My friend might be on to something here.

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Written by
2 years ago


I am here because of a friend who kept "bugging me" to come over and give this site/framework/community (?) a try. He kept telling me how great it was and how he actually made money here, just for writing articles. He told me "As long as what you write is original, readable and you don't go around and offend the other writers and readers you'll probably make some money" and kept badgering me to "Use this link and register, what do you have to loose".

Well i just did exactly that and this is my first article. Because i have no idea what to write about (maybe I'll figure something out if the site is as good as he said it is) so i decided to write an introduction thing. I have spent a couple of hours reading some stuff of other writers here, to see if there was a pattern (nope) and wasn't really impressed. At least, not by the articles, but i was surprised by the community sense i got from reading the comment sections.

Either you all know each other from somewhere or a lot of users here are really in love with this site. I've seen nothing but goodwill, love and support dripping off the comments below the articles. At least, the articles that have comments. I've also come across articles where there was absolutely nothing going on.

I must say my curiosity is piqued. I've tried some sites like this one in the past, but found that usually these sites, if they let you earn anything at all, never let you get anywhere near enough to make it worth even the electricity it costs to go and post something on them. Initially i thought this site would be no different. But I've checked out the top articles link on the landing page and if those are any indication it might actually be worth the time and effort to get something going on this site.

So who am i? Well i am a not so young anymore dude, single, unemployed, very Dutch and i am a mate of... what does he call himself here again... right, I am a mate of @AnonSunamun who kept banging me over the head with this site until i gave up. I've been an IT guy (yes, help-desk) but have been without work for a couple of months now. My back is to blame mostly, as one of my disks is damaged to the extent that i can hardly walk sometimes.

I've loved writing for as long as i can remember but so far it seems i am the only one who loves reading my writing. I'm single and not in a relationship anymore but also not really looking for someone at this time either. My family, as far as those who have been in contact with my parents until they died, all conveniently dropped off the planet after my mom died and haven't left any contact information so for all intents and purposes i am alone in this universe.

If it wasn't for my buddy i would be a hermit. He's the only one who willingly and of his own initiative comes to visit me, or doesn't fake not being there when i go to visit him. (gawd that sounds pathetic reading it back) But i am fine with that. When i don't interact with "normies" i don't get anyone angry, and if you have no friends there is no one expecting anything from you. So I'm good.

I like Science-Fiction, computer games, writing, helping people solve computer problems, Bicycling, fishing and moon-shining. I hate dishonestly, unfairness, woke and so much more its not practical to list it all here.

Hopefully I continue to be proven wrong about this site/framework/community (which is it actually?) and loose my bet with my friend (He bet me $10,= that i would make more than $5,= with my first two articles). In fact i hope this site proves me wrong in such a huge way that it becomes my home away from home (on the internet)

May your temperatures be low, and your framerates be high!

And remember, there is nothing you can't @Joke about!

$ 1.00
$ 1.00 from @AnonSunamun
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Written by
2 years ago


hahaha, nice. I had a good read, thank u and welcome to read cash.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahahaaa... i can't believe it, you finally done it! I just got a notification saying i was mentioned in an article! Scared the shit out of my bruh, that never happens, and if it does its usually not good! Welcome to readcash, and i am going to win that bet for sure!!!!

$ 0.00
2 years ago