Read this if it's your 2nd attempt (or you're new) at ReadCash

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3 years ago

6 July 2021, Somewhere in the Metaverse - UplandDood (@Just1Dood)

Time flies when you're having fun(ds)

I once saw a cartoon character Grimm from the comic strip Mother Goose & Grimm on top of a dumpster filled with trash and a circling fly. In the blink of an eye, "chomped", the fly is gone and a caption on top of Grimm's head says "Time's fun when you're having flies!" I can't explain how my mind functions but this is another one of those images that had stuck in my mind all these years. I forget important things but this, I remember.

What am I trying to say here? No, we're not gonna go into my mind. What I want to say is that "Time flies when we're having fun". I'm having a bit of fun with the paragraph heading. Seriously though, I really am having both fun and funds (BCH) when writing at ReadCash.

Thus far, that's been my experience this second time around with ReadCash.

My return trip at ReadCash started on 22 June 2021 when I posted the "Happy to Write or Write to be Happy" article. Since then, I've been posting one article per day with the exception of resting on Sundays. In total, I had put out 12 articles in total not counting this one.

Before I know it, more than a week had passed. Over this short week, I'd made some new friends, I'd started getting more active in NoiseCash, I'd joined groups and had fun chatting. I'd written articles that I never thought I would have ever written in my life, including the last piece which was fiction.

Lessons Learnt

Looking back over the week, I reflected on my experience and what I'd learned over this short period. This is my attempt to record it for my own reference and also hopefully help someone who's either new or re-starting at ReadCash.

Set Goals

This is the simplest yet it is the most difficult to carry out. Setting goals meant making a decision to be committed to something. For me, the simplest was to set one goal. Goals sound so daunting. If you really think about it, goals are decisions. Having determined that, I know I wanted to make my second ReadCash experience a successful one.

Based on the premise that ReadCash is a writing platform, I came to the following decisions:

Decision #1 - I need to write. It doesn't end there. Writing once a month, or once a year is still writing. But that's not why I think the platform was created. It wasn't created so that writers can write once in a blue moon. It's created to have a thriving, writing community. You can't build a community that communicates or shares only once a month or once a year.

Decision #2 - I need to write no less than once a month. I know writing once a week will not be an issue for me. There are 2 'buts' with writing once a week though:

But #1 - I will not be pushing myself if I only write once a week.

But #2 - If I remember correctly, I'd mentioned in one of my earlier articles that writing is not much different from any form of exercise. You need to warm up. Once you're warmed up, it becomes a breeze. Writing once a week would not warm me up. I won't have the needed momentum to go on a roll.

Decision #3 - I've decided to write once a day in order to stretch myself. I want to push myself out of my comfort zone. Muscles grow when they experience micro-tears when pushed to limits. No pain, no gain is the mantra.

Publish one article from Mondays to Saturdays and rest on Sundays. Why rest? You see, we learn from nature. If the micro-tear in muscles are not allowed time to rest and get enough nutrients, they won't grow. Come on, even God rested one day after creating the earth and the universe. I need to let my mind rest and get refreshed.

If you enjoy setting goals, you can read many of these. Compared to my one week here, these writers are veterans and have experience in setting goals. I'll share the links of three of such that I'd read over the last few days by @Carisdaneym2, @Immaryandmerry, and @Emily2u respectively:

  1. Hey, July, Can we fly high?

  2. Goals to Grind for This Month of July

  3. Target Date Set for My 1 BCH Goal

Save for rainy days

One important lesson I learned is to pace myself. When I'm on a roll, I tend to write more than one article. It doesn't have to be a fully completed article. It could be just bones with some meat on them. Keep a few of these in your closet if you can. You'll be surprised. My closet is filling up with bones and skeletons.

An added bonus would be if you can put the meat and muscles and complete them too. Then you'll have an extra article for a rainy day. Yes, you can bring him/her out when it rains.

When you're ahead, you will not rush to publish immediately after writing, which brings me to my next lesson.

Pace yourself

By this I meant, give yourself some room after completing an article before publishing. At the moment, I am ahead by one article, which meant that this article I'm writing now will only be published one day from the time of writing. It's in a queue. Actually, I had built up to two articles ahead but yesterday due to a hectic day and schedule, I didn't have time to write.

Why is this important for me? I have found that in many instances, I will always have additional points or corrections to make after I have completed an article. This 24 hours or 48 hours in-the-closet time allows me to go back and do these changes before that article's post. To prove the point, I've just spent another hour or so polishing this article now prior to posting even though I'd completed it two days ago.

It could be as simple as adding, enhancing, deleting another point, changing an image, or changing the title altogether. I had done many of these and changing the title was one of the best things I'd done to one of my articles thus far. My mind was refreshed after I'd stepped away from my completed article.

I was able to do all this because the completed article has not been published yet.

Be yourself

This is the most liberating lesson that I've learned. I let my goofy personality express itself through my writing. Have you ever been to a party or a function or a meeting where you were expected to behave in certain ways? How did you feel? I do understand that certain environment dictates certain accepted behaviors or protocols. That is fine. I accept that. There are exceptions to the rule.

My point is that we feel more comfortable when we can be ourselves and it shows. I find that this applies to writing. Just be me. My readers can pick up nuances from my articles. They can tell if I'm being someone I'm not and that carries over in the ease and enjoyment of reading my article.

For new writers, the best place to start is to write about personal experiences. That should be where your natural self shines through. You own that and nobody can take away your experience.

I'll share one more point before calling it a day.

Be friendly

One of the most important resources in the business world is your network. It's confined to who you know but also who knows you. None of this will happen if you're not friendly and be interested in others.

I have a ball of a time communicating with newfound friends here at ReadCash and also NoiseCash. I will continue to regularly find new friends. You see, no man is an island. We need each other to be successful. As Proverbs 27.17 says (I'm paraphrasing) - Iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.

On two occasions, my fellow writing friends have caught some of my typos. For whatever reason, I didn't catch these typos, and because the typos were acceptable words, they had slipped through the Grammar checks.

Furthermore, on numerous occasions, I asked about things I wasn't sure about the platform and have easily have gotten help with answers or being pointed in the right direction for the answers by friends here.

I'm grateful for such caring fellow writers.

My advice to all new writers is to go out there and make friends. You'll learn and improve faster.

I hope my above lessons have been helpful to you too.

Thank you for reading. Do share your own lessons learned in the comment section below your new ReadCash experience.

Stay safe and see you in the next article.


Header: - Ben White

Image 1: - Kevin Ku

Image 2: - Estée Janssens

Image 3 - Vitolda Klein

Thank you again for dropping by. Have fun with English. Remember to share your experience in the comment section.

Do drop by to say hi at my following addresses. I promise I'll be at home :)

NoiseCash: UplandDood

Twitter: UplandDood

Publish0x: UplandDood (link takes you to site. You'll have to search for UplandDood to find me)

$ 0.79
$ 0.20 from @carisdaneym2
$ 0.20 from @immaryandmerry
$ 0.10 from @kli4d
+ 6
Sponsors of Just1dood
Avatar for Just1dood
3 years ago


Let's grind for more!😜❤️💪💪💪

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yeah! Let's. I'll need to get a better and larger capacity grinder soon! 😆

$ 0.00
3 years ago

My advice to all new writers is to go out there and make friends. You'll learn and improve faster.

best advice ever! I see I was addressed as "veteran" in here. LOL! And I love how goofy you are whenever I am reading your articles. I always enjoy reading it. Anyhow, good luck on your goals! I too am trying really hard to post a publication once a day. I'm actually still struggling with having "reserve" articles which I already wrote ahead of time.

I usually just type, re-read and published. LOL. lazy me doesn't like to be ahead of time. But I do have topics on my drafts tho. it just doesn't have any content yet. hehe

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It's really true that having a goal will keep you going plus having virtual friends too. Thanks for this my friend.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Always a pleasure, my friend. You're right. Having virtual friends are great, especially during this pandemic lockdown.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks for this mate 💖. I am currently on a daily grind mode to meet my 1 BCH goal. However, I am still having a hard time managing my time and thinking of a new topic.

On writing my article, the way of my deliverance is also a crucial part. I want to be friendly and goofy as possible because i dont want my readers to misunderstand me and think I am strict or not approachable Thank you for these tips. You great, man!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hey friend. Thank you. Always great to have friends drop by and share their thoughts too. Let's all grind together towards 1 BCH! I look forward to reading your goofy articles. 😂

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Being anew here and exploring about this platform is also exploring about my perseverance to learn more, on how far my patience to be able to learn without support knowledge from others. Well, self learning is the best, so far! By reading different articles from others is making me a full woman wherein it fill out my empty sheets as a human. Thank you for sharing your advises, it learnt me a lot! Keep safe and keep grinding💗

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Keep it up. New is great since you start with a new slate. You can't go wrong by taking time to read other's articles and commenting and making connections. Yes, stay safe and keep grinding. 😊

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I'm still in the warming up zone. It used to be easier to write when I was in another blogging site but I stopped. Now I'm having a hard time getting back to really writing again so I reposted my previous articles here and did some revisions. That's my kind of warm up. Hopefully, it will help me keep the writing blood flowing soon :D

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I think that would be a good way to get warmed up. Use your articles from the previous platform and recon them for this. :D

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Okay. Well, maybe it's high time to really upload my first ever article. I've been here three times and now I'm going all the way. Thanks for your advice! 👌

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Hey! You dropped by! Thanks. Yes, do load your article. I'll sub you after this so I can check it out once posted. 😊

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Great advice for new and senior users alike. I'm not so much into goal setting but hope that I can be accountable to reach it by putting it out in the public. Most importantly is to enjoy the time here.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Couldn't agree more. Am enjoying every second of it. Even time spent correcting typos. LOL.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Haha... Now, we just need a better server and a newer system. 😅

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes indeed. Yes indeed.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you for the advice this is really helpful to me as I am just navigating the platform, I need to do or practice what you have written and as I read through other writers, it does work well with what you said like to have goals and then make friends.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hi Hart05! Glad it helps. It's helped me and I'll keep following my own advice. You'll do fine by making friends. Most, if not all writers here are very friendly and helpful.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yeah, I can see it especially the warm welcome I get. I just have to push myself to continue what I started :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes. Ganbatte. Go for it.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Right on. The last one is very essential. Make friends and the rest will follow!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes and one of the critical factors why I dropped out in my initial encounter with ReadCash. Making friends is not an option. I can see that now.

$ 0.01
3 years ago