You should not give your kids a Phone

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1 year ago

Don't let technology take your place

The panorama in which we live today is a very sad reality to look at. More than ever we find people who suffer from a lot of ailments like anxiety or ADHD and still don't ever seek help for their problems. That's because they find themselves so stimulated by the things that they see in the internet: Social Media, Videogames, Pornography; that they don't feel the need to do anything else, just procrastinating and entering into a vortex of madness. Well, this is happening to our generation, one who is still old enough to have lived a childhood without the external influence of these types of technologies. Then imagine what would happen to the next one, who's raised by a phone or an Ipad rather than their own parents.

What can we expect about this?

From our birth to the age of 6-7, we're basically a sponge for anything we see, wanting to imitate every behavior we are exposed to so we can adopt It as part of our personality, which forms Itself in Its most part from 0 to 4 years. If you give your children access to a place so vast and at the same time so uncontrolled as the Internet, they will be exposed not only to the good aspects of It, though the wildest and most deplorable too. We tend to see this too much: Kids from the age of 10-12 publishing suggestive content that only an adult would do in platforms such as Tik-Tok and boys that are barely in the age of reading watching adult content. This will surely affect the children to come, as they will find themselves with a really low attention span (Bordering on deficit), unhealthy sexual conduct and a higher degree of self absorption and narcissism, which will make Itself present in even forms of antisocial behavior just to get attention.

What to do about It?

Well, It is simple and at the same time hard. The only way to prevent your children from falling in this trap is to be active in their life and raise them in the proper way, through the presence of both their parents (I know It will be harder for a single parent, though It will surely make the difference between a healthy individual or someone who's crippled by media consumption) engaging with them in different activities and giving them healthy role models of what life should be like and how a capable adult should act.

I hope that this article could have put some light in a problematic that we're dealing with in this day, giving kids technology at such a young age, and Its problems, encouraging you to always be there for your kids and to always watch at what they're being influenced by, always giving them their fair share of autonomy and motivation from your part. Thank you for your support and good luck!

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1 year ago


I agree with you, you are correct Children always remembers at age 6 or 7 Because I still remember when I was that age, things I did,If I wasn't stopped then....I don't think I would again

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1 year ago

I have a list to disagree but... i don't like a very long comment. But the most important is, a phone is used to call & locate my child especially when they're not home. I am a single mom and it all depends on the priorities of the parents on how they handle their kids. I wouldn't say it but unless you're a parent, it will really be easy to be off the same page as there is no need to explain in details.

i gave up my laptop at home because he is playing with it the whole time. He is 9 and is able to do a lot of things including cook his own meal, cook rice manually not on a rice cooker. He also knows how to pack up the garbage, just timely for the garbage collector to pick it up. He has learned to send himself back and forth from school. With the laptop/phone, he is the one teaching me how to navigate the internet when i barely know the settings and a lot of things. I dont have to literally teach him spelling and grammar, because he does it on his own. he has greatly improved his reading skills and i dont have to make follow-ups on school because he took the liberty of updating himself from the present crisis at school, too much rain - school suspended. So, he can very well manage on his own while i am at work.

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1 year ago

That's a beautiful and capable child you have, and It shows the quality of the way you raised him. What I think I should have explained better in the article is that you shouldn't give children phones without supervision as It will expose them to a lot of bad things about the Internet and It can affect the development of their ability to focus. As long as you supervise what he's doing in the Internet (including social media) and make sure that he also dedicates time to his studies, socializing and recreative activities, It will all be fine.

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1 year ago