No love lost, no love found.

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2 years ago
Topics: Relationship

I broke up with him, and my head started hurting soon after. We were together three months and in those months, I felt love, despair, excitement, hope and finally a heartbreak.

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In the process of getting to know him and familiarizing, I found out we weren't compatible.

He was the partying type but I wasn't , he smoked also, even offered me some but I refused, I loved him....but I disliked the things he did.

Eventually, he got fed up and told me in his own words, "it's either you go hard or you go home", I wasn't ready to go hard, to give up myself, my likes and dislikes as he didn't really like the things I liked, so I had to just wasn't my time yet.

And I went home, oh, how I cried in my heart, another failed relationship...but I'm grateful for the things I got to learn....I mean, he was a really ambitious person and he showed me that I could be much more better and self-made.

So, when it comes to relationships, it's mostly about picking the right choice, you should note that there's no such thing as a perfect choice .

But choosing someone who gives you peace of mind and who has your best interest at heart should be your paramount aim.

And having a partner too, you should try as much as possible to tolerate, because having another person in your life means you have to adjust to accommodate that person.

You also can't be too busy for your partner.

Love is a beautiful thing, but sometimes it can be misconstrued and misunderstood, communication is key in a relationship. Just strive to be the best partner you can ever be and who knows it might last forever.


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2 years ago
Topics: Relationship


you didn't succeeded! well done on moving onwards and upwards

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks a lot dear

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Trying to find that perfect match can also be difficult, but it's good that you left before forcing yourself into unwanted positions, I can relate to this, it can be painful and requires a lot of courage too, what you just did, a lot of people are afraid to that and by the time they realize what is happening, it's already too late.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Exactly, it took a whole lot of will to just up and move, I had to think about the future, how will it be if I still remain with this person, what and what would change about me, what would I have to lose, would it be more than what I'll gain? This and many more was considered.....thank you

$ 0.00
2 years ago

My dear friend, what a difficult experience you had, but know that he didn't deserve your purity and innocence, how good it was that you separated from him earlier. Don't worry, one day, at a time when you didn't even think about it, you will find your lost piece, and thank God for not giving your heart to such people who didn't deserve you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks a lot, it's best when you know what's right for you and what isn't I appreciate your comments

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I know that heartbreak very well. what belongs to you finds you . of course, one day you will find true love. the events you went through before you found it will also give you experience. you'll become more aware. in a relationship there should be love, respect, loyalty and understanding. if there is no respect and understanding, no matter how much you love, it will not work. I wish you continued success, dear.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Very well said, a relationship won't work without both partners being dedicated to each other, thanks for the well wishes.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

adjusting oneself and making our partner feels the most special is the key and we need to let us and our partner share the same page with trying and learnings. I appreciate your writings, keep on flourishing such beautiful contents:-)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Exactly, you have to help each other grow, emotionally, career wise and in have to benefit positively from each other......thanks a whole lot for your encouragements

$ 0.00
2 years ago

my pleasure juliana

$ 0.00
2 years ago