Bitcoin Cash. The way for parents and sons to meet again as a family

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3 years ago

Bitcoin Cash and family

Poverty is a spiritual state that manifests itself on the outside in many ways. So much so that it is very difficult to distinguish it.


On May 15, the United Nations (UN) celebrated the International Day of Families. I don't know if you were taught the same in school as me; The family is the fundamental basis of society.

Source: Image by Shannon Lawford on Pixabay

However, today, tolerance and political correctness seem to distort the concept of the family. If it is understood from the transversal guidelines and objectives of the agendas that the UN advances. You will conclude that something smells bad.

Well! The purpose of this article is not to analyze the ideological currents that exist about families, although they affect us directly.

Here, I have read prominent authors in the community; who justify the hard work to help their families.

Children who buy cell phones for their mothers with the tips they receive here; parents who open cryptographic wallets to their minor children, as a trust, to be used when they are older. Others use their funds to cover basic food needs and pay for health treatments for their loved ones in times of a pandemic.

In this sense, family is the more important to them.

I left behind in this shortlist; those who emigrated to improve working conditions and thus being able to send money remittances to the relatives who remained, generally the oldest.

Every time I see @MarcDeMesel with one of his children in his arms during live broadcasts, I think, «there is nobility in this man.» And in this sense, I admire him and understand the reason for his profile on social networks.

Source: Screenshot of LIVE: When You Don't Want To Talk About It, Invest Some More

The love between parents and children is essential for a more balanced society. For decades, an evil ideology has tried to end this type of love by collapsing the foundations of what makes us human.

Separated families

Well, I'll get right to the point. You may have noticed that for these people, the profit motive is highly connected to a common purpose. Sure, I admit that it is impossible to get to know people in depth in digital interaction, but they leave something of themselves with every word and image they share with us. Some use these means to do catharsis to alleviate their existential anguish. And one of these falls on the love of their families.

In my case, the harsh circumstances of my country have broken my closeness with them. Having to emigrate, an option unthinkable twenty years ago for my generation, but today it is installed in the minds of the youngest. So two of my children now live in other countries in the region.

I don't want to bore you with my personal story, much less a general feeling of sorrow about it. On the contrary, my objective is different.

Source: Image by Hands off my tags! Michael Gaida on Pixabay 

Let me briefly tell you. More than four years ago, my daughter, the youngest, left the country with many illusions accompanied by a boy, who, to be honest, did not suit her.

So her life next to him was not the fairy tale she expected in many ways, so they ended up parting ways in a foreign country. Although, thank God she had the fortune to stay in the house of a lady, who adopted her as a putative daughter.

Unfortunately, the good lady fell ill and has had a long hospitalization. As a result, my daughter was almost alone with her dog and her two cats. Faithful and unconditional friends whom he does not intend to abandon.

Imagine, now she wants to go back with the three animals. For her, it is not an option to give the animals up for adoption. It reminds me that human beings have the task of taking care of nature and if a person is capable of shedding a pet that was born, how he can take care of the rest of nature. I am proud of my daughter.

You ask me, how can Bitcoin Cash bring about the reunion with my daughter?

In several articles, I have pointed out that money is a means to ends, and if BCH wants to replace fiat money promptly, it must fulfill this task. For example, paying for an air ticket or a land ticket. It is already possible in some parts of the world.

I looked for an option for my daughter on a web portal that accepts BCH. Eureka! Unfortunately, there is no flight on this platform from Guayaquil (Ecuador) to Maiquetía (Venezuela). The closest destination airport is Cúcuta - Colombia.

The cost of the ticket is $ 764.45. Wow! I imagine the passages for the little dog (Yorkshire mix with Poodle) and the two cats. Now, I understand my daughter's tribulation. The amount must exceed $ 3,000.

I should try harder and write with higher quality on topics of great interest. Perhaps you will achieve the fortune of excellent authors like @CryptoMax , @Pantera , and @cryptoph ; just to name a few authors whom I esteem.

To the authors who add a lot of value to the community, do not be offended if they are not on my shortlist, you are already a reference, and my nominees are just beginning the journey.

The other option is the road trip.

A four-day trip through all of Colombia and half of Venezuela in times of sanitary restrictions and a somewhat convulsed political situation. A cheaper but risky cost.

My daughter will search for the budget for the trip. In the meantime, I will continue writing here, with the illusion of great tips.

When I told my wife about my plan to finance the trip, she smiled and dismissed it outright; she is very skeptical. Instead, I believe in the willful spirit of the Bitcoin Cash community and the quality of my writing. If not so, @TheRandomRewarder or @Ellie would have already ignored me in the recent past. I hope they do not abandon me, now, in this goal.

There is so much confidence in Bitcoin Cash and that if I still cannot directly pay the tickets in BCH, I can still try for the first time, at, to exchange the BCH for USD to transfer them to my daughter's account in Ecuador, and she can buy the tickets.

Source: Screenshot of

Source: Screenshot of

Based on the page, I have the impression that it would be the first transaction in that country. I like challenges, and opening paths towards mass adoption.

In this sense, I will be very satisfied if I achieve my plan, and for sure, my daughter would become a BCH enthusiast. Remember, the old adage, no one is a prophet in her house. Well, BCH is a great ally.

Closing thoughts

Today I read about a survey whose purpose was to determine where Bitcoin Cash developers should focus their efforts. The option he won was to make the ecosystem easier to use.

In this sense, I agree. For example, close stories, like the one I told you today, and which is still in development, but the intrinsic value of Bitcoin Cash and the development course of the platform to the test.

I wonder how many people like me depend on the credibility of a cryptocurrency to realize dreams? At least I believe in this, and I am determined to prove it.

Let me be very honest with you. Neither my daughter nor my wife expects me to be able to finance the reunion trip. They see it very difficult for me to reach the amount, much less do they see how I can defray the expenses from a distant country.

This is where they both go wrong. Although it will be the first time that I use these services, I am sure that the procedures will be successful, despite how complicated they judge it a priori.

Bitcoin Cash has the power, as a means to an end, to make this dream come true and many more.

I hope I can tell you how Bitcoin Cash made possible the reunion of a daughter and her pets with her parents.

The greatest wealth is born from the heart and has no pettiness

Source: Image by Marek Studzinski on Pixabay

An original article by @Jnavedan

$ 20.03
$ 18.50 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 1.00 from @Fexonice1
$ 0.15 from @Omar
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Avatar for Jnavedan
3 years ago


This is a great article about family, and mixing BCH with family is what makes it readable. Imagine teaching your children about the future digital currency? And how they can invest in it, paying for family bills with BCH, I'm sure that rings a good bell.?

$ 0.05
3 years ago

Thank you for such a nice comment. Yes, the family is very important, and we must take care of it. I think of BCH as an integrating means of it, and a step that we must climb in the new world that is coming.

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago