The Poor Man Love And The Rich Man Love

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2 years ago

An Inspirational Story- based on a true story, written in my creative way to bring out emotions.

That day, when she took my heart. I couldn’t sleep, lying in the dark trying to figure out how to have her in my bed and never let her go anywhere again.

From then on, I wasn’t able to focus on a thing in life. She was all I wanted in life. She’s the one for me from then on.

My job, don’t pay me enough to build her a house, to buy her a car, to take her out.

My heart beats with anxiety, worrying someone will snatch her from my heart.

I’ve thought of everything that I could do to make my dream come true faster than a shooting star.

She doesn’t know; she took my heart. She never knew. I had a crush on her. That’s crushing me alive.

Words, spreads like wildfire, a guy had turned up her door steps to meet her parents. He had dinner with them, presenting himself to be their future son-in-law.

A well-to-do guy, drives a mustang, wears a suit, doesn’t fish? Don’t chop woods, don’t hunt.

He eats in fancy restaurants, goes for vacations, sails a yacht with a bedroom, a kitchen and a room for his friends.

I drowned in tears, drowned in a pain that I can’t explain.

I couldn’t eat, couldn’t sleep, couldn’t go to work. Nothing has a meaning anymore. I lost what I ever wanted, lost my dream to a man with a yacht.

He stole my girl and stole my heart with her. She took my heart to another man’s house.

I’m here now, sitting in the dark corner of this room, grieving my pain, waiting and praying. One day she’ll realise the simple man next door is the one she wants.

I’m waiting for her to come back home to the countryside. I’ll be waiting to tell her all about my heartache.

If she doesn’t come back, I hope she’ll be okay; I hope he loves her right, but I know he can’t love her like I do.

I’ll take her love with me to the grave. I don’t want another girl; I don’t want any other in my heart.

There’s no place for anyone else. My heart is full of her shadow with an aching throb that thumbs with every beat.

I’m not a rich man, I’m not an actress or anyone important, but I am in love, and my love is sincerely. I know I have a chest of treasure to give any girl that fills my heart. Treasure no one will ever understand and appreciated but a girl who looks for what I have.

A poor man is always the one left behind, the rich man is always the one taken all the respect and recognition, though they don’t deserve it. They buy love, money is their power. I don’t buy love; I have it already in my heart; I don’t need money to generate love, nor do I need favors to love back.

A genuine love is a love that accepts and respects no matter what.

Copyright- @JoyOfWomanhood - 1-6-2022

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2 years ago
