Crave wants Taste

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2 years ago

Before anything else I would like to extend my special thanks to all the support you showed unto me that motivates me to go beyond my limit. Still in the progress of learning and improving.

First, let me define crave as a feeling of wanting or desiring something, usually food. There are days that we want something that suits our mood and day. The first thing that popped up in our mind was food. Food is life. We crave due to what we see in social media, advertisements, surroundings and anything that can catch our attention. We do have different kinds of cravings. Also, craving is not all about food but there is something beyond it. Crave for success, crave for betterness, crave of something. This crave of mine is all I want all this time. especially when sickness attacks. Without further ado, let me start.

From Google
  1. Crave of foods

Who among you here did not crave food? Good for you if not. Food is life. Foods that my taste buds want. I remembered when the milk tea launched into the markets every time I see my mouth is always watering to taste it. I wonder how it tastes, immediately I buy it for the sake of my craving. The most popular and common food that women crave is green mango, specifically carabao mango. Imagine how crunky and savory the taste of the mango is with alamang. There are many craving foods I did not mention. People would say something if they know that you crave mangos. They think "She is pregnant" that's how pathetic the mindset they have. Like, is it a crime to crave for food? but then, it's the mindset and I cannot change it

From Google
  1. Peace of Mind

At the age of 20's overthinking is also my problem. Overthink about the future, overthink about failures, overthink the fears, overthink nonsense and many overthink. Pressure by society of having that and having this, you must be this and that. Even small things make me worried, I can't just help it. Right now, peace of mind is what I crave especially because our world is continually changing due to viruses we face. Overthinking what the future awaits, seeing batchmates who pursued their dreams and how successful they are brings pressure especially if comparison will happen. "Mabuting pa siya ganito, ganyan", "Tularan mo siya" and many more. It sucks sometimes, pressure after pressure leads to giving up.

From Google
  1. Sleep

I crave sleep for 7 to 8 hours. I developed insomnia and anxiety during an online modality system implemented where I couldn't sleep well because of paperwork, assignments and exams. It stressed me out when I was in overload because I barely used my cell phone doing it all. My sleeping hours dawned when I finished all of them because every morning there was a class schedule. Through that incident, my insomnia and migraine usually attacks. Sometimes, due to being desperate to sleep I want to take medicine for sleeping but I can't co'z I am afraid of  what if's.  "What if I will not be awake again?" and "What if I die?" That's how complicated I am (HAHAHAHA) . I want to but I am afraid. There are also incidents where I sleep but then suddenly awake in the middle of the night and never sleep again until morning. Maybe I will get used to it. And it will repeat the same as the classes will start soon. So, goodluck and God bless to all the students out there. Keep fighting for our dreams.

What crave you the Most?

(Photos are not mine)

JustMaryel sending you love❣️

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2 years ago
