of even treating a patient with it.

Today we look at yourself in the mirror, if silica sand was used to produce glass, then who came up with the idea of mirror, where did he or she derive his or her inspiration from and even knowing that mirror can actually take a temporary image of oneself.

Today we snap ourself with our mobile phone but wait how was the camera even produce, who produce it, how did he or she came about his or her discovery that camera can be actually achieve, who taught him or her camera module, camera lens.

These are just little questions that I want to ask because if I wish to state all of my questions here, I can assure you that we might spent 24 hours reading this article.

Note that no body can Actually invent something without an inspiration, e.g you can't invent without seeing something as inspiration you can't invent aeroplane without an inspiration and it to invent something you need to think above this planet which such knowledge can only be achieve by these spiritual forces God or Satan.

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$ 0.44
$ 0.44 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Kannexbro
3 years ago


If you believe there is no God or Satan you do so at your own peril. Think wisely cause there is always a spiritual backing for anything that happens on earth

$ 0.00
3 years ago

God will bless you for this statement

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Sure is either one or the other. But what happens on earth has its own spiritual backing.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

God gives knowledge to develop our society more

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Both has it's own benefit....... keep writing

$ 0.00
3 years ago

One thing is that the scripture is complete and completely full , we are humans with the breath of God , the understand to create the seen out of the unseen it what would make it be.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

True. We need to see God in everything we do, cause with him we are everything but without him we're nothing

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Kannexbro keep the good work, science not backed by belief which is a religion is long gone

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Good write up bro, truly without the spiritual involvement most of this things might not to possible

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Keep it up brother. I learn a new think of your articles. Please write more

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Well it's very beneficial

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Science is one of the most important part of our modern civilization. We cannot think ourselves without it.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Science has its benefits, while nature has its benefits as well... Both should go paripasu

$ 0.00
3 years ago