Where Have I Been?
Hello there, my dear read cash buddies! It’s been so long since my last appearance on this platform. It’s been a week, I guess since I published my last post here. I do hope that you guys will still support me even though I am inactive on this platform. But you know, most of the time that I am inactive here, it’s mostly because I am busy with my personal life, to the point that I could not explore other sites and apps on my phone because I was only busy with emails and messages.
I am so very busy, like literally. The school year is almost ending and we are busy with our internship that will be in the next few months. If you think that we are going to be excited about the school break, well, we don’t have a school break. It’s because we will be having a summer class. It is also called "bridging" where we will be taking a class for certain topics and subjects that we haven’t had in high school. It is necessary for us to take that class because we will not be able to proceed to our "ojt" on-the-job training if there is a missing subject that we haven’t taken, so it is a must.
I returned to the university several times because there are numerous activities that must be completed on campus. It is totally fine for me, but the problem is that the bus fare is quite expensive due to inflation, which is a waste of money because I’ll be riding a bus twice back and forth every time I go to the university. Sometimes I get lucky if the "kuyang conductor" forgets to ask me for the bus fare, lol. Well, it happens to me most of the time, or maybe they know but they just let me since most of the conductors on every bus that I have ridden are already familiar with me.
Last Thursday we had our food innovation presentation inside our HM laboratory, and we also had to defend what our innovative product is. So again, I went to my groupmate’s place and stayed there for a day in order for us to be able to practice our food innovation. Honestly, we aren’t ready yet for that time because we haven’t done some trials of our product and we only did the first trial the day before the final presentation. But, thankfully, it turned out great, because the first trial was a total disaster for us, because we weren't using the exact measuring tools, and it wasn't even the exact measurement. LOL. But during the presentation, the panelists loved our innovative food since we paired it with a cup of coffee. I’ll be sharing what our food innovation was and publishing it here. Maybe some of you here will love to make some.
After presenting our food innovation, we went to the hotel to practice making beds for our NCII. And yes, it was an exhausting day and I only had 3 hours of sleep at that time and I was not even able to take a bath because there was no water. LOL. But I do still look good, though. *Flips hair*
It was another stressful day for me, and there will also be another stressful day ahead. In fact, this Monday, I told our instructor that I would be absent because of my period cramps when the truth is that I was just tired of going to the university and I just reasoned out that I was not feeling well because of my period. LOL. I give random reasons whenever I feel like I’m not in a mood. LMAO.
Sorry for subjecting you to yet another random nonsense post of mine. But, I do really appreciate your presence here.
Thanks for passing by!
Stay hydrated and stay safe always!
See you around :>
I was missing your article a lot. I was also absent for a long time. Come back and work on new ventures.