Take responsibility for your life

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2 years ago

It might not be your fault, but....

Many things have happened to us over the course of our lives, from enjoyable memories of love, fun and cosiness, to uncomfortable, sad and painful and situations of sorrow. Sometimes we might be the ones that caused those moments to happen to us, and others they're the result of something bigger than us, something which we can't control at all. However, what differentiates one person to another in the way they experience these events is the way in which they react to them. Let's say you're experiencing the death of someone close to you, thing that no one wants to experience. Though once It happens you have two options: Either to blame the world and everyone around you for not being able to be there for that person when It mattered, or you can rightfully grieve, though at the same time take responsibility for what has happened, then calling funerary services and making arrangements for your beloved one to have a proper sendoff. Then, when enough time has passed, you can go forward and continue with your life, something which they surely would have wanted to. That's what I will talk about in this article, taking responsibility for the things that happen in your life and directly affect you, even If initially you're not the one to blame for them, why to do It and the benefits It can bring you. Let's begin:

Why do I have to be responsible for everything?

Even If you don't want to, tragedies and bad days will happen in plenty, and most of the time there won't be people to help you, so instead of complaining of why something happened to you and seeking the one to blame, It will be much more practical and less taxing on your mind to actually work to find the solution. In this way you'll be able to grow as a person, acquiring the knowledge for particular situations at the same increasing your reputation as someone reliable when things go bad.

Now that we know why It is better to take responsibility for what happens, let's convince you further by talking about the benefits that responsibility can bring you.

Will make you more "Mature"

Though maturity is a term that has been twisted and used for many purposes, when talking about psychological maturity, I like to talk about It in terms of taking responsibility for what you do and what happens to you, something which perfectly aligns with the purpose of this article. By being able to act when It counts and have all those problems that happen to you in check, you'll grow and develop yourself to the point of being considered a truly mature person.


Along with maturity comes resilience, the ability to withstand things that cause us a great deal of pain, and be able to get over them. By being responsible of what happens to you, you'll find that those things that might have caused you great discomfort in the past, are now but mere unpleasantries and steps in the way of getting your goals.

Avoiding bigger threats

When we leave a problem that presents to us unchecked, It will grow with the pass of time to greater proportions, even to the point of being able to hurt you in the less pleasant ways and having devastating effects. Things like little lies can turn into ugly divorces or broken friendships, all because of not wanting to take blame for what you did. That's why taking responsibility is really important in this case. By being able to cut a dragon's head right when It appears, you will have a much more clear mind and less things to worry about, resulting in a better life.

With the information provided I hope that you could have understood the benefits of being accountable in every situation of your life, focusing not on the many factors that had caused It or who is to blame, though to work in the solutions and ways to improve in order to face It and grow because of them, knowing that ultimately, you're the only one responsible for the way you respond to things. Thank you for your support and good luck!

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2 years ago


Your writing skills is so Beautiful. This article is so helpful for us. Thanks for Sharing this helpful Article

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We ought to take responsibility, that's how life is supposed to be! Responsibility for everything, not just good times, an indication that we are growing.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Taking responsibility of your life also means living a life with purpose and intention.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

as what i've said in my article, taking accountability is part of our liabilities. loved your thoughts, such an excellent content!

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2 years ago