Did You Get Déjà Vu?

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Avatar for Jinifer
2 years ago

Bonjour à tous! 


A French greetings for this morning. I'm glad that I was able to wake up early today. I was so happy because I got to wake up exactly when my alarm clock started ringing. What makes me even happier is that I woke up early, before my sister does. It's because if she wakes up first, I wouldn't be waking up early because she always turns off my alarm. Even if it's just started ringing, she will automatically turn it off. That's why I always end up having a bad morning every time I planned to wake up early but didn't happen because I didn't hear my alarm ringing. But this morning, I got her first and I also turned off her alarm. Now you know what it feels like to not hear a single ring from your alarm. 

It's so disappointing when it's the first day of the month and you are not able to publish an article. I was so disappointed in myself last night. You guys know that I usually publish my articles at night because that is the only time I write an article. Night time is my writing time. Yesterday morning, I wasn't that busy because none of our professors met us, so I enjoyed myself hanging out in the noise. And when night time comes, the time where I was about to start writing my article, my friend suddenly messages me, informing me that we have an activity that needs to be submitted before midnight. The activities are essays, and not just one, but three essays. It's some sort of reaction paper to the songs that we were going to listen to. And the worst thing is that I lose focus because I keep on watching other video clips on YouTube instead of listening to the song. LOL


Okay, enough with the chitchat and let's proceed to the main topic that we'll be tackling for today's article. Char.

Did you get déjà vu?

A lot of us here have probably experienced this feeling of seeing something that has already happened before and then it happens again. You know it's already happened before, but you can't pinpoint exactly what and when it happened.

We have all experienced déjà vu, right? We were the ones who washed the plate yesterday, and today we are still the ones who will wash the plate because mom will turn into Momzilla if we're not going to wash it. Lol I'm just kidding.

But they did say that people between the ages of 15 and 25 are more likely to experience this one, and as we grow older, it will slowly disappear and everything will be normal. But I guess some adults have experienced deja vu too, and science says that it's the result of too much stress and fatigue that makes us see things or think that this or that particular scene has already happened in our lives.

We start to think that a certain scene in our lives has already occurred before. There are a lot of cases like this one where people see things. I, until now, have still kept having déjà vu, which sometimes bothers me because I can't stop thinking about how and where it happened before. But according to the expert, we have this thing in our mind that will automatically kick in when something we are familiar with appears, such as seeing the same scene or theme of what we have had before, even just our simple gestures or actions with someone. This will automatically make us think that it has happened before. Well, it indeed happened but not as exactly the same as before. Some says that it may just a cause of hallucinations that we intend to think and see such things.

Are you guys still having the deja vu effect up until now? It may be because of the stress that you are experiencing right now, which is causing you to have dejavu effects. Just like last week, I was experiencing a deja vu effect. I kept thinking of the exact scene before, but I just couldn't. Isn't it so annoying when you want to think of a certain thing but it won't just appear in your head no matter how hard you try to squeeze all the memories into your brain? Pretty annoying isn't it?

If I'll get déjà vu, I hope in that scenario I was happy.

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Jini's Note:

Hey there, December is here. Is your Christmas gift already wrapped and prepared? Teehee

Thank you awesome peeps for stopping by reading this article of mine.

You can always hit the Like and Subscribe buttons if you want to.

Arigathankyougozaimuch :>


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2 years ago


That happens once in a while before, but not nowadays.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I haven't had a deja vu for a long time, maybe it's my age 😂😂

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Deja Vu can be really creepy, I still experience it once in a while and I end up getting a headache because I keep trying to figure out why an event that I think have happened before is repeating itself 😆

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Relate ako dito langga. Minsan ganito ako. Yung may bigla nalang pumapasok sa isip ko at masabi ko na nangyari na to pero di ko matandaan kung kailan nangyari. Minsan di pa ako mapakali kasi gusto ko talaga matandaan kaso hindi talaga kahit anong pilit ko.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Same samee like, samok kaayo ate sa, mag sige tag huna huna pero wala gyuy mo gawas sa atong utok, pero feel nato nahitabo nagyud ni siya nga scene haha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Mao gayud Langga. Inana gayud ko usahay. Makatawa nalang ko maghuna².😅

$ 0.00
2 years ago

When I was younger, I used to experience deja vu sis. Pero karun kay dili najud kaau. Anyways, makasapot btaw ng ma late kag mata kay dili nimo madungog imuhang alarm ay hahah

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Mare lagi ako nagtataka kapag nangyayari yung isang bagay na akala ko nangyari na un pala asa panaginip ko lang. Yung kasi tinanong ko si ate ko kung nangyari na ba ung samin dati sabi nya first time lang.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I can't remember when was the last I had deja vu. I think if we are more observant and more in tune with our dreams and such, then we can easily experience deja vu.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yup! That's what I've noticed din kuya, especially sa place na feeling ko talaga na I've already been there

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I experience that too often. I didn't know that it was because of stress.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Some says it was cause of hallucinations, but idk, maybe they're somewhat right haha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sabi din nila minsan nasa genes Ewan ko kung totoo haha. Kunwari parang nakapunta kana sa Lugar nayon. Pero Kaya daw feel mo na Ganon e Kasi baka Yung mga parents mo or lolo Lola mo e nakapunta na don. Ewan kung totoo hahaha. Palagi nangyayari sakin Yan.

$ 0.00
User's avatar Yen
2 years ago

Hindi ko rin alam kung if it's connected or related sa genes, ganyan din kasi ako minsan, feeling ko nakapunta na ako sa lugar na yun, when in fact never pa pala hahah

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yesss sis. Nararanasan ko pa din yung ganyan like "nangyari na to ah" but I can't figure out when it happened. It's weird sometimes because you feel you're on the same spot over again.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Super weird, like, kanang feeling nga you've been trying to remember a certain scenario before pero dili gyud mo pop up sa imong huna huna pero feel nimo nga nahitabo nagyud na

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I get Deja vu very often.. the feeling is so crazy like remembering something happening like that exactly the way before, makes me believe in the theory of Simulation, where our lives were already drawn somewhere else and we are just living by it

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah precisely, I thought of something like that too. Isn't it awesome if that theory would turn out to be real lol

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Deja vu pala yan. Same as u sis, I been experiencing this one. Stress is always kn my back🥴

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Same here, there are no days na hindi ako ma eestress hahah

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Schedule kami dito ate sa paghuhugas, pero kung eme effect is really real, experience ko din yun.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

kami, bisag mag schedula pa, di gyud gihapon kasabot HAHAH

$ 0.00
2 years ago

HAHAH Kanang feeling na dawaton nalang ang kamatuoran na tig hugas nalang jud kag Plato, hahah.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

"We were the ones who washed the plate yesterday, and today we are still the ones who will wash the plate". Nabuhay tayo para maghugas ng pinggan HAHAHHAA

$ 0.00
2 years ago

oo, pinanganak lang tayo para maging taga hugas ng pinggan HHAHAH

$ 0.00
2 years ago