Please, I just want to Dye

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Avatar for Jinifer
2 years ago


I’ve been dying to do this. I badly want to do this. I really wanted this so badly. I badly wanted to dye because doing this could make me at ease and I could finally be able to be at peace. This is my kind of coping mechanism, and it truly helps me from being so down on myself to become proud and confident in myself. That is why I have been thinking of dyeing these past few days because doing it makes me at peace. Sometimes I thought of doing it all by myself or just asking someone to do it for me. But I guess it would also be better if I did it alone in my room without everyone noticing. I kind of want to surprise them if they see me.

I know some of you here have already thought of something in your minds about what I was talking about, lol. And I know that some of you here as well have already had an idea of what I really meant with this article that I am writing. Sorry if I am confusing you guys with the words that I used. But before I proceed, I just want to know how you awesome people are. How’s it going?


TGIF! Oh, I should really thank these days, for today is the last day of the week and tomorrow will be the weekend, and I can finally get to rest from staring at my laptop for like a whole day every day, and I can also be able to rest my laptop as well. Because I always turned on my laptop at 8 a.m. and turned it off at 11 p.m., and sometimes if I had a lot of work to do, my laptop would stay awake until 1 a.m.So, I really promised that this weekend I would surely rest myself from technology and spend more time taking care of my grandma. My gadgets and I deserve a rest too.

As I have said, I really want to dye. I badly want to do it. I’ve been so eager to do it alone in my room. I have seen so many people doing it all by themselves and it turns out pretty well and seeing that makes me want to do it too. I have done this before, but it was just a little highlight. And right now, I want to dye my hair again because it’s been 3 years since I last dyed my hair and my hair is starting to grow longer again. I am planning to cut it short and dye my hair either ash blonde or red. I also wanted to try dying my hair in different colors, such as blue or red, but I asked my cousins' opinion about what hair color would suit me, and they said that ash blonde and ash gray suit me since I have light skin.

I have also colored my hair golden brown, and it also turned out pretty well, even though my sister was the one who colored my hair. To be honest, I haven't gone to any salon because we usually do the hair coloring and cutting all by ourselves. And when it comes to coloring hair, I was usually the one who colored my cousins, sister, and even my mom’s hair. I am not a hairstylist, but all of my work turns out pretty well. You know what, my hair hasn’t tried nor experienced putting hair chemicals and medicines, but it sucks because my hair is still drier than the Sahara desert.

My hair is almost reaching my waistline and as much as I want to grow my hair more, I really can’t keep and maintain long hair because I easily get too hot, especially living in this tropical country where it is so very hot. And having long hair makes it even hotter, and I always bathe in my own sweat. That is why there is a part of me wanting to cut it while there is also this other side of me wanting to keep it long. If I keep it long, I'll dye it an ash blonde color, and if I cut it short, I'll dye it red or blue. All I really want is just to want to dye.

Sorry for confusing you with these other random ramblings today. Maybe you guys can suggest what color suits me best. I’d very much appreciate it if you will.

PS: Thank you so much ma'am @carolinacardoza for renewing your sponsorship, I truly appreciate it, gracias!

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Hey there lovelies! Thanks for dropping by, I really appreciate your presence here.

Stay hydrated and stay safe always!

See you on my next blog!

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Avatar for Jinifer
2 years ago


Hahaha tae kang bata ka haha. Kala ko kung ano na ee pero dye kasi so di naman ako ganong nag isip 👻👻.

Anyways, dyeing and cutting yan naman ang gusto ko 👀 lalo yang cutting I do that kapag nabobored ako. Kawawa nga lagi hair ko ee sya lagi napag babalingan ng boredomness ko. Lol. Anywasy, ang ganda nong blue green ba un na kulay tas yong kulay abo. Or yong blue tas tonf sa dulo lang ng hair ang lalagyan yong mga split ends ganern hahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

yan din plano ko sana ateee yung medyo light blkue lang tas sa end ng hair lang kukulayan para di masyado patay yung buhok hahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ang witty ng title 😂.

I never tried dyeing my hair. Ang curly kasi ng hair ko tas medyo dry and frizzy, Nakakatakot baka makalbo ako 😂

$ 0.00
2 years ago

hahahah di namn mare kapag hindi ni bleach, mostly kasi yung bleach yung nakak sira ng hair kasi nasusunog

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Gusto ko din magpakulay. Kasi ang pagpapakulay ay nakaka ano ng bored time diba? Hahaha 🤣 wag lang sana gupit. Ilayo niyo sakin ang guting ngayon na. 🤣

$ 0.00
2 years ago

diko kere long hair mare, sobrang iniiiitt hahaha. kahit anong try kong magpa haba ulit ang ending nagiging short hair na namn hahah

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's wild that you're crazy crazy colors like red and blue 😆 but your cousins are right, ash blonde and gray will fit you better

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm literally torn between red and ash-blonde lol, maybe I'll go for ash blonde haha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That will be better, red is a bit chaotic, unless you're going for the wild rebel look 😆

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hehe. Igang jud basta taas ang hair. Ako, I cut my hair on the neck level para dili mg sige ponytail. 😆 I'm thinking of dying my hair too. Dark brown probably.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

pirte jud pagka iganga te ay, samot na karon init na kaayo ang panahon, pirme nalang naka bun ako buhok haha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Coloring hair specifically for women is indeed very interesting when you see the long flowing hair of an attractive woman like you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

ohh thanks :> but I'm planning to cut my hair too lol

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Gosh! You scared me. You kept on using dye and I really want to dye. In my mind, I was like God forbid you are not gonna die

$ 0.00
2 years ago

hahaha omg, sorry for confusing you and making you worried hehe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Currently, I am blonde right now and then colored it a toned brown. I have no regrets at all because I want to experience being blonde. hehe.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

haven't tried blonde eh kaya gusto ko sana e try, mostly yung mga hair colors ko dati is brown or chocolate brown mga ganon lang

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Red sounds interesting, dark red, I think it would be cool when the hairstyle is shorter and I think it would suit you well. 😊 But I don't dye my hair because I always think that natural is the most beautiful. But if you want to do that, I support you, any change will be cool. 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's what I thought too, and they said dark red looks good on me. But will probably cut my hair first hihi

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Well YOLO so dye the cut them or grow them do what ever makes you happiest maybe dye them like a shade that doesn't make you odd u can try apps that show how u will look with dyed hair and select the shade u like love ya ❤️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

will definetly dye my hair! haha thanks :>

$ 0.00
2 years ago