Arrrgh! It is pointless honestly( the final part)

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2 years ago

29 December 2021

Hello guys, good day. How is everyone doing? Are we still celebrating the season ? Well I am still and I hope y’all are too. I hope everyone is okay and getting ready to transition into the new year.

So this is the final part of the article I wrote yesterday titled Arrgh! What’s the point ? . I noticed a lot of you in the comment section saying maybe she wasn’t ready to get married or that maybe because she was dating K that was why she refused me well I just want to let everyone know that they were just friends, really close friends I must say but just friends. If they were dating or if they were attracted to each other in that way and I knew of it in the first play do you think I would have gone through with my Plans of asking her out ?Or even get close to her when I know she likes my bro in that way of course not that is why I got angry in the first place after I saw the text it’s Bro code guys, bro code.

Also I would like to add that I wasn’t asking her to marry me or anything of that sort. At the time. We were both too young to be married and By “proposal” I meant just asking her to let me know how she felt the same way about me. With that cleared off here is the finishing part of the story. If you are yet to read the first part of this article you might not understand this final part so please do here is a link .

…..So she said she was afraid. I asked her why she was. She said it was because she didn’t know if I was just playing with her or if I really liked her. Besides she knows I am in Unilag and I get to see a lot beautiful girls in my school from time to time, I might forget her or even cheat on her( well at the time she wasn’t wrong I can’t lie but for real I liked her up to the point where I wasn’t going to cheat on her if she agreed besides “K” was there to check me if I did so in a way she had an eye on me) also she wanted me to try and try again.

I asked her about the text I saw on K’s phone she explained that it was nothing serious that they were just playing and that if I had read the chat from the beginning I would have understood and now that I think of it K did say something similar to me when I asked him about it. He was like “bro common you know me and E don’t move like that she is just my friend and that chat you saw was just some silly play we were doing Oya read from the top”. I was too jealous to even read from the top. I just replied him “Omo no need I dey alright”.

She explained a lot to me that night but there was just one thing I still wanted to know even though it didn’t matter to me anymore. Did she feel the way I felt for her then? I asked her, She said she actually did and only came to the realization of her feelings for me a few days after we stopped talking. She said at some point she wanted to text me with a friends’ number just to keep talking to me.

Intermission ;- 😂 not that I am too handsome or anything of that sort but this piece of information felt really good to hear. Just imagine your crush telling you something like this. Okay back to the story..

I told her I was sorry for just leaving like that and that I am glad that she opened up to me but I had lost my feelings for her. Maybe they died a cold and horrible death😂 after she rejected me or maybe some new girl replaced her 👀 you will never know and I plan not to tell you. Either ways I wasn’t feeling her anymore. Immediately I made this clear to her she stopped replying and blocked me on WhatsApp.

I felt bad for hurting her like that but it was necessary I just didn’t want to lead her on some feelings that I have lost, that wouldn’t be right. A few days later K said she called him crying asking him to talk to me. I told him to tell her to unblock me so we could talk.

She did that same day. We spoke and after a long set of text back and forth we agreed that we should remain just friends and ever since we stayed friends. She is really cool we talk every now and then, share memes and videos and stuff.

So you see.. whenever I see a new girl I ask my self what is the point ? We are just going to start talking, from being strangers we become friends from friends we get close and it might seem like we would get married the next month, all of a sudden we stop talking due to one thing or the other. Then it is back to being strangers again. And then the same vicious circle repeating itself again and a again, most of you know this. So I ask myself again what is the point of all these really.

Thank you all for the love and support it has been a great one. Let me know in the comment session if you wish I wrote more on my past love tales and who knows I might just keep writing more stories like these .. thanks once again, be safe ❤️✍️✏️.

©2021 jumper

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2 years ago


Yeah most times it happens like that. She had her reasons well assuming she said it, it might have worked. You should keep writing on this too😁

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Ahhh you want to be reading all my love escapades Abi 😂😂😂 no way boss

$ 0.00
2 years ago

😂😂😂 Its you that asked na

$ 0.00
2 years ago


$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's a very good decision from you to remain as friends, most guys will rather "chop" her and run, leaving the poor girl broken hearted. We should value friendship above romantic relationship, it tends to last longer when built right

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Exactly she is a very cool person with a gentle soul I don’t want to damage that

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Very nice love story, keep on writing more 🤗

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you

$ 0.00
2 years ago

She somehow had a point, its hard to trust someone you just know virtually. There are a lot of posers. I was curious, have you seen her in person?

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Up until now ? Would you believe me if I said no 😂

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Haha,.your feelings mighy change when you saw him. I remember when I was in college I had a crush and he is a year older. We started to have communication when he already graduated

Then he started courting me,.i was so excited because he is my crush. However when we decided to go out for a date I realized I no longer like him. There is no spark. It was just in my mind that I like him. That is why I asked if you have seen her in person😁

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh that might be true .. I haven’t met her in real life I plan to this year ..😂

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Haha just update us when that happen😀

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I sure will 😂😂

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Good to read the final part of your love story. Once we lose the feelings and love we have for something/Someone it will be very hard to get it back. But if we try to get it back, it won't be the same again, the love, feelings will be reduced. I think that is what happened to you in your love story.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yeah that is what happened exactly.. that is why I ask myself what if the point falling in love in the first place

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Your love tales are the best you'd find here, every word connects to a meaning...

Keep it up man

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thanks semaj

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You're welcome

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Brotherly I love this piece

$ 0.00
2 years ago