My first publication in "know my life".

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Avatar for Jossy2992
2 years ago

Greetings to all members and readers of Read.Cash; Next I want to share a short autobiography

My name is Joselin Rivas, I was born in the city of San Fernando, State of Apure, Venezuela; On June 4, 1992. (I am currently 29 years old)

I'm the oldest of 7 siblings (counting half-siblings) but hey, I'm the oldest. My father left before I was 3 years old, leaving my mother pregnant with her second child; Three years later he started a new relationship, from which he had two more children, for a total of four children including me.

My first years at school were somewhat difficult, because I was always a very introverted girl, despite my difficult childhood and absence of a father, I did not like problems, I was not rebellious or problematic, something very favorable, but, For my classmates, I was weak despite being tall, therefore they always attacked me and harmed me just for not defending myself against their attacks and bad jokes; I did nothing but cry and when they realized that it was the only thing that I limited myself to doing, they took on the task of bothering me more and more every day.

However, I did not stop being the sweet, sensitive and caring girl that I used to be. With the passage of time and the help of my teachers, my classmates stopped taking action against me, thank God!

At a very early age I began to feel a certain love for cooking, I think it was because after school, I spent most of the time at my maternal grandparents' house, and especially with my Nonno (Grandpa) in the kitchen, he was a very talented chef and inventor who immigrated to Venezuela in the 1960s from Italy; I was very passionate about seeing him cook with so much love and dedication, unfortunately time did not give us the opportunity to share as we would have liked, because he passed away when I was about to turn 9 years old. I have very few memories with him, but very significant ones.

From the age of 10 I began to cook in a more independent way, I learned to prepare some simple dishes, such as arepas, rice, pasta, stewed meat or chicken, among others, and to help my mother as much as I could with the care of my younger brothers, since after her second breakup, she was left alone in charge of us and what the father of my two younger brothers contributed financially was not enough, so my mother had to work double shifts at her job as a Laboratory Technician General Hospital of our small, but always beloved city.

In 2006, when I was still 13 years old, I was diagnosed with acute gastritis due to eating disorders. I was very sick and lost a lot of weight. Due to this process I did not finish my school year and as if that were not enough, on June 3 of that same year, one of my maternal uncles died of Hepatitis C, this was a very hard and difficult blow for the whole family. , since Miguel was one of my most beloved uncles and my representative in the primary school, since he worked as a teacher there; I saw in my uncle, the father I never had. To all this, the day of my 14th birthday we were at his funeral. (Without a doubt the bitterest birthday I've ever had)

The following school year I continued my studies without interruptions, my responsibilities increased, even so, whenever I could on weekends I helped two of my maternal aunts with the housework, that is, due to the different circumstances I learned early the value of earn me the things for myself.

This is how this teenager became a premature adult, (as I call it), because while many of my friends enjoyed their time at parties and other things, I immersed myself in my occupations at such a young age. And it is not that I have been against the activities that my friends carried out, in that sense I think there were many stages of my life that I did not burn, enjoy or experience, but I am sure that all the events I lived in one way or another They made me the woman I am today.

At the age of 15 I made the most important decision of my life, to truly know God, and therefore to attend a church, I really like music, especially singing, so in a short time I joined the Ministry of Praise, and my friends and brothers from church tell me that I have a very sweet voice.

One of my sisters of the faith calls me The Dove, since I participated playing a role, singing the melodic verses of a musical called El Arca de Noé, by the writer Marcos Vidal.

I finished high school in the middle of 2010, and at the same time I started university in the Integral Education career, at the end of the following year (2011) I met my boyfriend and who would later become my husband, with whom I started a small business of sales of ponqués (Cup Cakes), which grew little by little and we began to distribute in some cafes in the area, at the same time that I worked in a restaurant as a kitchen assistant, a job that I had to do without, since I needed doing my professional practices and the demand for Cup Cakes orders occupied almost all my time.

The morning of September 11, 2013, was a very sad and unforgettable date for me, because I had to see one of the most important people in my life leave this world, my grandmother, see from a glass door as the doctors on duty at the hospital, they did everything possible to save his life and failing in the attempt was very hard and traumatic for me; getting used to the physical absence of a being you love so much, it costs a lot and can only be understood by people who have experienced that pain, pain that you can never erase or overcome, you only learn to live with it, and your consolation is the good ones memories that were left next to that person you loved so much and now is gone.

In April 2014 I got married with my boyfriend and bussines partner, It was a family and simple celebration; In that same year, due to the aggravated economic crisis that persists in my country to this day, we gave up our sales venture due to the same shortage of supplies. Reason why, I froze my semesters at the university and at the end of that same year I accepted a job offer as a salesperson in a renowned Colombian lingerie store, thanks to my performance and confidence acquired in a short time I became a cashier and in charge of the same, until mid-2015, since the owner, after much trying, found himself in the painful need to close due to the difficult situation in the country, which had worsened by that time, and likewise I had to see how many other national and foreign businesses were forced to close their doors, due to the lack of merchandise and raw materials, in addition to the terrible inflation, which made everything more expensive, such as the exorbitant cost of rents.

Likewise, at the beginning of 2016 I decided to resume my university studies, since I only had two semesters left to finish my career as a teacher, successfully completing my academic activities that same year.

In December for Christmas campaign, I received a new job offer in a clothing and footwear store for men, women and children, which I took. Due to my skills as a salesperson, my immediate boss proposed me a contract for the new year 2017, with which I agreed until October of that year, when my husband and I made the decision to emigrate, like many other Venezuelans, in search for a better quality of life. In our case, we traveled to Peru, a country that has opened its doors to us and where I have worked, like most migrants, in different tasks, (which I will detail my experience as a migrant later) however, in November 2021, I suffered a sudden and unfortunate accident getting on a public transport (combi), causing a fracture in the fifth metatarsal of my right foot, which is why I am currently unemployed.

A good friend of the family, knowing about my current condition, recommended this platform to me and that is how I got here.

There are so many things that I could capture, but, not to make these post longer, they will be left for another opportunity.

I hope with my experiences and knowledge to be able to contribute and in some way inspire their lives, in the same way to grow and learn from the experiences and/or publications of each of the members of Read.Cash.

If you have reached the end of this reading, I want to tell you that your opinion is very valuable to me, so I will be attentive to your comments, suggestions and corrections, since English is not my mother tongue, so it is very likely that I make one or another translation error when preparing the articles, in this way you will be collaborating in my learning process. Thank you very much for your time and may God bless you!

Sponsors of Jossy2992

$ 5.41
$ 5.25 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Amjad_Ali_Waince
$ 0.05 from @Unity
+ 3
Sponsors of Jossy2992
Avatar for Jossy2992
2 years ago


Oh dear new Venezuelan friend, first I read your second article and I thought you were from Peru haha I am also from Venezuela, I am from Sucre, but I currently live in Anzoátegui. Life has been really difficult for many people, but the most important thing is to keep moving forward and fighting for our dreams, I hope that in spite of everything you do well and achieve success. has been a blessing for many people, not only for the monetary part, but also the performance we have when writing, and enjoying reading the wonderful articles of other people who are in different communities, we can learn from other cultures and other countries reading the point of view of each one and it's really great.

Oh for translations I first use Deepl from Spanish to English, and then I check in google translator if the translation from English to Spanish is correct or as faithful as possible to what I want to say in Spanish. I hope you have a lot of success here at and in your life, that you can achieve everything you set your mind to.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you very much friend, if it really is, it has been difficult for many of us who have emigrated but, God is in control of everything, forward and with great faith! And yes, this platform is great, it allows us to learn from other cultures and from the experiences and/or knowledge of those who bring Read.Cash to life. Nice to meet you, and thank you very much for your recommendation (Deepl) I had not heard of this, it helped me with the google translator and the little knowledge I have. Thanks for your good wishes! God bless you!🤗🤗🙏🏻🙏🏻

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you so much to you for being such a wonderful person and still fighting. I always make recommendations when I can, I didn't know Deepl either, my father taught it to me. Have a good one my friend!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Good day my dear. Welcome to the family..😊🎉 I hope you will have a great journey as you explore the finest of this awesome platform. I am so sure that you will meet a lot of friends in here.(count me as one😁) I hope your injury will heal so soon..Stay blessed!😇

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you dear, I am glad to know that I count on your friendship🤗, I also hope to heal very soon, because it has been a long and difficult process, but, God is in control of everything🙏🏻🙏🏻 a big hug 🫂and God bless you!

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I am so sure God will heal you so soon my dear new friend.
Looking forward to read more of your writings that I why I didn't hesitate to subscribe you.. :))

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Welcome to ReadCash. I must admit that I have liked your authentic style of writing. You will do many good things in life. Don't ignore your passion for music. I neglected music for many years, but I decided to bring it back very recently.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you very much for your emotional words, these tell me that I am going in the right direction🤗. And the truth is that I am glad that you have brought music back to your life, that wonderful art that allows us to express ourselves without reservations. I wish you much success and blessings!🙏🏻

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Write regularly. I appreciate your positive words. And, keep in touch.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Welcome to the platform friend Jossy. Hoping that you will have a successful and blessed journey here. Best of luck..btw, nice to meet you!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you my friend 🤗, I hope so with God's help. 🙏🏻 Nice to meet you too! Blessings!😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Welcome, friend. I hope you have a lot of success at ReadCash. I send you a big hug and many blessings.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Amen friend, thank you for your good wishes for me. A big hug for you too and God bless you!🤗😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Read cash is fabulous plateform to stay. Hope your journey will get new height soon. Welcome and stay blessed!!!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Amen!! Thank you very much for your comment my friend, I also hope that I do well here🙏🏻, and at the same time contribute something valuable to the people who read me! 😊Blessings!

$ 0.00
2 years ago