Fast Talk To Confession

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Avatar for Kalopsia_11
2 years ago

After I’ve done doing everything my house chores I sat on my bed and wandering something. I choose to hold my phone and I wrote this questions (came from any social media platforms) so that it helps me know myself more and know how far I am right now yet I felt different way.

• Zodiac Sign

♎ Libra

• Three Fears

Losing someone I love, worst illness and heights

• Three things I love

Planting flowers, travel and foods

• Last song I listened

Hambog Nang Sagpro Crew: Local Rap songs and Christian worship songs

• What color underwear I am wearing right now?

Purple, white and green

• The reason why I joined this platform

I was bored on my daily life routine and I want to earn of course.

• Three things upset me

Wrong accusations, judgement and discrimination

• Three things that makes me happy

Foods, Family and travelling

• What I find attractive in other people?

They well mannered character and God fearing

• Someone I miss

My old classmates friends from elementary to high school

• Someone I love

My family

• My relationship with my parents

It is so good so far where good after everything.

• Three things that annoys me easily

Dirty surrounding, unmannered character and people who spend more time on gadgets than important work

• My favorite animals

I like rabbit yet I don’t have any one.

• Something that’s currently worrying me

Daily expenses and Mother Earth

• Where I work

I work only at home.

• Something that’s constantly in my mind

Mother Earth current status

• Three habits I have

Sleeping, eating and thinking HAHA

• Future goals

Stable job, no worries for financial, good education and I can give my child needs for the future. I also have one I want to buy my own house and lot.

• My favorite foods

Pizza, spicy and cheesy foods

• What I did yesterday ?

I wash clothes, cooked for my kid, cleaned the surrounding and water my plants.

• Something I’m talented at

Maybe taking good care of things. I don’t have talent for dance or singing. I like art yet I don’t think that’s a talent for me. Ah I like designing.

• Number of kids I want

I already have one daughter right now but I want two a boy and a girl.

• Do I smoke or drink ?

I drunk occasionally. I don’t smoke it’s bad for my weak heart yet I tried it honestly way back my grades school days.

• Are you living in meaningful life ?

Yes of course.

• What’s one thing you can live without?

I can’t live without my God.

• What inspire you the most?

My family and my past experiences

• What do you think are the most beautiful things in the world?

This is my answer it’s always on my saying lists; “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched — they must be felt with the heart.” By Helen Keller

• Do you believe in heaven and hell?


• Do you trust anyone in your life?

I already have a trust issue yet I still trust anyone I don’t have a right to immediately judge someone.

• Do you believe in true love?

Yes I do ❤️

• Would you consider yourself an introvert or extrovert?

I am an introvert person yet I’m willing to be an extrovert for the better.

• What’s the thing you most want to achieve before you die?

I want to make my family in a better and secure future without worries about the financial, honestly it seems financial needs is always the big problem for them even for me. I want to see them in stable and happy place before I die.

• What makes you most angry about your country?

I never got angry about my country, my country is my home a place where everything are fun. I got angry on my countrymen but not all for being raised unmannered, irresponsible and being unfair.

• When do you know that it is just another challenge or it’s already a sign?

Maybe for example in relationships challenge for me when both of you still fighting for each other and it’s already a sign if I am the only one fighting for the relationship.

• What are your most thankful for?

I am thankful for my life even if my mother don’t want me at first when she know she was pregnant again. I know it because I read his dairy which she didn’t know, what a painful feeling knowing everything at a young age.

• A confession

I tried to end my life many times because of my depression and anxiety, I have a painful and miserable journey in the past. I want to end because I can’t take it anymore there’s a lot of challenges given for me. I was alone. I am an introvert it is hard for me to open up and share to other about my feelings. I am with my faith to God since young yet for me it is not enough and I know I need someone who really understand me. Gladly I met someone and he helps me changed and fight my weakness.

After answering all I felt different way because when I read back everything it turns easy to hard pieces of questions. It is like a farmer digging to make a wheel of water the longer he dig the darkest inside the hole. Although it was dark inside, the farmer never disappoint himself because after all the fighting between obstacles, sacrifices and hard work of digging he already reach his purpose of why he made the hole.

Key words;

I. Farmer = myself

II. Digging = throwback of past

III. Darkest inside the hole = bad life experience

IV. Wheel of water = life purpose.

Photo from Google

CONCLUSION: Continue living yourself you’re not a prisoner of your past, don’t ever jailed yourself. There’s a lot of reasons to continue. My mind was too young before so I ended up resolving my obstacles by doing stupidity. Lesson learned never solve a problem by another problem it will make even worst. When you think you’re alone at this point of time, I know that God give you a person or people who will be in your side no matter what life obstacles you will encounter.

Thank you reading my articles always, and those who stopped by on my articles thank you also. May the God bless you always, keep safe! ❤️

Sponsors of Kalopsia_11

$ 0.03
$ 0.02 from @Bloghound
$ 0.01 from @Esp130
Sponsors of Kalopsia_11
Avatar for Kalopsia_11
2 years ago


Nice to meet you friend and hope we may stay here as good friends

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes I'll subscribe your account, visit and read your articles. Thank you friend.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I also love to hear Hambog ng Sangpro crew rap, but christian songs is the best..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow di lang pala ako nag iisa. Ano nga po name mo sa noise ?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

hehe yes, we have something in common 💚💚 Phillip14321 💚💚

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nakita ko na yung noise mo sis.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

matagal ko ng hindi nagamit ang noise ko pero babalikan ko ngayon .

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nakita ko nga matagal nang di naopen. Balik ka sis.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

hehe babalik ako sis 💚💚

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Kumusta noise mo sis ?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

hehe kababalik lang ng net sis, plan kong mag log in ngayon hehe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It reminds me of a slam book in my high school days hehe. It's nice to know more about you, @Kalopsia :) Nice to meet you!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nice to know you also @Bloghound thank you for dropping by.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I felt great to read it and know about you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you for dropping by. ☺️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This really said a lot about yourself. I enjoyed reading this. The mother Earth is really calling for our help, it needs our contribution to lessen the bugs on it

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you for appreciating my written article. Indeed Mother Earth needs our help.

$ 0.00
2 years ago