Getting out of the comfort zone

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2 years ago

This weekend I was limited to internet use, even for the mobile data of my phone plan.

There are still places in the big city of my country where the 3g and 4g networks do not permeate every corner.

So my weekend routine was interrupted, as well as my access to my favorite social media.

Of course, it didn't catch me by surprise, so I recorded some videos of interest on an old PSP 3001 that still works in the trunk of electronic junk.

Well, you know that in the world of mobile telecommunications, the news about 5g networks is old, and they are already talking about the next generation: 6g networks.

There is a tirade about the effects of 5g technology on human anatomy and the natural order. Yes, the significant increase in the speed of uploading and downloading information has the potential to change the world.

Though perhaps the price will be too high for our health.

I don't know why I worry about this now! Yes, where I was, the 4g signal was weak and intermittent on my smartphone.

Imagine me having to move from place to place in the hunt for signal just to get to update websites of my interest, such as or Hahaha.

Remember I told you about the Sony video console from 2005. This one belonged to my son, who is now 26 years old. It still works like the first day it was purchased with its original battery.

So when I got to the place, I laid down on a bed to watch and listen to the pre-recorded programs on this one, and without realizing it, I slept for quite a while, missing the content.

The worst thing is that I woke up three hours later. I relapsed and wanted to watch it again (who sees and hears when one sleeps); When I woke up on Saturday morning, the device did not turn on.

Nothing! The battery ran out, and then I said to myself:

Why didn't I just download them on the mobile or download the PSP charger?

Fortunately, I'm not one of those who get stressed out when they are disconnected from the digital world or die for the phone (something very fashionable these days).

So, I gave myself a break to live in the real world (from Friday afternoon to this Monday afternoon).

It's been a long time since (in our household) we voluntarily dispensed with watching subscription channel programming.

The content is not in line with our interests. Although we pay for the cable TV service because it is associated with the internet service.

In this sense, in our case, an accessory service has replaced the traditional entertainment of what we euphemistically call the idiot box.

Yes, the internet on our cell phones and laptops now monopolizes our time, replacing the Grand TV that used to gather us in the living room to share at home.

Too bad I also see growing censorship of the internet and a subtle intrusion into privacy.

It now seems like a utopia to be free from manipulation.

I am beginning to doubt alternative media and think they are complementary or outlets to relieve pressures.

I wonder if the crypto-verse is one of these outlets.

Of course, to think that one can reach freedom is very seductive.

Well! In my bit retirement from the internet, I had no choice but to exercise leisure to the fullest. Sleeping long hours next to the temporarily useless PSP.

Besides, chatting for a while and watching limited satellite TV programming again took me back to the previous stage.

Of course, somewhat more awake and with a critical eye.

Re-watching Adam Sadler's films (Click and Pixels) brought back some ideas overlooked at the time, as I sat like a fool for three long hours in a comfortable armchair.

One laughs as the connoted messages lodge in our minds without even one noticing.

Only a second reading could help you. But no guarantee!

In the end, one must hear and see, taking care to keep the good and reject the bad: which presupposes that one can discern.

I wonder, how many parents supervise their children here?

Let alone parental supervision of the contents that circulate on the internet.

Well! Many from the comfort zone leave this delicate mission to the creatives of commercial media.

Also, I saw other reality shows featuring naked men and women facing nature to survive for at least three weeks.

I ask myself, why do they go naked?

Beyond the morbidity, I see the intention to equate man with wild animals in their habitat and what is the ability to survive in the wild.

In these programs, it is clear how weak modern man has become and that no matter how prepared you are, you only have security in the city.

In any case, I imagine (that in general) the message is that we have lost the attitude and skills of our ancestors.

So, if civilization were to suddenly collapse. What good would high cognitive skills do us in the face of primitive challenges?

Just think, how many simple challenges at home are remedied by buying a replacement even though it can be repaired with some ingenuity?

Do-it-yourself is outmoded as uneconomical.

I have bad news for you, my friend.

The times you will live in if the Preppers are right.

It will make living naked in the wilderness easier than in the city.

It does sound alarming! But believe me, you're more likely to get eaten by your neighbor than by a wild beast.

So, it's a good option to leave the comfort zone to learn and acquire the skills underappreciated by modern, city-dwelling men.

I always thought the fantastic thing about man's greatest achievement: organization. Since the city is an expression of the ability to organize. But now, I have my doubts.

Of course, there is no need to be extremist. We should not renounce the useful by wanting to return to the caves.

An original article by @Jnavedan

The thumbnail  by Sammy-Sander on Pixabay 

Cover by  Pexels on Pixabay 

I end by thanking all my colleagues in the community, who add value every day here. As well as all my sponsors for believing in the content I share with you.

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Avatar for Jnavedan
2 years ago


It's a good option to separate ourselves from using the modern technology and just enjoy life as it is from time to time. With regards to the thought that everything will return to the primitive ways, well, we are humans and we are capable of adapting to new situations and environment. We can always adapt because we are designed to survive any given situation.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Here comes 6G and in 5G we still wish to have privacy. Sometimes having no data or cp brings us so much peace. Recently we watched the bad side of the net (actually it was more of the beastly men than the internet), where even babies are victims of cyber abuses, the good thing about authorities is that they can trace it and find that unhuman treatment.

With or without the net, people behave unacceptable thinking they are totally unseen but we can't, Someone can see it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Here comes 6G and in 5G we still wish to have privacy. Sometimes having no data or cp brings us so much peace. Recently we watched the bad side of the net (actually it was more of the beastly men than the internet), where even babies are victims of cyber abuses, the good thing about authorities is that they can trace it and find that unhuman treatment.

With or without the net, people behave unacceptable thinking they are totally unseen but we can't, Someone can see it.

Wow, it's unfortunate to read about the bad behavior of some people. Although now I have my doubts about the effectiveness of the authorities, it is certainly necessary to have someone to prevent and punish bad actors.

Unfortunately, even the authorities can become perverse at some point.

Well, that's modern life.

Thanks for visiting my article.


$ 0.01
2 years ago

Living in a poor signal conditioneois hard. I can really say that because for almost 4 months here in my place lost internet connection because of the typhoon. However now is better, 4g is quite enough good. I just hope you get a better internet connection. By the way I'm newbie here

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Living in a poor signal conditioneois hard. I can really say that because for almost 4 months here in my place lost internet connection because of the typhoon. However now is better, 4g is quite enough good. I just hope you get a better internet connection. By the way I'm newbie here


Welcome to, I hope you enjoy the reading experience and share with the community your thoughts and experiences.

Thank you for your good wishes.


$ 0.00
2 years ago

Maybe you just have a poor signal because your place is far from cellular tower or something. 4g is quite fast and 5g too.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hello, my friend

You are right, the place is perhaps out of the threshold of meeting the repeater antennas of the operators of the frequency signals.

So, every time I return to the place (frequent) I just have to adapt or go out to a place where there is if necessary.


$ 0.00
2 years ago

It is Never possible to get comfert without hardships. We should be in trail to achieve something.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hello, my friend

Totally agree with you in what you say.

Man's success lies in the ability to adapt to any circumstance no matter how adverse it may be.


$ 0.00
2 years ago