Comparison and motivation quotes are...

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1 year ago

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A very good day to you all, I know You're doing good. Just be fine. It's a beautiful morning here but with no battery on phone😭.

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Don't allow comparison to push you to the wall.

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The issue of comparison has pushed alot of people to the wall, it has resulted to a lot of suicidal acts that have led to depression and death. The moment you start comparing yourself with other people, you start bringing low self esteem to yourself.

Yes, comparison is good somehow because it pulls out someone from a stagnated point (if the comparison is aimed at becoming better), but oftentimes it causes more harm to the the body, spirit soul & mind.

What's making me to say all these?

I came across a thread on nairaland about a guy that's crying because he's 30years and still living in his parents house, he has nothing doing, no job and he's a graduate. He has no friend to live with nor a place to go.

Sincerely his case is appalling and he needs instant intervention or deliverance. At that age as a guy, even if he's still in his family house, he should be working (I mean anything at all), or having means to milk money(even in his room), but he's just there, depending on Miracle job/money to fall on him while he eats from Mama's pot. I'm not criticising, but that stage is too odd to be idle. Even if no job is coming his way, he should at least get into skill learning and parents will help to foot some bills.

But look at my pain.

I went down to read comments and some of the commenters were boldly telling him to go into Yahoo(internet fraud) because that's the only solution left for him to "blow"(succeed). These guys went far to explain how they started living on their own at the age of 18 with maximum comfortability. Saying it's too late for the guy to start up a business or getting a work now because he's getting old and these sources of income will generate stipends compared to Yahoo.

One of them added also that he's a graduate of Civil engineering but the certificate is irrelevant because what's fetching him money is Yahoo and he's not leaving it till eternity.

I wasn't surprised at this kind of advice on a social media, infact the last place to go for advice when you're about taking your life is social media, they'll give you ticket to heaven with comments🤪.

If the guy decides to take the advices serious, he'll start comparing his present life with fraudsters in his environment and at the end he'll give up on being good and choose to go the evil side.

Motivational talks!

No doubt, motivational talks are good and they are there to bring out the best in us when diligently hearkened to, but permit me to say that it's not all motivational talks you go with.

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We are different and I'm a totally different being when it comes to motivational quotes or talks. I don't find them interesting for one day. I'm my own motivator, I motivate myself with what I'm aiming at. I set my target and pushes my life towards it and not putting people's words as pioneer. I'm not saying taking counsel from people is bad, I'm pointing at where people dwell on people's random quotes for survival.

Let's look at this:

In as much as there are people with higher knowledge of something, we are still all equal. What entered their brain to put on the quote can actually enter your brain as well.

I've read many contradicting words from different authors, teachers, pastors, etc on this case of giving advice to People (motivations).

A quick one;

Some well known religion leaders will tell you to serve God with everything within you, like, be in church 24/7, not doing any other work and see God providing your needs.


Some well known high profiled religion leaders will tell you also that if you serve God with all your time without working, hunger will deal with you🤪.

If you put these two religious leaders to defend themselves you'll see that both of them will come up with winning ideas.

Let me bring it down to the man that's crying to leave his father's house.

Do you know that some quotes will tell you that if you're still living in your father's house @30, you've failed in life.


Some would say, don't leave your father's house untill you're grounded enough to cater for your bills because outside is tough.

Let me shock you again;

A friend of my father once told us his experience with his pastor's sermon. The pastor preached that anyone that's leaving church service to go to work is a fool. These people hearkened to his sermon and one day, this man missed an offer (job) because he didn't attend the interview because church service was fixed that day. He went to his pastor to tell him his bad experience and the pastor gave him the biggest shock of his life, he told him that it's not everything you hear you follow😭.


I don't follow quotes because 90% of them are not doing what their word says, I follow my heart.

I love this comment


Thanks for reading

8th July 2022

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Written by
1 year ago


Sometimes comparing myself to others motivates me, though this is not about being envy or feeling pity with myself but rather, I see the good sides of comparison where pushes me to do better and if others can do it, so am I.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I often compare myself to others mainly to motivate myself to do better. I don't have the time to be dramatic over what I don't have hahaha my time is precious like that.

I do agree with you! Haha There's a religious person I know who doesn't want to go to the doctor because he really depends on what other people told him, mainly that his child will get better eventually even without consulting a professional. His child's case worsen and he stood still with those motivational lines given by other people.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It really pains me when I see people playing with health with some religious advice given to them. I know of a man that died while waiting for a pastor instead of going to the hospital.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Not everyone born with same qualities we should understand and we should not compare our life with the other people life it is very strange thing to compare and reduce our own self esteem

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Comparison brings low self esteem and if care is not taken, it may lead to depression. It's very bad

$ 0.00
1 year ago

There are some certain advice that can land someone in a dip sh!t for real, that's why the only one that can truly advice one self is the same person cause when it fails, you learn and when you win, you win.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

That's it my broda. If you live with some advices, you'll end your life before time. Do you know that some people don't take drugs because they were taught that taking drugs is a sin. Wahala!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Sometimes comparing yourself to someone could discourage you or demotivate you.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Assuming someone to turn the intention but confident in the teachings and rules is better.

$ 0.00
1 year ago