Do you see any bugs around here?

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Avatar for Joewest24
4 years ago

I gave my article that topic because I really wanna ask you a question for those people thinking readcash is another form of ponzi scheme and a waste of time and all they want is to gain lots of traffic. Well if you're here with that kind of motive, I'm here to prove you wrong.

I really hope my affiliates see this post though, because it took a lot of convincing before some of them could actually join. They didn't know I was presenting to them an opportunity. They thought I just wanted to gain money from affiliate payment. I mean, how much do I even get from affiliate payments compared to what readcash pays me for writing articles? So I'm gonna give you one very big reason why you should appreciate readcash and make you write more and adhere to every instruction given, because the moderators are really doing an awesom job.

Now,back to my question. Do you see any bugs here? I mean do you see any unnecessary ads on readcash site? Remember how you'll be surfing the net and then one ad pops up and you mistakenly click on it and you're distracted and then you start looking for a way to get back to what you were doing. Or rather, those ads that pop up and cause a lot of traffic thereby making your phone to hang on one spot and making things a lot slower for you. Do you see those kinds of bugs here? Or when you click on a post and then you're redirected to somewhere else over and over again and you get really frustrated (trust me I've been there a lot of times). Do you see those kinds of bugs here on readcash?

Well if you're scared to answer, let me help you, the answer is NO!! Readcash doesn't contain those kinds of bugs at all, making it one of the safest sites to surf and browse.

Do you know what those redirects and ads do to your phone when you mistakenly open them?

Some of them steal information from your phone without your notice, some of them use you to make money by selling your email to people, some of them can even give your device virus, some can import a lot of junk files into your phone thereby causing your storage to run low. Yeah, that's how harmful they can be! Well, I guess I'm not just telling you how lucky you are to be on this platform,but I'm also educating on how all those pop ups affect you(killing two birds with a stone).

I could have just split the post in two and get more points, but I decided to male to make this one post rich in content, because you might not get to see the other post. So, for the newbies and old users still thinking you're at a disadvantage, I hope now you know, you're at an advantage.

So when rules are given, follow them, so readcash won't be like other sites that's been polluted by ads, redirects and irrelevant pop ups to sites we don't even know about. Sometimes those pop ups can be so promising😂😂. They could even promise to give you good money on registration, but most are all lies.

Appreciate the place you are and make it better.

$ 0.00
Sponsors of Joewest24
Avatar for Joewest24
4 years ago


Of course this place is ads free. That's why is a lot enjoyable

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Exactly brother. It just flows smoothly

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Exactly! There are no random ads in this site so that means, there's no bugs at. Unlike other sites, readcash do not just randomly posts ads because they value us.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Absolutely right! Who ever think this is a ponzy how come? I can't even see an ads here. And what really irritates me is that, they'll ask me "How much is your earnings? How much I earn if I join?" They didn't even think this is an opportunity poor mindset lol.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yes bro i agree with you. You are right. Thank you so much. is a good service for us to gathering enough knowledge. I also gather many information from the read. Cash

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Three claps to you my friend, they tell you to click here to earn some point and when you click ad pop up on your screen that it takes another 10 minutes for you to get back to what you were doing and by then a lot of unwanted notification and mails filled your device. Thumb up to who present a seamless and transparent platform entirely different from others

$ 0.00
4 years ago