Quit smoking

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Avatar for Joy123
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4 years ago

Smoking is very dangerous to our health,as human let us quit smoking it is against Gods word and also federal ministry of health are against it.smokers are liable to die young,some people still see this logo and still go ahead to smok,smoking darkest the heart and fail your lungs,why not quit smoking today? Must you wait to see strong thing or at the point of death before you stop?.

Let's us try to discourage people around us from smoking,most our friends do it why not make them see the bad effect it has on them,by doing this we are saving life and God is also happy with us.

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This is really dangerous to human life , frequent smoking damages the lungs.

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4 years ago

Some people just won't be able to stop no matter how much others warn them. May God help us all.

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4 years ago

Smoking is bad and dangerous for the health

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4 years ago

Smoking is a very bad thing, it's very dangerous to our health.

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4 years ago

Smoke is a very bad thing it is not good for the body

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4 years ago

May GOD help us all

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4 years ago

Some people are so addicted to it such that mere words can't change them

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4 years ago

Please quit smoking and care for the life of those around you, how would they take it if they discover that their loved one is dead. If you don't appreciate your live try to respect those that appreciate it for you

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4 years ago

It would have been most beautiful for people to quit smoking but the issue is that people are really addicted to it, and if the addiction is not stopped, it would be hard for them to stop smoking.

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4 years ago

At the end of it people would do what they want, just wish it is not too late for them though

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4 years ago

Smoking is really dangerous to the health let stop it.. Smokers are liable to die young be warn

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4 years ago

I don't really see people smoking around me I grew up in a very nice environment

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4 years ago

Even though manufacturers warned against it

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User's avatar Ara
4 years ago