God Made A woman

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2 years ago

God created a man, strong and proud. He was lonely and needed a companion. As he slept, God created a woman.

He woke up to a surprise to find a woman by his side. He asked God, Who is this. He needed a companion.

So God made a woman to love him and to comfort him. To stroll her fingers in his head when he’s under stress.

God made a woman and gave her a heart so gentle, she was to care for him like a king. He is to look after her like a Queen. She’s not like a man. She shines in the dark to lead him to the right side of life.

Man created strong to care and to protect her. To love and appreciate her. But he’s a man with hidden emotions.So God made a woman. He was to seek comfort from her with his emotions; she understands a man’s needs; she knows how to calm a man down.

God made a woman with a caring touch. She carries the baby for nine months with patience. She brings him to the world in pain. Then kiss him with tears rolling down her cheeks when she sees him enter the world screaming. Her heart softens, pain forgotten.

God made a man, then made a woman from his rib. They are one piece. They must remain together, to love, support and find peace and comfort in each other. Together they increase the population of the world.

God made a woman a mother, a sister, a daughter, a doctor, a nurse, a chef, a caregiver, an emotional healer.

God created man strong but weak in heart, so God made a woman to strengthen his heart. God made a woman weak from the outside but strong on the inside. To love and care for the weak and the sick, the invulnerable and the destitute.

To build a home, and to build the world, to tend to the soldiers injured in the wars. To breathe words of strength to the sad and the depressed. God made a woman to calm the broken hearts. To fall in love, to keep a man from doing wrong, and from falling apart.

The world needs a soul that’s strong and kind, to keep it alive with love and soothing touch. So, God made a woman.

I would like to give a big thank you to @Jento for his kind sponsorship of my writing and his ongoing support with upvoting my work. Thank you so much for the encoragement and support. It means a lot and I apperciate it from deep in my heart.

I would also like to thank all of you who have upvoted my work. Thank you for your support and your encoragement.

Copyright: @JoyOfWomanhood -11-20-21

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$ 0.57 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @Jento
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2 years ago


This is not fair! Why is it everytime you write, there is something stuck somewhere!? huhuhu! as always, thank u... Its truly well written. I cannot qualify it, I'm really looking for good reads and I'm glad I stumble by your article! So profound, I don't know where it all come from. You have so much in your mind and heart and its a good thing your letting it go! So you will be filled up with something new again... Please continue.

$ 0.00
2 years ago