No Earning for 4days. What's the way?

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Written by
1 year ago

Hello beautiful people!

Good morning, I know you're doing good. Just be fine🥰. I woke up with lots of bugging thoughts this morning...

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Thank you dear sponsors✌️🥰

There's this thing that's common to humans, we know how to console someone that's passing through challenges, advicing him not to give up and keep trusting the system. No lies, I'm very fond of that, I like to tell you how things are and possible hope of picking up again if didn't give up.

We know how to talk out the difficult situation into the simplest form, making the issue look like a mere one. I don't know if you've visited a mourning home, yes all the consoling words will be picked out from their hidding places. Lol🤣.


In all these, we have the confidence to say them because we are not really affected. Imagine telling a woman that just lost her husband in two days of wedding, to take heart💔.

It's not that we don't know how it feels to be in such difficult condition, we do because some of us have passed through there but AT THAT MOMENT YOU'RE IN THAT SHIT, it looks like hell.

I remember when I started my journey here, I got a lot of encouragement to keep grinding, not to give up even if the payment is not coming in large manners. I yielded to those words and kept grinding, but something happened along the way.

I noticed that a large numbers of people that were encouraging us to keep grinding during those days are no longer to be found here anymore. I came across a brother on WhatsApp and we were jokingly talking about the Earning situation on Readcash and he said he's given up on the system. I reminded him of the days of his encouragement to us; the newbie to keep grinding and laughed so hard.

Life happens differently to different people, change occurs anytime and when it comes, we should play along.

  • I haven't earned for 4days

To some extent I'm demotivated to continue here but somehow I'm still me.

Yesterday again, I had to check my account if I've been spammed that has made rusty to forget me but I found out that I'm still active. So why the absenteeism? That's the question I've been asking.

Before last week I've been receiving low tips by Rusty and I didn't complained because of the nature of the system now(especially the dip), I didn't complained because with that I felt I'm still valued as an active member.

I've increased my tempo of engagement just to spark up Rusty's notification but the more I do, the more he keeps disappearing.

I've been writing everyday just to put my name on the record of active publishers but it seems I'm impressing a ghost that doesn't exist.

I'm not saying I'm giving up here but I'm pained (no lies), here has been a big blessing to me financially but I don't know why it's turning to a curse(I'm kinda wasting time🤷). Just like most of us have taken here to be like home, that has been my experience too, here is like I home that I usually fall back to relief myself...I can't remember the last day I stayed a whole day without visiting readcash.

@TheRandomRewarder please Come and visit me!

Yes, I need that kinda motivation now, I don't want to give up so soon.

  • A lot of people have disappeared.

It's no longer news that most people are no longer active here. I woke up this morning to read articles and I met a very few published articles on my notification unlike before that I'll get weakened by the articles on my notification before going to read.

I don't know how many days this is gonna continue but if it persist for a long time, then... I'll disappear and probably appear again 🤔.

Thanks for READING

27th July 2022


$ 1.82
$ 1.73 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.04 from @Princessbusayo
$ 0.02 from @Gaftekloriginal
+ 2
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Written by
1 year ago


naku, 4 days, ramdamn ko din yun lods,

it toook me few months para mag sipag sa read kasi walang naka pagsabi sa kin na malaki ang kita nila dito noon lalo at mataas pa ang presyo ng bch last year. iilang articles ko sa una walang tips eh,

don't give up on read po, babalik din to

$ 0.01
1 year ago

same here my friend, but I'm not losing my hope Let's grind even harder!

$ 0.01
1 year ago

I agree with that, earnings are much reduced. What really happened? Even I feel, I have made an article with a good idea, no plagiarism and made it in the right order.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

We both are relatable because same is happening with me these days and i am in worry due this

$ 0.00
1 year ago

More and more people are switching to hive and I won't blame them for doing so coz the situation of things here is getting worse. Some of us are still fortunate enough to still be her visits from rusty, if not I don't think it will be possible to still remain here

$ 0.01
1 year ago

The thing is no longer funny at all. If they're not doing again, they should officially shutdown the site na😥

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It's not only you that's experimenting with this, I know how you felt and if it's me too, I will say more than this but I will advise that you just keep writing even if it's not every day. Better days are still coming.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

On a norm I don't like lamenting on this topic because it's not my father's money but e dn choke me. Lol🤣. I'll keep grinding and Expect a miracle

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Don't worry dear 💞 I am very happy here till now because I am a starter and the experience is so good

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Okay bro, please don't allow this article to tame your faith on this site. Keep up the work.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Don't be disheartened i know it is declining your confidence but you should keep doing your hard work

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Thank you, I'll continue to grind and see if a positive outcome occurs

$ 0.00
1 year ago

This is also happening with me ! But don't worry he will surely came here on your post don't be disheartened we all are with you

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Yeah, I'm not giving up, I'm going to keep the grinding and hope for a miracle

$ 0.00
1 year ago

The same thing is happening to me, but for more than a month, before I was doing better but now that I work more on my articles, I take things more seriously, I am not to your liking. But well, I continue with passion, improving and learning.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

It's well, let's hope things turn out well

$ 0.00
1 year ago