This is an Update More Than an Article

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Avatar for JonicaBradley
3 years ago


Everyone keeps asking me how I'm feeling. I thought I could put it all in one spot.

I'm feeling better every day. I am no longer feeling the need for hours and hours of sleep, but I do go to bed pretty early.

My headache returned this afternoon. Medication helped it.

It has been especially hot the past 3 days. And humid. That, on top of being sick, had kept my energy levels lower than I would like.

I sometimes feel the cure is worse than the disease. Antibiotics make me nauseous and cause a lot of intestinal discomfort.

I'm taking huge handsful of pills morning and evening. Who determines the size of the pill, I wonder.

The antibiotics are what were call in the States, "horse pills."

On top of my regular medications, for allegies, for depression, for diabetes, and for thyroid. It's a LOT of pills. I just throw them all into my mouth and drink big gulps of water.


The goats and sheep are also pretty lethargic. It's too hot for everyone.

My little new chickens got brave today. I left the door open for them on their temporary coop. Two of them were out today and walking around. Until they saw me and jumped back in.

It's hard to get photos of them. But here are a few:

This is their temporary home. The littlest ones aren't big enough to let out into the orchard. The 5 bigger ones could probably take care of themselves, but are still a little shy. You can see we have a "roof" covering the top of the coop. This protects then from rain and gives additional shade
It's hard to see them. I Ourcouldn't stay outside to get the perfect shot. It was too hot and the flies were biting me.
Our hollyhock flowers are blooming like crazy. I took this pretty early in the morning. They look a little worse for the heat, now. But they were very pretty this morning.

The rest of the day was pretty unproductive. I didn't paint. I didn't write (until now). I didn't clean or cook. I'm simply trying not to melt away.

I should have 1 or 2 articles for you all soon.

Meanwhile, I'm going to go sit in front of the fan!

Sponsors of JonicaBradley

$ 3.65
$ 2.76 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.60 from @Pantera
$ 0.05 from @TengoLoTodo
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Sponsors of JonicaBradley
Avatar for JonicaBradley
3 years ago


I so hope you get stronger and better day by day. Horse pills I know the feeling. Wishing you a speedy recovery and looking forward to reading more of your articles Jonica (and seeing the chickens roam the orchard too).

$ 0.00
3 years ago

The best is what you have done by taking the pills to relieve the infection. Try to rise up soon and come back again as usual . Try also to visit the kitchen and also walk around ypur compound to get the body fits.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

ugh. you mean exercise? blech. LOL. I did get quite a bit off physical labor this morning in the garden. But now I'm completely wiped out!

I'm so impatient. I want to be better NOW. Not just better from the illness, but better than I was before!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hoping you get better sooner.

$ 0.05
3 years ago

Sooner is always better. I'm getting there!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I'm happy madam that you already feels fine. Yes, our health must be our top priority because we can't don anything if we can't maintain our health. I myself, always get sick especially I was always attacked by my allergy and the medications that I take daily really sucks but I don't have a choice but to take meds for me not to suffer from my allergy attack. I wonder if what happen in my internal organs taking daily medicines.

$ 0.05
3 years ago

I do have a wonderful medical team. They take very good care of me. I sometimes also wonder what the medications do in my body, but I imagine it would be worse without them. I honestly believe all the things humans have done to nature and to our food supply has messed a lot of us up. Thank you for your well wishes.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes very well said madam. My pleasure. Yes ,medications really helps us to feel okay.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I am glad to read this and know you are doing well. Getting better at least and that is encouraging too.

The heat seem to be everywhere these days but with the bit of rain we had earlier today here, there was a bit of coolness in the air. I will send some to you 😊

Stay strong. 🤗

That flower looks beautiful. I've always loved poultry birds though. I want to explore fishery too later on.

$ 0.50
3 years ago

Oh yes! we've discussed fish. We have a large stock tank we considered turning into a fish tank. We ended up using it for compost. But it would be wonderful to have fresh fish. My brother in law used to go fishing all the time. Not so much since he moved up here. I love fish. I make wonderfully flavored baked fish and a great fish taco!

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Time to pay you a visit sometimes for the baked fish and taco hahaha. I will come with the wine haha.

That's great. I love fish too and I am definitely going to work on it sooner rather than later. So help me God.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Happy to see you recovering.. get well soon 🙂

$ 0.05
3 years ago

Thank God for your health. I'm glad you are strong enough to post your articles now. Waiting for more of your update.

$ 0.05
3 years ago

Thanks for the time you spend with us Jonica. The moment you feel a little tired don't push yourself, as this kind of headache takes often weeks to pass. Wish you a speedy and complete recovery soon.

$ 0.50
3 years ago

Thank you. I can't help but push myself. I think it's just how I'm wired. I am taking things much easier. Mainly by concentrating my efforts here rather than over on Medium.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

In this hot weather you should take cold drinks and every fruit that give your body coldness. You can take watermelon and Lemon juice as a drink. Which breed of chickens do you have?

$ 0.05
3 years ago

Oh yes. The cold drinks will be good and my friend just sent me some lemons from California. I'll make some lemonaid! One of my chickens is an Ameraucana. The others are Plymouth Rock Whites and I can't actually remember the others. I bought them from a friend here in town. We went from having over 100 chickens to 1 chicken. Some disappeared naturally (due to age our predation) and some we gave away. I don't need 100 any more as I am no longer selling eggs. But 10 should be good enough to keep my family in eggs and gift some to others.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

In Pakistan we used cross of Plymouth Rock white and Ameracuena. Wao,you have pure breeds. Yeah 10 are enough for family support . I can take info if i want to import these breeds from your Country. I think you can guide me?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I would do my best.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Our health is one of the most omportant. Keep fighting in life maam, get well soon.

$ 0.05
3 years ago

Aww. It is so hard to have a lot of medications. I also heard they really make you feel worse than not taking any at all. I hope you will really recover fully soon, ma'am.

$ 0.05
3 years ago

I will. This is a chronic condition that keeps coming back. It is the cost of living where I live. It is very much worth it to be able to have all that we have

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I admire that you are always grateful. :) Keep going ma'am.

$ 0.00
3 years ago