The Power of Self-Confessions

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3 years ago

27 September 2021, Somewhere in the Metaverse - UplandDood (@Just1Dood)

Note: I'm not an expert on the matter. This is purely my observation and opinion. After reading, you should do your own research to come to a conclusion whether you agree or disagree with what I'm about to share.

Self-confessions lead to self-fulfilling prophecies. That's a strong statement. Let me make my point and then you decide if it holds any water.

I know this is a little bit heavy for a Monday but that was what's on my mind and obey it, I do. Yes, siree. So, here goes...

Self-fulfilling Prophesy

Have you ever heard of this phrase? If not, sit back, put on your seat belt, and be shocked. No need to worry. It's not the electric chair. It's the truth that will shock us. An epiphany moment. A light bulb lighting. An Aha moment!

We'll start with the definition of what Self-Fulfilling Prophesy is.

Scouring the internet, I've found one of the better definitions and explanations of what this is. It's found here:

Why is this Important?

Without realizing it, many of us are either self-programming ourselves to self-destruct or "self-construct".

However, all things being equal, that is, regardless of our personalities, I can safely say that humans tend to gravitate towards the negative spectrum in attitudes and views. Take for example, when something goes wrong, it is easy to assign blame rather than to explore what had gone wrong and to look for corrective actions.

I'm no psychologist, but I think that's just human nature. It's easier to blame than to look for solutions. It's the path of least resistance.

This leads me to the next point. Given such an outlook on life, being positive is an uphill task.

How does this fit into the self-fulfilling narrative? For one, we reinforce this negativity without knowing it.

How can we accomplish this, you may ask. Good question. We can explore a few together.

Bad Foundation Self-Fulfiling Prophesy

This is a play on the words flounder and foundation. If not careful, the foundation (i.e. formative years) could cause one to flounder later on in life.

We were born but we were 'build' through reinforcements.

Here's an all too familiar scenario. A child growing up hearing this familiar phrase, "You're so stupid! You're a waste of space." How do you think this child will grow up thinking? This phrase will replay in his or her mind like a broken record constantly reinforcing this negativity until he/she believes it and exhibits such behaviors.

Obviously, on the flip side, the positive reinforcements also work the same. A child growing up with constant positive words such as "You are smart, you can do it" will grow up being an achiever because he or she will have the mindset that nothing is impossible.

Heartache Self-fulfilling Prophesy

For this point, I'll use one example and that is focused on the condition of the heart. Many of us do this all the time. We may not realize that we were actively feeding our minds negative reinforcements when we do it. And the interesting part is that we enjoy it a lot. We may even share it with friends, thus spreading this self-fulfilling prophecy.

I'll share a few of these phrases and see if you recognize them:

  1. Love, love will tear us apart again

  2. And I'm here, to remind you of the mess you left when you went away

  3. Somethin' inside has died, and I can't hide and I just can't fake it

  4. Don't leave me in all this pain. Don't leave me out in the rain.

  5. Although we both lie close together we feel miles apart inside

  6. I Don't Love You Anymore

I'm sure by now, you'd guessed what the above are. They are taken from song lyrics. Some of which we love the tune or song so much that we keep singing them, thus imprinting the message in our mind, heart, and soul. Do you agree? I don't have any empirical data to prove my point but if psychology is to be believed, I do think they make an impact on our lives. Knowingly or unknowingly affecting the outcomes of certain relationships.

  1. Love Will Tear Us Apart by Joy Division (1980)

  2. You Oughta Knowby Alanis Morissette (1995)

  3. It's Too Late by Carole King (1971)

  4. "Un-Break My Heart" by Toni Braxton (1996)

  5. "Every Rose Has Its Thorn" by Poison (1988)

The last snippet of lyrics was taken from the song, "I Don't Love You Anymore" by ANOHNI. It was from an album called "Hopeless". Now, do I need to elaborate further on how depressing this can get?

(Oh, btw, here's an interesting piece of details on Lucifer, or Satan. He was regarded by some as a worship leader before his fall and banishment from heaven. You can draw your own conclusion. Here is a link that you can get some more information on - Was Satan A Musician?)

The Pedestal

Another factor for us to take a closer look at is the power of another media - Television, and Movies.

Ever wonder why after watching certain commercials, you have a sudden urge to purchase that particular item or brand? You think that it's the truth. That that item by that brand is the best. That's what the commercial was telling you.

Ever wonder why after watching those larger-than-life juicy McDonald's (or insert your favorite fast-food chain here) burgers, you feel like going to a McDonald's (or your favorite fast-food chain) even though you KNOW that you won't get one anywhere near the one shown in the commercial? You believe in the commercial, even though you know that's not the truth.

Now, think about those many hours you spend on "happily ever after" fairy tales or those Korean dramas with that near-perfect male or female stars. You then start comparing them to your spouse or lover. They sure don't measure up. How come he or she isn't as romantic as that star in the show. How come this, how come that. Soon you'll be singing the #3 song mentioned above and start to lose the one closest to you. And the one you've put on the pedestal remains a figment in your imagination.


I have no idea how to end this article. Maybe I lean back on my experience and understanding of how important it is to protect what goes into our minds. We do a slightly better job of protecting what goes into our mouths.

I do believe that there are gems that can be found in the best-selling book of all time - the Bible.

Keep your heart with all diligence, For out of it spring the issues of life. - Proverbs 4:23

Keeping the heart starts with guarding the mind. If we are not careful, repetitive images, words, phrases playing in our minds will result in crippling self-inflicted wounds.

If you want to know how important that is, I encourage you to read @Grecy095's Neuroplasticity and Affirmation. You will understand the power of self-confession and the results you can achieve with it.


There'll be no images today (except for the standard SOP line divider & my marketing shill). Doing my itsy bit for limiting carbon footprint...NOT!

All Rights Reserved ©2021 UplandDood | #ClubBrokeBCH

Thank you again for dropping by. Let's have fun learning together. Remember to share your experience in the comment section.

Do drop by to say hi at my following addresses. I promise I'll be at home :)

NoiseCash: UplandDood

Twitter: UplandDood

Publish0x: UplandDood (link takes you to site. You'll have to search for UplandDood to find me)

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3 years ago
