Joram's fate

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Written by
1 year ago

Hello People!

Special greetings to you all!

It seems it's because my recent articles are less than 4mins read that's why @TheRandomRewarder has refused to show me love.

I decided to make a long one to put rusty to test🤭.

Enjoy this fictional piece by me🥰

Joram's dream right from high school has been to be a civil engineer, even when his brain battles with anything that has to do with mathematics. He managed to advance to the higher institution to study his long-admired course, Civil Engineering.

It always baffles him whenever he thinks of how he has managed to scale through to the university level. He crammed mathematical steps all through his secondary schooling stage and planned to continue with it at the university level, but everything took a new turn when he met high levels of mathematics (further mathematics; permutations, calculus etc).

He never gave up. He continued his way, but the more he tried, the more it became more difficult.

He decided to make friends with the brilliant students in the class, and fortunately for him, Kenneth welcomed him with an open heart. So they became best of friends, and Joram made sure he never offended him because Kenneth promised to show him the easy way to mathematics's heart.

Their first test came and Jordan failed. He became more desperate for a way forward. Meanwhile, Kenneth had been procastinating in showing him the way because he didn't think that Joram could do what it took, but due to daily disturbance and pressure from Joram, he finally agreed to show him what he had been using.

A new week came. Kenneth called him to a corner after the first lecture for the day. He made it clear to him that no one understands the fullness of mathematics with an ordinary brain, and anyone that wants to excel in mathematics must tap into a supernatural power. He told Joram that he had been getting help from a supernatural house. Joram became shocked after hearing that, but Kenneth convinced him to calm down.

Kenneth continued, He told him that there's an alpha in the town that helps people with how to easily understand mathematics. "God forbid" Joram waved it off immediately when he heard of an alpha because he knew that things like that always involve sacrifices with blood, but Kenneth laughed at him and told him to relax because he didn't need to sacrifice any humans. All he needed was just an "owl".
Hearing the 'owl' instead of a human being for sacrifice, Joram became interested. He assured Kenneth that he's ready to do anything as long as it's an owl that's required.

At that moment, Kenneth picked up his phone and dialed the alpha's number. He answered the call, and Kenneth told him that he had a client for him. The alpha gave him a date when he'd be available and also told Kenneth to direct Joram on what to do.
After the call, he explained all the processes to Joram; he must go there with a live owl, with N5,000 ($7), and at midnight of the next Friday.

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Did Joram become scared because of midnight? But he was a little relieved because he thought Kenneth would be going with him, but his mood changed again when Kenneth told him that he must go alone. Kenneth assured him not to be scared because the process is not horrific and won't take time, and as a matter of fact, his only task is to take the owl and the money to meet the Alpha that night and return back. That's all.

The next day, which was Friday, they started to make preparations. They first of all bought the owl and tied it to a pole at the corner of the house. Joram had money in his account, so he went to the bank to withdraw some cash and kept N5,000 aside for the Alpha.

Kenneth decided to stay with him that night so as to always stir up encouragement. When it was twelve o'clock, Joram set out for the journey. Kenneth assured him not to be scared and told him to always call him whenever the way seemed confusing, so he would direct him.
Joram tied the mouth of the owl to prevent it from making sounds and placed it inside a black polythene bag.

He left and, luckily for him, he met a biker very close to his house. He gave him the direction of the area he was going to, and the bikeman billed him double because it was already midnight. He agreed to pay and they left.

They got to the junction within 20 minutes of driving. Joram paid the bike man and they went their separate ways. Joram picked up his phone and called the Alpha to tell him that he was close by and the man told him to keep coming.

Kenneth, at home, felt that he must hear from Joram to know the situation, so he picked up the phone to call him.
Joram, on the other hand, was beginning to be scared of the environment because he was no longer seeing houses, all he was seeing were lights hung on poles like a local streetlight also, the environment was silently dead.

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Suddenly, his phone rang with a loud ring tone, and the vibration from the phone made him more scared to the point that he got shivered and dropped the bag containing the owl, and the owl flew out of the bag because its feathers were not tied (only the mouth was). Being a nocturnal animal, it found its way flying around, and Joram could not catch it. He angrily called back his friend and told him how his call made him scared and he lost the owl.

Kenneth quickly called the alpha to tell him the situation, and the alpha told him that there was nothing he could do because that was the fate of his friend. And also, he'll die before 3:00 am that night (morning).

Story was cut short, Joram died as the alpha predicted, and Kenneth couldn't keep it to himself. He reported himself to the police, the parents of Joram were informed, and the alpha was arrested. He was sentenced to life imprisonment while Kenneth was placed in jail for a year.


This was originally published in my other platform


Thanks for reading🥰🥰

28th October 2022

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Written by
1 year ago


Wow! That was a very unexpected ending. But the story was good. It shows that not everything that we want will be in our hands and so we must learn how to give up as well.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Na oversabi wey dey kill cat. It was obvious from the beginning that the guy had no talents in mathematics. He was just forcing it on himself

$ 0.01
1 year ago

For sure rusty is going to consider you. Your piece has alot of lesson inside of it. I have also learnt a lot for this story it looks so real.

$ 0.01
1 year ago