Crafted hand

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2 years ago

I want to help my family. I have started paying bills for the last one year. I'm the only one who pay electric bills. Sometimes I also buy food for the family. I did this because I have a bit extra money. Finding available opportunities near on our abode since that time pandemic is so rampant. What's your contribution to your family?


Many of us have responsibilities in life. As we are getting older we have also burden in life. I'm still trying to figure out what's the best way to earn more income. It is us who can help our own family. Sometimes giving leisure time for our self is obsolete. Why do we need to do that? It is important to set a time for yourself. But how if you have enough time to do that.

This platform brings alot for me. It helps me to purchase needs in house. I couldn't imagine how my life right now if haven't here. I think there's something else that I can grant my self through this platform. You know what I mean. Right? I've never mentioned about the nomenclature of this platform cause I know the robot is prohibited that. Let me rephrase what he says, write nothing but interesting stuff.

This how I understand the robot says. Now going back to the main topic, yes it's tough to be getting older. You have additional burden of responsibilities. Especially, when have build your own family and you are considered as the foundation of your family. In my case I still look forward to those things that can uplift us from poverty. I'm a sort of person who has alot of wants in life.

Like, I want to start my own farm. A farm that has assorted with roosters. I'm not a gambling boy. I'm just happy to taking care of those warrior pets. Like it makes my day complete when I've seen those warrior pets. It sounds pretty strange idea. We have individual wants in life. And nothing can stop us to do what's our plan life as long as we are in the position.

Sophisticated and Crafted

There are countless of people right now who are still figuring out what is there main goal. For them they have just contented with what they have. I already tell this you in my previous article. The notion about dealing our uncertainties can't even take us to our best destination. We believe that our uncertainties is vague. But we can't also concluded that our uncertainties can't uplift us. We just need to explore our unique traits.

Why just try to figure out another?All I can say is that don't just be consistent to the things that aren't good for you. Let me share this idea, just to clarify things on you readers. I have this one friend who always believe that one day he will be rich. Many people who keeps to teasing him. Why? It's because his was dreaming so high without thinking that his dream was impossible.

I mean he was just an ordinary carpenter. No one's believes on him. He just believe that one day he'll be rich through his main job. How come that he'll become rich if wages of carpenter is very low here in our country. It isn't logical to think. He just said that one day he will be recognized by huge company and allow him to work on them. Through that he will be able to accumulate huge income and become rich. To think of it isn't impossible cause now a days, opportunities are available. It just need a trusted social media, internet and a camera. There you have it. You can have your own preference of dream.

But one thing that the carpenter doesn't exposed his main talent. He has a crafted hand. He is good in drawing. I saw his endeavors and I was totally astonished. Like, if you compare the picture and his drawings it looks like they are pretty convincing. I really think profoundly why he just keep his talent in silent? I ask him. Why? And he just said he is not comfortable with his talent. He doesn't even convinced his own talent. I told him no you are truly amazing.

Your talent is one in a hundred thousands. Like not everyone has a crafted hands. Now, I started to synthesize what he believes. I think he will be rich soon. He just said to that he currently honing his skills. He didn't tell anyone except his family and me. If you think why he exposed talent on me it's because we are closed to each other back when we are childhood.

By the way if you're not familiar with those two characters they are mainly the protagonist in the anime series Hunter | Hunter. One the left side his name Gon while on the right side his is Killua. I never share this to you but my friend really love to draw animes. He just said to me that he want to study more about drawing. But there's no available course here in our country. You need to traverse abroad just to expand you creativity. I think Japan is the best drawing institution which typically majority of the anime were came from Japan.

Final thoughts

We don't underestimate a person whom we know for several years. We can't measure there achievements through seeing on our naked eyes. People have that individual talent came from above. We need to be grateful for what we have. When you think that you have no talent just exploring any possibilities maybe in some area you are good. Don't just blame yourself. Strive to discover your talents. That's all thanks for reading!

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Avatar for Jopix404
2 years ago


Indeed, we shouldn't underestimate anyone or underestimate our own ability. All of us has special talent, we just need to empower them.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, empowering seems to be more convenient to help a person hone their skills and personality.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Naloloka ako sanaol marunong magdrawing AHAHAHAH

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Haha Salamat naman po, mahirap gumawa nyan hehe, pero pwde muna Mang e try. Thanks ๐Ÿ‘

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I remember Hunter/hunter but I can't remember the name of the character, my favorite anime is Naruto Shippuden, but you have an amazing talent, keep it up, by the way, nice to meet you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Me too, I really like Naruto Shippuden. That anime series was my first anime that I've watched. It has really have a nice idea.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah, I'm a big fan also, I love his character there, his move, and his actions.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

What a great talent in arts ah. Ayieee one of my faves anime, hunterXhunter....galing nmn mgdrawing oh at nakuha mo talaga looks nila gon at killua. C Naruto din isali mo hehehe with kakashi. Namiss ko sila panoorin.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks for appreciating this endeavor. Maybe on my next article I will be adding those notorious anime characters.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Welcome..notorious talaga hahaha. Dragonballz din mgnda din yun.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, everyone has a talent, we just have to be patience in discovering it:) By the way I love that anime, one of my fave๐Ÿ˜Š

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh, thanks ma'am, that's hunter hunter, it's one of my favorite anime series since I've started watching various animes.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

True, talents make us success my friend, there's a big possibility that's why we shouldn't underestimate or judge other people because of their current situation because we don't know that they have a hidden talents. It's need to be explore like joining singing contest because he/she has a good voice. Your friend has an amazing talent my friend.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's right friend no matter how we see other people we must also not to make an immediate judgement to them. Some talents is hidden it is only revealed when someone triggers it. I really astonished for those talented people out there friend.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes my friend there are a lot of people who are talented in this world.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

They are also so called gifted individual. They really fortunate people.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I couldn't agree more!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks ma'am hope you'll bring that thought well๐Ÿ˜Š

$ 0.00
2 years ago