I have been in this platform for more than a month now. My points have been moving like a snail since, but I don't mind. As long as I have these blank forms waiting for me to fill in, it is okay.
I don't write articles everyday much more having several articles in a day as sometimes I lost interest in writing. But there are people in this community that are just generous enough to give sponsorship and are taking the time to read and make comments on what I have written so far and I feel encouraged by these people.
Before, I sometimes skip a day or two in opening read.cash but because of them I look forward to opening the app everyday.
The first thing I click is that red notification bell. I love to see who made comments to the articles I wrote.
And today was the best notifications I read. I already received the sponsorship of Mr. @scottcbusiness , the generous, or if not, the most generous sponsor I know in read.cash. Almost all contributors who has sponsorship, Mr. @scottcbusiness is always one of them. And for this I am so grateful.
I would also like to thank the upvoters who took time to read, comment and upvotes my articles :
@marblely , my number one upvoter. I will surely promote your community, @Craftworks for this is where I found my niche.
@wakeupkitty who pointed me out to the right direction > Craftworks
@bmjc98 who introduced me to read.cash
@bbghitte , my number one idol in making stories out of poems
@TheRandomRewarder whom I still have to meet.
Thank you so much.
One day I will PAY IT FORWARD.
I am really glad that you joined us and the CraftWorks community :) I hope to be able to tip more, just continue to share your passion with crochet and anything that you love here and you will do great because you will be doing what you love :)