Lowest point of our life

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2 years ago

I woke up early in the morning. I take a coffee. It warms my belly. I feel so comfortable that time. I went to wet market and buy some food. Prices are still elevating. Ever since before, I wasn't experience that a five hundred pesos would buy only a 3 pieces of fish and 1 kilo of meat.

Sad news are always reported by journalist. The war between the countries are triggered. I anticipated a vision in the future. Asking is there a good future for the new generation? I guess nothing. Problems are always there on us. I mean the world has its deterioration. People are individually rising their pride just because they have dominant power.

It makes me feel so uncomfortable especially when I saw the news. We never totally transcended the pandemic and her comes a treat of war to us. It makes me bothered. How come a person choose to create war over peace. Is it necessary to proclaim war? No, of course. We didn't like war cause it harm us.

The most triggering is that we are being implicated. It's a thing that we afraid of. Why war stops the progression of other countries? It's because mainly the export of goods and services stops also. Albeit, oils doesn't import to Russia but they are responsible also in importing funds. Without money every also is immobilized.

The Philippines right now has outnumbered with so many problems. People who contradict government is considered also a problem. Yes, literally they are problems. Terrorists are infiltrated the country and expressing their treats when election is conducted.

We seldom heard those good news. Maybe, we can't even hear good news unless bad people will get rid. The solution of this is we must just trust God in every problems the world suffering is. No humans can stops this war. It's only the deity who can have the control of it. This is my apprehension all about. What if one day God will appear in the clouds?

Have you ever wonder what's happening to us right now? Cruelty is everywhere. There's no room for good. Everything is occupied with evil. I think the world is getting older and it's time to end it's agony from the people who keeps on making bad deeds.

Earth is place for living. It's not for war and cruelty. Let's free our sentiment. We must not allow apprehensions leads our way. Let us put our trust to God because he is the only being who can ruin the evil in this world.

People need to realize that what's happening to us right now is just the beginning of agony. We might think about the scriptures. Yes, if you read the bible probably you'll agree with me. The phenomena happened to us is already written. I think it's time to think of this.

We can't stop the trend of violence. We search for justice but we found distortion. We're everything is going through well, when time comes our God will replenish new room for good people. After all of this, agony there's two form of destination either the way to distraction or a desirable life.

As time passed by, the world is getting through with worst. How much more if this continues in the future, were everything is occupied with evils. Good people are getting punish. How can we pass the trials? I accepted trials in life but it isn't the right for humanity. There's someone who is responsible for all evil exist.

This is the lowest point of our life like we will not be expecting things will be in normal. Even president Prrd, has promised us that he can end drug menace in just 3 to 6 months, but he didn't expected that he didn't seen the profound root of drug syndicate. He just seen the swallow problems which he perceived that it was the deepest.

In some point even 6 years of operations of drug war, it seems, it requires hundred of term to proudly says that we are drug free nation. There some exporters of drugs this is the main reason why it cannot be stop by just in our country. Neighborhood countries should also amend drug wars cause literally it will just revolves around the globe if other countries wouldn't collaborate with drug war.

Violence is everywhere. We're people are just a victim of the history. Even in social media we can found violence, there's nothing left good to humanity if they don't believe the concept of God. It is God who is the main source of kindness and Peace.

I can say that things may better if we draw near to him. People forgot the concept of good. Literally, folks wants disturbance and who want that are those atheist and terrorist. As we go down deeply we are at the point of deepest part of our life, were in life has full of obstacles. The things we made from the past are just part of history. But we can only revoke the goodness of life not the bad ones.

There are reason why God is justice. Yes, he is justice and that justice is through goodness. I feel like I'm getting rid of my bad sentiment over the past years, since I've already know about his words. I also think that he delivers this platform for those people who seeks help.

He knows the best for you. I just can't imagine how useful this platform right now cause I can manage to help our family. Despite of bad news I've heard I'm still thankful that we are governed with good leader. A true leader. Unlike, before I can say that our country was unfortunate to preceding leaders.

Remember before? So much agony because of calamities and still the government seems not to help fellow Filipino because they're not part of the party. They just choose who will be given a help. It's so tough that time like there's no room for sentiment.

This is the end. Hope you profoundly understand what I'm trying to bestow.

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2 years ago


I am super against war kasi lahat naman talo sa gera. I prefer peaceful and respectful talks. Wag naman sana sa pisikalan. We are better than this.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's it no one can proclaim triumph against anyone cause war is violence and it doesn't results to a mellow discipline but a chaotic way we're alot of people loses lives.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

All I can saw on my facebook timeline are people getting crazy over their presidential candidates.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Haha, that's true I also watched that. Welcome to list of memes. Hehe it is because money brought them there.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ayayy maong kita mag binuotan ta kay ang kalibutan nagbag.o na hahaha hinay2 nag menyo unya pag binuotan na sep kay haahah hapit nag paghukom 😆 ato sugdan sa atoa kaugalingun ag peace 😁

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oy, haha, maajo Kay nagpatim aw. Nakang umoga ka laay kaau Wala Koy ma bas, 😆 haha joke, Ikaw ray pag binootan Kay buutan naman ko daan. Daghana raba kag biktima ug mga Kuan da.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahaha ungo ka, kabuotan ra nako. Ikaw rajud ug akong mama makaingun nga diko buotan🤣 kuan2 ba uroy, buotana ra nako . ikaw pag binuotan dhaa. Mag active nko dre kay wana koy talay atatss haahahah

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hehe, mag active Kay pobre na looya pud nimo uy😆. Pagbinootan na bitaw para malumos ka ug grasya.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahahah buotan na lageh ko, unsa pamang buotana imo gipangita nga naa namn na naho🤣🤣🤣

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2 years ago

In times like these will just test our faith. Worrying will never help us secure another year of our lives. I wish you will have peace despite the chaotic world.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You just said well ma'am, we must strengthen our faith to God cause is the only being who can control over this undesirable phenomena. Thanks for dropping.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

These unseemly unending problems of our nation are just too overwhelming for PRRD. Well, I could definitely say that drug addicts really dropped in number today.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I really appreciate of what our president have done to this nation. He just exposed to the whole country how drug menace are getting worst than what we expected. It's like a pyramidal structure of drug syndicate.

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2 years ago

This is what I'm always thinking about. Why would other people choose war and to harm each other than settling things in a peaceful way? The world is already facing so many natural disasters and crisis yet these things still happening :(

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2 years ago

True, they've just adding problems to the globe. I think they are not satisfied with their role they just want to be the highest and powerful being in the entire globe.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

So sad to know about that, I'm worrying about the future generations what will be there type of history? I think they've encounter alot of struggles in living.

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2 years ago

I think they are gone mad and they don't know which thing is better and which is not that's why they prefer to war our piece

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2 years ago

It is what we called pride. They choose war over a mellow discipline of conversation. They are so ruthless that even the innocent are being affected die to it's invasion.

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2 years ago

All wars have always started in Europe. The neutral countries do not want to take part in that drama anymore. Why would we die for causes like that? I do think that's selfishness.

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2 years ago

I also observe that, maybe some of the leaders their have the highest peak of their ego. Just like our country here, which is trying to be neutral didn't what war but still they covering up the country and made this country as their venue for war.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sana maging okay na lahat my friend. Yung war ang laki talagang binigay na distraction at apektado talaga ang majority. Lalong naghirap. Sana matigil na. We should always pray my friend. Maging okay din ang lahat.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, my friend I will pray that everything will gonna be okay soon. Mahirap talaga Ngayon may pandemic pa tapos dumagdag pa Ang war na ito. Sana maging peace ma ulit.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oo friend. Dasal lang talaga maitulong natin ngayon. I know darating din ang time na maging okay ang lahat my friend.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The Bible made it clear, we are in the END TIME and these things are bound to happen. The increase in agony and crimes are becoming too much, things are practically turning upside down. Maybe the world is gonna end soon, but it shouldn't end now because I haven't tasted the sweetness of this world yet. lol😂

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hehe, you better taste it cause we didn't know when will be the end. I'm feel anxious about that prophecy. But if you're truly following the commands of God probably you'll be happy cause Change is coming. No doubt about that.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Indeed times getting worse day by day, but we need to thrive and find ways to cope up. It's harder but with God's guidance fueled with our positivity and willpower we can still make this. This is one of the reason why I don't like the idea of having child/children because for me it will only get worse in their time and I don't want to live a life of constant struggle even worse passing this to my would be children.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's right there future would be messy cause the situation here is getting worst and it would be worsen soon. Hope it won't happen cause people in the future are so pathetic.

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2 years ago

I'm so sad about this tragedy that many people been through most especially of the current war. Both countries sufferring it because of the ego of one person🥺 we don't have any power unless we keep praying to God.

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2 years ago

You're right God has the only power to control over this tragic moments. We shouldn't raise our ego, because that could be the starting point of war and hatred.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yessss . Ego is very crucial among all.

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2 years ago