Coffee Lover

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Avatar for Judith1969
2 years ago

August 27, 2021

 Shout out to all coffee lovers out there! May you have a coffeelicious day ahead!

I had a bad night last night. I was not able to sleep early. Past twelve midnight and I am still wide awake. I kept on thinking why I am still so active and not feeling drowsy. Then it comes to mind that I drank two mugful of coffee yesterday. This gave me an idea to write an article about coffee.


I was not a coffee drinker in my younger years. It was only when I am working in my current company that I learned to drink coffee.

The coffee that I started to drink was Nescafe 3in1.

For me, this is the perfect mixture in terms of my taste.

I tried to mix one sachet and drink it slowly. The effect on my body was so fearsome. I was having palpitations and it seems that my muscles were shivering. I can’t understand my body at all. So I stopped drinking coffee for a while.

The next time I opened another sachet was a few months after. This time I divided the sachet of coffee into three parts with the same amount of hot water. This time I did not feel any palpitations. Starting that day, I drank coffee with that kind of mixture.

A few months after, I tried mixing half of the sachet. I think my body was already used to the coffee as again I have not felt any palpitations. And again, in another few months, I started mixing the whole sachet. Until now, my body is used to the one sachet of coffee.


My first taste of Starbucks was thru my sister. She is a Starbucks fanatic. I remember she was still in Manila at that time, working in Makati. She always stopped by a branch of Starbucks to get her morning cup. The baristas there are already familiar with her that every time she visited, she doesn’t have to order her preference as it was already prepared by the barista.   

photo from Starbucks site

So it was when I visited her in Manila that she treated me with Starbucks. For me it is a special treat as I have not tasted any Starbucks coffee.

Soon, after tasting different coffee blend Hot Café Mocha became my favorite, but without the whip cream if we’re talking about Espresso Beverages and Coffee Jelly Frappuccino for Blended Beverages.

During Christmas Season, I ordered Peppermint Frappe. It really is cool to the taste. Sadly, they phase out Peppermint Frappe after Christmas Season.


As I do my grocery shopping in Parkmall and there is no Starbucks Coffee shop there, I tried Bo’s Coffee as it has a branch in there.

They also have Café Mocha so that is what I always ordered. Gladly, there’s not much difference from Starbuck’s Café Mocha.

for Bo's Coffee site

Upon learning that Bo’s Coffee are from the local farmers in the Philippines, the more that I support this shop. Love local, support local, they say.

For cold drinks, again I choose Coffee Jelly. And again, there’s not much difference from that of Starbucks.

Buying Starbucks and Bo’s are just for pleasure time or for when I gifted myself for a job well done. It is not my daily coffee as it can really put a hole in my pocket.

Before the pandemic, I standby at Bo's Coffee and crochet away. No one bother's me there.

So, for my daily coffee grind, I stick to Nescafe 3in1. I only limit myself to only one cup of coffee or else I will have difficulty sleeping.

When I was diagnosed with acidity, I have to temporarily stopped drinking coffee. It was for almost one month that I have not consumed a cup of coffee in a day. When I started to drink coffee again, I felt some palpitations again. So I have to start from the beginning with only half sachet for my coffee.

When hubby arrived home from his stint abroad, he brought with him a big jar of Nescafe Taster’s Choice coffee. I thought of mixing this yesterday but I just don’t know what is the perfect mixture.

I first added a teaspoon of the coffee, a packet of creamer and a spoonful of sugar. But I cannot taste the coffee. So I added again another teaspoon and tasted it. Still I cannot taste the coffee, so I kept on adding and adding coffee until I was satisfied of the taste.

Come evening I was so alive and cannot sleep. I don’t know how many teaspoonfuls I have added to my coffee. But I am glad to say that I have not felt any palpitations and no pain in my tummy.

What about coffee lovers? What is your favorite coffee?

That’s all for now folks.

Thanks for dropping by.

 I am forever grateful to these beautiful people who extends their support and love. You guys ROCK!

Thanks for the 🧡🧡🧡.

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$ 5.42 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.11 from @fantagira
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Avatar for Judith1969
2 years ago


I became a coffee lover here in France. As in ang bango ng amoy kasi brewed coffee. Dati instant coffee lang jan ako sa Pinas.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Slowly, but surely you joined the circle of coffee addicts! My first coffee was black and it didn't taste good, but I drank it anyway, as I wanted to stay up till the sunrise. I think I was 13 then ;)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Coffee lover before.not anymore.. Nagpapalpitate na ako 😅

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Water is the best drink naman talaga. Coffee has benefits too but in moderation. Pero pag nagpalpitate, better to stop na lang if di talaga kaya.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Naalala ko tuloy sayo ma'am Judith Yung ka workmate ko dati. Ang hilig nya sa Starbucks coffee din pag pupunta kmi ng mall walang absent sa Starbucks..

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Masarap ang Starbucks sa taste, masakit sa bulsa. 😁

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I cant do without it everyday, my friends tell me to cut down though...maybe I need to reduce my intake too.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

There are benefits in drinking coffee but it should be in moderation for it to be healthy. 😁

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm a coffee lover. And my everyday coffee is black, no too strong, and without sugar. And several cups, hehe

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Enjoy your coffee. I can't take black, I tried once and I palpitates.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Black no sugar for me, ate Judith :)

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Can't take black talaga, magpalpitate ako nyan. 😁

$ 0.00
2 years ago

ay onga pala no, ate. decaf pwede po yun basla less sugar para healthy :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Reminds me of my sister. She used to love milk but now that she is working in a BPO company she bacame a coffee addict. Mom too. She drinks coffee three times a day.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Masarap naman kasi ang coffee. 🧡

$ 0.00
2 years ago