BCH and the power of five cents

18 184
Avatar for Jnavedan
3 years ago

Preliminary thoughts

I recently read a message in noise.cash from @MarcDeMesel in which he refers to the article by @bitcoincashautist on "CHIP-2021-02 Group Tokenization for Bitcoin Cash" that caused my attention.

Screenshot from noise.cash

I consider it important to follow the account from the philanthropist behind read.cash and noise.cash, who, in addition to the financial contribution, also reveals his worth as an investor based on excellent technical criteria.

Screenshot from read.cash

If you are interested in reading the article I will leave you the link below.


There is a saying that goes, “Nobody likes to see pretty eyes in someone else's face / The grass is always greener on the other side”; Unfortunately, many practice the saying without understanding that they themselves are the first to harm themselves. I bring it up expressing my satisfaction with the tips given to the lucky author, whom I also follow by virtue of the excellent technical content that he produces, especially in the area of ​​tokenization within the Bitcoin Cash blockchain. My congratulations, I hope to continue reading his articles, which redirect my interest in this important topic. Congratulations @bitcoincashautist.

If you want to know the source of the article I leave you the link below, read it carefully, it will be easy for the programming specialist, but if you are like me, take it easy and break it down slowly to digest it. LOL


I wonder, who doesn't aspire to get a big tip from Marc? Others may wonder, what do I have to do to get his attention?

Admit it, yes you, who like me want to be so lucky, and I see nothing wrong with it, on the contrary, it is very good as long as you work accordingly to achieve common ends. I assure you that sooner or later many will turn to see you and will recognize your effort. Why am I so sure? Simple, about a week ago I also received tips from Marc in some of my articles, without so many zeros to the right of the point, but I still deeply appreciate it, so I take this post to express my respect and gratitude to @MarcDeMesel and all the other readers who tipped me.

Change of habits

Excuse me, I have the habit of digressing before I jump right into the article, and as you may have noticed in the title, "BCH and the power of five cents", the discussion could be far from the purpose. Well, it's not that distant.

When I started my journey in this community, I had a bad habit of keeping all the rewards, or as they call them here, the tips. This reminds me of a childhood anecdote, my parents always used to take us to eat in a restaurant in the city on weekends. When they finished eating they asked for the bill and my father, in addition to paying the bill, left several metallic coins on a small plate, which now are scarcer and difficult to see, I dare say that they have disappeared with the rise of the currency digital or plastic, as they used to call them until recently. The devaluation due to inflation has taken its toll. The anecdote, I put my hand on the plate just as we were leaving to stay with them. I imagine the faces of the waitresses reproaching my father for his miserliness. In my defense, at that time he was about five years old. On one occasion my parents detected me in the mischief and, smiling, explained that I should not do it.

As I write, I have just received bad news, one of my aunts, the sister of my father is being hospitalized with a pulmonary syndrome, she is around 78 years old, and I suspect that she will have contracted the fashionable virus. I ask God to treat her with mercy, He knows the best for her. Excuse the interruption, but writing about it reassures me somewhat.

Noise.cash with the tip distribution system made me remember the lesson of my youth but in the virtual field, I clarify, in the real world I always used to imitate the good habits of my father when giving tips, only in virtuality I was not aware. In addition, the money you receive contributes to the sponsorship of good content and the dissemination of the BCH.

In this sense, changed in attitude and therefore in behavior, since then applied the power of the five cents to tip the articles of the excellent authors in read.cash with part of the tips accumulated in my own articles.

I know that the tip is not as substantial as the of @MarcDeMesel, @TheRandomRewarder, @Ellie, or any of the top 10 tippers, but I assure you that I enjoy reading, and I even do my best to give you respectful feedback from deep inside of my intellect and heart.

Screenshot of the tippers of the month on read.cash

Perhaps, in the future I can join that league, for now, I am content to be one among fifty and my translucent diamond insignia.

Screenshot of the tippers of the month on read.cash

As you will notice, the power of the five cents reached $ 13.04 during the last month, of course, at some point I give between 1 or 2 cents in comments in the threads of the articles, that's why it is not a multiple of 5. The magic behind the amount reached in dollars is to divide it by 5 cents. Yes, I read about 260 articles. Without being a Guinness record, it is quite satisfying for me, creating engagement in the community, feels great.

In my country the coins were: 1, 5, 10, 12.5, 25, 50 cents; and the largest were: 1, 2, and 5 hundred cents. I'm just getting started on the first echelon of tipping power. Perhaps in the near future, I will move up the scale, be more selective in reading the articles so that you can tip more. Stop! Of course, this will depend on the dedication and care with which I write future articles. I hope to receive bigger tips and even those who sponsor me.

Close thoughts

I am convinced of the potential for growth and influence of the community that is developing on this platform. The purpose transcends the promotion of the massive adoption of BCH desired by all and that will continue to be strengthened as we increase our power to help others, not only because of charity, not only because they deserve it; but above all, the world needs a change beyond the monetary.

Yet another reason to be thankful for Bitcoin cash

An original article by @Jnavedan

Cover photo by Jonathan Brinkhorst on Unsplash

$ 38.24
$ 16.32 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 13.04 from @bitcoincashautist
$ 8.00 from @Ellie
+ 12
Sponsors of Jnavedan
Avatar for Jnavedan
3 years ago


Contributing to the platform by rewarding good work is something that makes the bitcoin Cash community grow a lot. Those of us who know work value it. Thank you for your important contribution to the community! 💗

$ 0.05
3 years ago

Wow how i wish i could be like that im being motivated seeing article s with a huge tip amd i lobe those generous givers i wish also my article will be visit by the random tip givers lol.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

One thing on my kind when I see articles getting huge tips. Amazed and motivated!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

One thing on my kind when I see articles getting huge tips. Amazed and motivated!

That's right, that's the attitude. I wish you the best of success here and in whatever undertaking you decide to undertake.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you for the best wishes. 😆

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hello sir, I am here and so fascinated about this article of yours. I'm here to say thank you for noticing my writings though I know that ky writings are not that good though. Just want to say thank you for giving me at noise and here in read. You are now my inspiration not to stop writing. I am also like you, I wished to be noticed also. ☺️🤗 Thank you. Bless you more. Keep safe.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hello sir, I am here and so fascinated about this article of yours. I'm here to say thank you for noticing my writings though I know that ky writings are not that good though. Just want to say thank you for giving me at noise and here in read. You are now my inspiration not to stop writing. I am also like you, I wished to be noticed also. ☺️🤗 Thank you. Bless you more. Keep safe.

Thanks for such kind words. Keep writing, show passion and love, enjoy the experience. May God bless and keep you.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes sir, you inspired me to write more. I felt so motivated now ☺️

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wow I'm really Amazed all the users here in Read.Cash

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You're right! What makes a platform great is the community that is formed around it. Sure, both are important, but this lies in the synergy that is created around a shared goal.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Beke naman po jan hahaha

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks for tagging me, I didn't see that noise till' now. Made a noise.cash account just now! https://noise.cash/u/bitcoincashautist

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You're welcome, my friend. On the contrary, thanks to you for such a magnificent article, and for the tips for this post.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

And thank you for always upvoting my articles.. And we're the same, it's so hard to digest those programming terms 🤣🤣

$ 0.00
3 years ago

sana all may bomoto hhhahah

$ 0.00
3 years ago

And thank you for always upvoting my articles.. And we're the same, it's so hard to digest those programming terms

Welcome to the club!!! Before I even programmed relational databases, but now I am removed from those headaches. LOL

$ 0.00
3 years ago

And am a computer science grad.. Have been abandoned that complicated terms a long time ago 🤣🤣

$ 0.00
3 years ago

And am a computer science grad.. Have been abandoned that complicated terms a long time ago 🤣🤣

Yes, a long, long time ago. Imagine my age. Sure, I'm not very old yet. Maybe I should see myself less in the mirror. LOL

$ 0.00
3 years ago