A Day Well Spent

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Avatar for Judith1969
3 years ago

 July 10, 2021

Yay. It’s TGIS once again.

Thank God it’s Saturday. Time for rest and leisure.

Me and my kids planned for a road trip to the north of Cebu, particularly, the town of Carmen, 6 towns away from our place, just to get away from staying at home for a while.

Thanks God the rain has stopped this morning when we woke up. It was pouring hard last night.

This is our skies for today.

We first drop by my sister’s house to pick up Mom. At her age of 79 years, road trips are her only form of leisure. She so loved road trips.

When we arrived at my sister’s house, my niece and nephew were also getting ready as they want to come with us. The more the merrier.

My son, Zander takes the back seat every time we had trips like this but if mom is with us, he always sits beside mom, which is at the middle of the car. I am really thankful that my son cares for his grandmother. He assisted her in getting in and out of the car. My mom is so slow with her movements but Zander is so patient with her.

Once every one was seated inside the car, we then proceed to Carmen, a two hours drive from our place. But because of the traffic, it took us almost three hours to reach our destination, the Balwarte ni Vossing. We were planning to have our lunch there.

I have written Cutting on Budget, here’s the link if you haven't read it yet.


Food is not part of those that are being cut. This is a family who loves to eat and sometimes we look for new places to enjoy the food. We usually look for a place where there will be lesser people.

Balwarte ni Vossing is quite far and we thought that this might be a nice place to try. We have to go up the mountain, but luckily the road was paved and it is not a difficult climb to the top.

The restaurant was very small, a two container van converted into a restaurant. But they make use of the surrounding nature for their dining tables. It was a cool way to dine.

I think it will be romantic at night when the lights are on.

Mom, kids and cousins while waiting for the food to be served

True enough, we were the only patrons there when we arrived. We ordered spicy chicken wings, spring rolls, pancit and pochero for the soup. The food was delicious, especially the pochero.


After enjoying lunch and a few picture taking we left the place to proceed to the next town. It was timely as many patrons have arrived already.

We proceeded to the next town to buy OTAP. They have the best Otap in Cebu.

Otap is an oval shaped puff pastry cookie.

Their otap is soft but crunchy and melts in the mouth. I bought plenty, enough for a few days snacking.

We then start our way home.

At the car, Korean and Cebuano songs were being played. The kids joined in the singing. It was a bonding moment with the cousins. My mom was just looking around, her favourite pastime.

We stop by again at my sister’s place to drop Mom, niece and nephew and we continued on to the city. I have to buy some yarns needed for the new ordered customized dress.

This time the kids were already tired and were sleepy.

We arrived home past five in the afternoon and all went straight to their rooms to sleep.

What a day!

What about you? How was your day? Comment down below.

Thanks for dropping by.



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Avatar for Judith1969
3 years ago


It was so refreshing reading this. I had a flashback of my road trips with my family. I love road trips, but I haven´t been able to do them for a while. I love when I listen to a song, and it brings back memories of road trips. I loved the pictures you've shared. Glad you have such a nice time!

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Thank you. Hope you have another road trip soon. It does relieved some stress even for just a while. 🧡

$ 0.00
3 years ago

After my jog, I stayed home the whole day, got online and watched some movies :D That was a wonderful moment. I like your photo at the restaurant. Kudos to the owners for preserving the natural environment. That is what we should do, work with nature and not destroy it.

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Yes so true. Even the restaurant has a whole to accommodate the tree that grows within. They didn't cut the tree but changed the layout of the restaurant instead. Love your photos of your morning jog too. Baguio is cold even during the day, how is it during your jog?

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Now that's commendable. I hope all can do it that way. We need more responsible stewards of this earth. I think it's just getting used to :) By 7 a.m. it's warm so at least I should be on my way home by then. The cold is tolerable so far for now. I don't need to double up my clothes.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ganda naman ng view. Bet ko yan. Nice talaga mag road trip Lalo na pag marami kayo. Nakakawala ng stress at sarap din ng kwentuhan. Sana kami rin. Pero nag dagat din kaya ganda din ng Friday namin.

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Ari sa Cebu, isuroy tika didto.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Sana makapag bonding din kmi ng fam ko

$ 0.01
3 years ago

pag uwi mo, bonding kayo...

$ 0.00
3 years ago