Howdy. Good morning. How are you all today? I want to apologize to all of my commentors. I will no longer be able to give as high of tips as I was previously. Even those tips were too low. But I'll keep tipping and sponsoring. Because I love alla y'all!
Se da, de lo que se tiene, si no tiene mucho, tampoco se puede dar mucho. Así hago yo a cada quien aporto con un granito de arena para hacer saber que me ha gustado lo que he leído, por que no tengo mucho y el sr. verde aún no quiere visitarme y apoyarme. Agradecida de los que como usted, contribuyen con algo, para yo poder hacer lo mismo. Entre todos nos apoyamos. Saludos.
Its ok tips are just additional what matter is you reply back:)
We understand! I could not give as high as before too, because Rusty is still mad at me, a bit.
Your support, by way of replying, is already much appreciated. Thanks!
Totally understandable, mama.
That is totally fine Jonica. Every lil tip means something ❤️
Afternoon dear lady. I'm so sorry for what you're going through. I wish I could wave a magic wand and fix it. So many of our systems here are absolutely broken, and the one you're dealing with is in the top 3 for sure.
Your so kind for that, replying is enough