Hi it's me @Jisso_Kim once again.🎉
Today, I'm going go share to you the possible effects of smoking too frequently.
This will help you to know how cigarretes destroys every part of your body and your health.
Smoking damages skin cells and deprives your body of vitamin C, which helps make the skin supple and flawless. Dehydrated skin can lead to dark circles around the eyes and also eyebags.
2.)Stained Teeth
How do smoker's teeth get discolored when nicotine is colorless?
Easy! Once nicotine combines with oxygen, it turns yellow. And because teeth have pores, the nicotine tar in tobacco gets abosorbed in the pores causing discoloration. Even vaping can stain teeth too.
3.)Facial Wrincles
Your skin will look older by about 10-20 years if you smoke because smoking reduces the amount of oxygen that get your skin.This means it is three times more like for you to get facial wrinkles, a yellow-gray complexion, and hollow cheecks.The toxins in your body also cause cellulite.
4.)Poor Skin Tone
Smokers often look pale and get uneven skin tone because the skin is chronically deprived of oxygen and nutrients. If you a nonsmoker, you don't normally get poor skin tone.
5.) Hair Damage
Only healthy follicies produce healty hair. Smoking tends to damage follicle, making smoker's hair to become brittle and thin. How does this happen? The smoke restrict blood flown to the follicles prematurely aging them.
6.Skin Cancer
The big C does not only attack smoker's lungs but their skin too. Smoking increasesb by 52 percent the risk for squmous cell carcinoma, the second most common skin cancer a major new study says.
7.) Blurry Vision
You're not yet senior citezen but your eyes already getting cloudy. They also tend to see faded colors and are sensitive of to glares. Perhaps you are smoking.
Yes, doctors beleive that cataracts can be due to smoking.When you smoke, the cells of the lens are altered through oxidation and cadmium also accumulates.
That's only 5 out thousands effects of Smoking to our body. Hoping that this article will help smokers to think before its too late.
Stop smoking, save lives!
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thanks for your article. now i know. i know that the ciggarete can kill you. thanks for your article its very informative. your content is good. keep it up