Anything lost is still in Existence

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Written by
2 years ago

Hello beautiful people!

Good Monday to you all, don't allow work to stress you out in this new week!

Yesterday being Sunday was good to me with a very calm weather that later released a heavy downpour in the evening and it turned to "weather for two" but I was just there with my phone😳.

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Whatsoever that's lost is still in existence and recoverable.

Lead image| Designed by me with canva

During sermon yesterday, our pastor gave us this statement and he went down to break it down. Although it was all focused on religion but took it to another level and I've come up with some findings.

This statement may sound confusing but it's true. A lot of things that we've lost sometimes ago are still in existence somewhere. Let me break it down bit by bit.

Your lost phone is still in existence: When your phone get snatched or stolen by a smarter person(thief), it doesn't mean that the phone disappears to thin air like a ghost, no! It's either the thief is using it, or he sold it out. Even if the phone is completely bad, its parts can be used to repair another phone.

What am I saying? If adequate measures are to be taken to recover the phone, it's totally recoverable because it's still on planet Earth. Even if the phone it's buried on the earth, it's still recoverable, unless it disappears to the Underworld and who would take phone to underworld?

This same thing goes to your lost car, it's either it's sold to another person or its parts are used to couple another car.

Your lost land: Let's say you lost your land on an intensed court case and the land is being released to your opponent. Now, did the land moved to another planet? No! The land is in full existence, the only challenge there is the exchange/loss of ownership. Do you know that this land also could be recoverable? Yes, it's possible, let the owner file a court case again with a more clear evidence of ownership. The lost land is always in existence, it didn't vanish to thin air.

Your relationship: Guys, let's assume that you lost your babe to another guy, this doesn't mean that the lady is no longer in existence, ofcourse she's in existence but no longer yours. And the fact that she's still in existence makes it good because you can still win her back. Yes, you can snatch her back with MONEY and lovey-dovey attention.

The only worst condition here is, if the lady dies and if this happens, the lady is still in existence, it's just a matter of you to trace her to the world she currently belong to😳.

Your life: From all we've read and seen in movies, and majorly the religious books(which are true), there's life after death. If someone dies, the person will go an exist somewhere else, either;

  • we understand in bible

  • we understand in bible

  • Ghost on we see in movies

When such happens, the person goes to any of these and dwell there based on the condition of death (what do I know🤷)

So if you want to meet a dead partner, the easiest way is to give up the ghost. Spirit sees spirit!

Please don't mind me,.. I'm only writing what's dropping in my skull.



Pastor was telling us that these things are recoverable as long as they're still in existence. Anything you've lost at all is recoverable when you apply the right measures. God knows everything and He sees every man's secret, so that your lost glory is retrievable from the Devil, all you need is to follow and acknowledged that He can do it... believe in Him and do His will.

He gave another clear example with the police. He said on a normal standard, the police can sort out any stolen item or any murder case and bring out the thief or the murderer. He made mention of how a driver that knocked down a lady was arrested. No body so the driver, he did HIT and RUN but police traced him, how? That's police tactics.


After everything I began to think, if actually everything lost is recoverable, how come we can't retrieve photos lost(photos that are not backed up). I remember seeing a meme sometimes ago that was analysed this way;

"Where do pictures go when they're deleted?"

I really wish lost photos are recoverable because I lost seedphrase in a screenshot that I mistakingly deleted.

Thanks for reading

11th July 2022

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Written by
2 years ago


You can try recovering "deleted" images. Search with the phrase "how to undelete images" on the Internet, and you will find several techniques. One may work for you.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes, when I lost the photo I made a search on how to recover a lost photo but all the result pointed to the photos being backup on cloud or drive. If there's no back up, there's no way to recover...

$ 0.00
2 years ago

If you were using Linux, then there are solutions, such as

If you were using windows or mac, then you may have to use some paid services, such as written in

$ 0.00
2 years ago

A very big thanks. I'm on a simple common mobile phone. Infinix

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Then, you search by writing "mobile phone" in your search phrase.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Everything we lost is still in existence. I key into the words your pastor said.

But lol, 😂 why would you say one can win a girl through money, most girls are really spoiling the reputation of other girls.

In utterly clueless as to where our deleted photos go to.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

🤦sorry about the "all girls", just like you said, most girls are ripping the reputation of all girls. So bad.

It's really been a while, you decided to show us your face here this week

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is basically similar to something we learnt back in school about matter: it is neither created nor destroyed but only transferred from one state to another. That's the same thing when it comes to life, whatever we think we have lost has only been transferred to somewhere or someone else but it has not been removed from existence

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Totally correct. Science has it with the transfer of the "lost" item to one body/place to another

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Well it is our believe that there is life after death. The things that is no more with us doesn't means it lost its existence but it matters on how we chase them

$ 0.01
2 years ago

That's it my friend. It all depend on how we go about chasing for their recovery.

Thanks for stopping by

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We may lost something, but somewhere out there there are something that is more valuable than that.

$ 0.01
2 years ago