The power of a ripple effect

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2 years ago

PUBLISHED :25/09/2021

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Have you ever thrown a rock into a river and notice how it make ripples and those ripples form more ripples and so it goes on and on, a lot of ripples formed just because you threw one rock into the water, this can be likened to a domino effect.

Hi everyone how are you all doing ? I hope we are all keeping safe from the virus attack. I hope this read meets you well . My topic today is on the ripple effect of one action. Earlier I mentioned domino’s effect which means when you made a change in action of something you do regularly and it then lead to a series or chain of events which only occurred because of that change you made.


Say for example you starts to eat very late at night it would eventually lead you to creating the habits of only eating when it is late hence making you gain weight tremendously. Before we get into the topic proper kindly check out my sponsors..

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A chain of events

In this context a ripple effect might be likened to a domino effect which would mean that by doing a certain thing you have set in motion a chain or series of events to happen after it because of that single action.
I would have you know that our society is built on the ripple effect theory. Here is an illustration:

At a very young age we were told to go to school to acquire knowledge to solve simple mathematical problems which will in turn give us a better grade when we take our exams, which would enable us to graduate with a good result, catapulting us to the level required to attain tertiary institute of education after which would would acquire the knowledge needed to get a good job after school; which will in turn help us to earn money from which we can start a family , take care of our self, our parents and our family. Simple right? That single action of going to school would lead to all these other events along the line in life. Overwhelming if you ask me …

The negative ripples

There is popular saying that goes

“ if you tell a lie to come into a house you probably need to tell 99 more to stay in that house”

I read one of @Gaftekloriginal ‘s article titled why do you have to tell lies you could check it out sometime. He talked about how lies can affect a person negatively even when it might be intended as A joke. That caught my attention; if you told a lie as a joke or I lied to you because I was trying to make sure you don’t get hurt by the truth, is that still considered a lie ?


A short story

One time in college we were suppose to attend a house party organized by our friend. My friend Tayo wanted to come with us but he didn’t want to tell his girlfriend seeing that we were probably going to do the “nasties” at that party. He confided in me and another Friend who advised that he brought his girl instead. But he refused he had his eyes on another girl and with the way he was going about it he planned something with this other girl.

Fast forward to when we got to the party, note that he ignored our warning and still went without telling his girl. We got to the party around 8:00pm by 8:30pm he got a call from his girl asking where he was he immediately lied that he went for a seminar outside Lagos and had to stay overnight( first lie). He regretted telling her lies but it was now kind of late for him to turn back the hands of time, Later that night she called again telling him that a friend of hers saw him at a party. He lied again this time very hard so as to throw her off( second lie).

2 hours into the party he was already grinding the said girl he had plans but unknowing to him that the said girl was his girlfriend’s cousin who did a lot of drugs and was nuisance at home. The party got really heated and soon they both left the dancing floor, heading towards a room. Soon after they came out smiling and kissing each other;I thought to myself “isn’t Tayo taking this too far” considering the fact that he had a girlfriend and he really didn’t know this new girl like that. Some minutes later the police showed up saying they got called by neighbors complaining of the noise coming from the party and that they suspected certain people were using some hard drugs at the party . The police wanted to carry everyone into their van to the police station but because the person hosting the party was the son of an honorable they decided to look for only those that used drugs at the party .

After hours of searching they caught the said girl and Tayo. Now Tayo had never had anything to do with drugs even at the party he never took part in taking any drugs but of course the police wouldn’t listen to that I mean he was with the said girl plus a pinch of coke was found on his shirt . They took him in and the only alibi he had apart from us was his girlfriend. Now the problem was that he had lied about going to the party in the first place so how was he now going to call her asking her to confirm to the police that he is of good behavior and had never done drugs before. Long story short he was bailed the next morning after which he had to go do some explaining to his girlfriend who Would probably not trust him ever again.

you see the ripple effect of not inviting his girlfriend and then telling her lies which lead to one thing and another and ultimately to him being arrested by the police.

That is the power of the ripple/ domino effect. We should learn to consider our options before we take certain decisions because our actions have consequences and these consequences have their effect on our future. It is true that nobody can control the outcome of the future but we can at least control our actions in the present. Also let us try to avoid telling lies no matter how small or how white 😂. A lie is still a lie. I am not innocent of these things so this is a warning to me, you and us all.


I want to conclude by saying the ripple effect doesn’t only work in the negative it also works positively too. If at the beginning of the semester a students starts to make preparations by reading and studying for exams, that student would likely notice that because he had studied the previous note given in the class the last time it would be easy for him to study the next note and the next till it is time for exams. In addition to that he would have made it an habit to study which would in time give him a longer time with the notes which would ultimately make him to master all the teachings of the note resulting into getting him or her an A in that course. I would leave you with this popular saying.

“ hope can be managed it is like a domino effect or a chain reaction with each increase making the next more feasible”

Thank you for your time as always

till I write again

peace and love ❤️

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2 years ago


Poor Tayo😂, an interesting article

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you hope you learnt from it 😹

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Most things in life are just a series of ripple effect, a chain reaction which starts with a single event and keeps going until it gets to a point and disappears. Lovely article

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Good analogy...the ripple effect of our actions might be severe beyond repair sometimes. That's why we need to think twice before taking any step in life .

$ 0.02
2 years ago

This article is so interesting. There are consequences for our actions and that's why we need to be careful. The Ripple effect has its series of events truly and we should choose the positive one.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yes you are correct sir that is why we need to choose wisely

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Better do the positive at the start so to end up in a positive ripple effect..

$ 0.01
2 years ago