You deserve better

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2 years ago

19th Jan 2022

Hi everyone good day, what’s good ? How are you doing today ? Are you just waking up to a new day or are retiring home after a long day of work or perhaps you are just half-way into a new day. Well it’s all good. I just hope this read meets you well.

well today I am going to be writing about certain things in life that we really need to consider….

Have you ever had your friends tell you things like “guy why are you killing yourself over that job or that person you deserve better” it is the most encouraging thing a person can tell you honestly. Some friends even go as far as giving you reasons why they think you are worth more than you are settling for.

Sometimes it works and then you realize they were right ..other times it is just them making you feel better. Ultimately, I feel like realizing that we are worth much more and making the appropriate changes in respect to that realization is a personal thing.

We are quick to forget how much progress and how much we have put into developing ourself and how far we have come. Especially when we come in contact with someone or something we fancy. It is like quick-sand. The more we struggle to balance ourselves around it the more we loose ourself.

Often times it’s not our fault, we just can’t help it sometimes it is the way we are programmed. What we can help is realizing that we are worth so much more and are better-off without certain people or certain things.

Personally, I struggle with this a lot, I tend to loose myself and just forget my worth when I fancy somebody or something, and although I am working on that part of me, I don’t know I feel like there is only so little that I can do to be honest maybe it is part of who I am maybe i am wrong, maybe I need to work harder at staying in control either ways one thing is certain I always find myself.

In relationships

I saw a video once where a girl said “if my partner isn’t obsessed with me then I don’t want them”. I thought about it for a while and yeah that is what it is. I don’t want a partner who isn’t “crazy” about me. I want a person who wants to see me all the time, who gets worried when we don’t speak for a day, a person who sees me as something close to a dream , a person who is that- obsessed with me and I am sure you do too.

And this is not just for romantic relationship for friendship too. So maybe it is time to check your relationships take this as a sign to look out for these things if you don’t find any one of them then maybe you deserve better .. no Scratch that .. you actually deserve better.

For work

You might be part of film where they treat you like sh**t, your efforts are under-appreciated or they don’t pay you well. Take this as a sign to sit down and re-access yourself. Can I do better than this ? Am I selling myself short? Is this the life I want to live ? You can ask yourself so many other questions and if at the end of the day you feel like you aren’t reaching your full potential or if you feel so unappreciated please make a change. You actually deserve better my friend.

I want to use this opportunity to thank everyone who has been supporting me, for some days now that I have been off this platform because of school work but trust me I am working towards making more time to engage articles on here tip and also writing more interesting articles. Please continue to bare with me okay ? Thank you so much my friends. Also please check out this wonderful sponsors and check out their works too.

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Thank you so much you all stay safe and stay blessed.

©2022 jumper

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2 years ago


You are good, and deserve to be treated good also 🤗

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You deserve to be treated well and nicely. Don't cheapen your self as if there were no other opportunities elsewhere. If a door closes another door would open and that's life. You have made my day super. Thanks greatly for sharing.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank you so much for your contribution I am glad I could affect your day positively

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This happens to me sometimes. Not low self esteem but a little downgrade of my capacity within my head/mind. But the truth is that, we can do and explore more when a better opportunity comes. And most times even better than people we thought they were better

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yeah exactly then when you discover that you are better off you just feel like .. wow so I was even looking down on myself all these while

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Your deeds are speaking for you, and that why people will always get to support.

Take care and rest well. Schooling and blogging isn't easy.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yeah you too tomi my guy .. I hope you are coping well too

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We understand Jumper, being a student is really hard been there. And yeah, we really deserve better not only at work nor in relationship but what the world offers

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank you I just don’t want my audience to think I am complaining about school work all the time .. because I am not the only student in the world who writes 😂😂

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Haha you're right, I had some virtual friends here that are students so I know they are really busy. Like I read their article, leave a comment then they will reply sometimes after several days. Haha,

$ 0.00
2 years ago