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2 years ago

Hello, fellow readers! Today is a sunny day. It's a miracle for me. Each whiff of the wind is just incredible. I always pray that the weather is normal. I'll share this thoughts that my friend gave this idea yesterday. These are sort of questions that I need to answer coz I've never in a prompt. So, let me begin first;

Favorite things to do

First of all one of my favorite things to do is playing mobile games together with my cousins. It's kind of bonding. We also tend to buy junk food for a food trip and simultaneously playing Mobile Legend. Second is fishing. I really appreciate the happiness that brought of fishing activity especially when you we caught flock of fishes. We used fish net not rod. My friends always invite me to join them. Well, I'll not hesitate to join them cause fishing is one of my favorite activity.

I also love the to venture in some places but sad to say it requires alot of money. That's why I also refuse to venture sometimes cause I don't have money but if ever I've a permanent job, well why not to join. Traveling makes you extravagant. Venture sometimes is dangerous cause you're not familiar with the different traits and characteristics of people. Better to be careful also. Sometimes it's not the people give you harm it's also the nature. Remember, those notorious pranksters who drown and died. Let's be careful to our venture.

What's your comfort zone?

It's our abode which makes us comfort. There's no place like home. This was one of the most effective way in describing our living home. When ever I'm at home I feel ease. No one gonna dictate your actions except you mother haha lol. Our comfort zone maybe varied it depends on where exactly you're comfortable with. Sometimes our comfort zone is a person. A person which we tend to approach when we are in hard times. We tend to seek some advices to them. Anyways, I consider my mother to be my comfort zone since she is my mother and also my friend simultaneously. I can talk to her all my grievances and concerns. She doesn't judge me and tend to understand my sentiment.

Relationship status

I don't have any status haha, lol. Seriously, yes right I choose not to engage in relationship cause I don't want any intervention. You'll probably get mad at me haha, but that's the reality. In our four siblings I'm the only one who does not have any engagement to someone. This is all just I can say cause I can't talk longer about relationships

Are you tire of life?

I'm not tired of life. Maybe, life get tired of me haha. Seriously, I won't say I'm tired cause my parents does not shows any complain to their hard works. I mean who am I to say I'm tired in fact there's someone out there who have so much sacrifices just to sustain life. Life is significant and it is a gift to us. There is a saying; if you born poor it's not your mistakes but if you die poor it's you're mistake. This how I remember it, but it's not how exactly says but the thoughts is already their.

How's your mental health?

Some of us suffers from anxiety. There's no doubt on that since the pandemic strikes us, it seems there are alot of individual are getting lost their job. Opportunities are diminished. Still, we make solutions of being devoid of life. In my case I've suffer before anxiety, like I feel useless coz I don't have any contribution. This push me to enter various heavy works.

Another thing that gives me anxiety is that I don't have any passive income. I try to seek jobs offer here in our province and even the near city but I couldn't find. It seems opportunities are elusive. I'm so grateful that one of my friend gives me the idea of this platform. In this way I strive, like I didn't missed a day without any publish content. My anxiety feelings got diminished. It really has big help especially paying bills and loads. I give load every now and then to my parents. So, because of that they become grateful coz I've some contribution to them. Well, they don't force me to help but my inner thoughts keeps telling me.

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2 years ago


I like to play Pes2022 in my mobile. But for neck pain i left to play this game.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Glad you are happy even without a partner, hehe. Anyway, you will find the best way to earn din soon. Whether it's through online or a job in your province. Goodluck :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Tired nako sa pressure ng life na halos hindi ko ma take pero fighting parin. Status, hmm comoplicated hahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Me! I'm tired of living 🙋 kidding. Not tired but bored lang haha. I'm still good yes. . anyways oiii, pansin ko naka mark as spam na comment mo. Why o why 😲

$ 0.00
2 years ago

There's nothing wrong with being single we understand you hehe just enjoy your life as an individual for the time being. Everything has it's own season. Anwyays, nice to meet you❣️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hehe, yes theres nothing wrong with that. I just share my thoughts about my status cause it ask me. You're right just enjoy life.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I love fishing as well even though it's not common at the place I reside now. But I've done fish hunting before and it was fun. You know, the joy to see your hook or trap catch fishes is immeasurable

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I remember when I was a child I keep on fish even though it was too hot. That's one thing that I've love ever since before.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

once you found the one for you, there is time for everything..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yung fishing naalala ko talaga friend. Noon sumasama ako kanila mama manghuli ng fish tas ako yung tagapanood. Andyan ako sa gitna ng bangka. Sobrang napaka enjoy talaga lalo na pag may mahuling isda. Tuwang tuwa talaga ako my friend. Ako din friend gusto ko magwatch ng movies tas with snacks. Mas maganda pag may kasama ka manood.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I feel guilty about tiring. Honestly, I do somehow feel tired about my dreams but then what do I set to myself is never dare to give up. Its okay to get tired but not to give up.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Definitely, yes I agree with you ma'am, don't just give up easily to your dreams.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Whatever your reasons why not to engage any relationships, everyone should respect it. It's your decision that no one can dictate you. But that's what I was thinking also before to be a single forever. But we're destined to any call, we can't refuse it but to accept heartily.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hehe,😅 indeed sir we do have our respective call. I think I don't have it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I played mobile games also in pandemic time. But now i left this. Its bad for neck and time wasting.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Well, it's not good if we are already saturated with mobile games. It is good that we have controlled over it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm fine friend, and your favorite mobile games seem to be fun to play

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Well, said ma'am, it's really fun. It's funnier when you play it with company.

$ 0.00
2 years ago