To Buy A Ship Or Not?

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3 years ago

13 September 2021, Somewhere in the Metaverse - UplandDood (@Just1Dood)

Written on 6 September 2021

Since publishing an article touching on "Not Financial Advice", I've been thinking quite a bit about this.

Here are my thoughts:

1. It is true that "Not Financial Advice" is like "Wet Paint. Do Not Touch" signs. It provokes an opposite reaction. Yes, I'll touch that paint, if you're wondering. LOL. For me, that "Not Financial Advice" works better than a large neon sign advertising sales and discounts.

2. I'm drawn to it. I hope that not like a bug towards a campfire! LOL.

In the few days since that article, I'd gotten into two 'items' with some quick research. The results?

3. I ended being an obsessive farmer.

4 . I didn't want to be a farmer for the rest of my life.

5. I'd wanted to explore...this resulted in a post for opinions - whether to buy a SHIP or not.

6. After a few hours with many people have 'hearted' the posts. Many of these did not give any reply and I kinda wondered if they've even read my post.

But it's great to have buddies that actually read and these two good buddies gave the thumbs up! The all-clear to...Go Ahead and get the SHIP already!

Here are their replies. They are funny and I think worth repeating here.

MakiMak: Buy a ship. We all need it. Glad to be your first mate. LOL

Szbarnaus: You mean a real, traditional SHIP or a SpaceShip? Nevermind... any option is a Go!

Click here and here respectively for their replies.

7. Being the obedient netizen that I am, I did just that.

Thank you @szbarnaus, and @MakiMak.

I'd captured my ship purchasing journey but let's do a little sneak peek here:

Sneak Peek

I can finally say, "My ship has come in!" LOL. And it was a WARSHIP. Beware, pirates!

Now, how often can you get a ship at more than half price off? Fortunately, I'd made it in time to the shipyard to take advantage of this offer. Glad those shipyard workers and builders rushed it for me.

Here's taking a closer look at the Ship, after it has been built and ready for delivery to the designated harbor.

I must give the builders credit. It didn't take long at all to see my Ship sailing into the harbor. Displayed spanking new with MakiMak as the first officer & szbarnaus already onboard! LOL.

Since having it, I'd taken it out for a spin and tested it on a few pirate ships and lived to tell about another article. LOL.

I'll end by saying that after a few battles, I'd managed to get some PEARLs! Yes, not too bad.

Not Financial Advice

We're back to this caution again. It was due to reading a few other articles over the weekend that I'd ended up thinking about this SHIP business. When this snapshot was taken on 6 September 2021, it was one of the top 5 blockchain games according to in terms of the last 24-hour player volume. It's ranked at #8 at 7-day volume and #11 at 30-day volume.

Again, be cautioned that this is "Not Financial Advice" although this game is touted as a GameFi application. And it's very raw and in its infancy. It was only launched on 26 August 2021.

Considering that it's such a young game and being able to shoot up to the top 5 overall Blockchain Games position is no easy feat. I have not done all the research on how they have been able to achieve that as I'd not noticed a lot of marketing efforts.

It could all be due to word of mouth or through their Twitter account. The strange thing is that their Twitter account only has 4k plus followers but 29K plus players recorded at It makes me wonder if there is plenty of multi-accounting going on here.

I suspect that may be the case as one account is limited to only 1 ship at the moment. Furthermore, there is a 55% discount for ship purchases until 9 September 2021 or until it reaches a volume of 50,000 ships.

As of the time of writing, there are only a few thousand ships left of the 50k quota.

Do Your Own Research

That's why I'd stated the disclaimer in the above paragraph. It is risky. Do your own research.

And again, as I'd shared my personal experience at the start of this article, we are attracted to the "Wet Paint" signs. I hope that for me personally when I touch it, it's already dried!

(Update note on 13 September 2021. I haven't played much of this game but do go in occasionally to pick fights with other ships. The game is still very new and I don't set any high expectations on it. However, if it does take off, at least I do own a ship in this game.)

My Adventure begins

I won't lie to you. This ship does give me some excitement. It is as if I'm sailing with this app into the unknown. Only time will tell if the ship will come back in with a cargo full of booty!

Thank you for reading and sharing my ship purchasing journey.

I'm gonna set sail to explore and make it a #BetterSeptember


Header Image (edited):

Image 1 & Image 2:

Image 3:

All Rights Reserved ©2021 UplandDood | #ClubBrokeBCH

Thank you again for dropping by. Have fun with English. Remember to share your experience in the comment section.

Do drop by to say hi at my following addresses. I promise I'll be at home :)

NoiseCash: UplandDood

Twitter: UplandDood

Publish0x: UplandDood (link takes you to site. You'll have to search for UplandDood to find me)

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$ 0.47 from @TheRandomRewarder
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3 years ago


...and here I was, patiently awaiting pictures of you on some elaborate yacht with beautiful babes in arms, sailing the sweet 7 seas with not a care in the world.

Oh well. lol

$ 0.03
3 years ago

Hahaha...nah, only smelly pirates and lots of rum here. lol.

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Not sure about the pirates, but the rum sounds good. lol

$ 0.00
3 years ago

What a piece of ship! :D :D I hope that will sail to far, far away and bring home lots of tokens with it :D

$ 0.03
3 years ago

Me too! hahaha... wanna wait for better cannons to be available so I can shoot bigger ships! hahaha...Shiver me timbers!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I see. Another game. And I bet I wouldn't be able to join as I'm having a hard time understanding the jargons. Haha

$ 0.03
3 years ago

hahaha...this one I'm not spending as much time playing though. Just wanted a ship. hahaha..

$ 0.00
3 years ago