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3 years ago

SELFITIS means "Obsessive Taking Of Selfies".

This is a term coined to describe the cultural habit of taking an overabundance of photos of oneself and posting them on Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, and other social media sites.

The term SELFITIS was first utilized in 2014, in a parody article that guaranteed that the American Psychiatric Association had regarded it as an emotional wellness issue. In any case, in 2017, an exploration paper distributed in the International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, by Nottingham Trent University in the UK and the Thiagarajar School of Management in India, revealed that SELFITIS is an authentic sickness.

The specialists were mindful so as to call attention to that their outcomes were fundamental and that the subject of SELFITIS requires further exploration. In any case, they are sure that the condition exists and have built up a conduct scale that can be utilized to evaluate its seriousness. The scale was tried utilizing a study of 400 members in India, which was picked as the nation has the biggest number of Facebook clients, just as the most noteworthy number of passings because of attempting to take selfies in perilous areas. Because of this testing, the analysts recognized three degrees of SELFITIS:

  • Borderline SELFITIS. Individuals who take selfies at any rate three times each day, however, don't post them via web-based media.

  • Acute SELFITIS. Individuals who take selfies, in any event, three times each day and do post them via online media.

  • Chronic SELFITIS. Individuals who feel a wild desire to take selfies constantly and who post them in excess of six times each day.

Analysts found that regular SELFITIS victims were consideration searchers, who were frequently ailing in the fearlessness and who were wanting to support their social standing and feel part of a gathering by continually posting pictures of themselves.


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Written by
3 years ago


Says taking selfies is a disease. Anyone who has a mobile phone, most of the time takes selfies and leaves through social media. A healthy person can't always take selfies. But there are some who take selfies all day long.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

yeah right spending too much in phone especially in social media make us addiction and covetous too.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Right i know this kind of habit truly exist,and doing by some people, maybe not bad but always have time to other thing instead of taking selfies most of the time

$ 0.00
3 years ago