Bonjour! Augustus

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Avatar for Jinifer
3 years ago



Another month, another day to grind all day.

 May this month be full of blessings and positivity.

To be honest, I don't really like writing about my accomplishments and goals since I'm not fond of them. I just go with the flow. I'm too lazy to write it up. But, to tell you honestly, I was motivated to write my goals and accomplishments after reading all of my friends' accomplishments in the month of July. I was so happy for them to read all of their July goals and that they had accomplished them all. It's so overwhelming to know that they have made progress.

I decided not to write my July recap as of now because I have just started earning here in read cash and I am still a new user, I'm still 3 weeks old here lol. But I will surely write my August achievements at the end of the month. I was truly blessed in the month of July because I was able to accumulate $100 before the month ended. I was so happy because I was able to give my mum the fruit of my hard work.

In this article, I will write up all of my goals for this month of August.

The Law of Attraction 🤞


$100 at the end of the month 

Last time I was able to achieve $100 before the month of July ended. I didn't expect that I would definitely achieve it though. Luckily, noise cash blessed me those days because I received good heart values, but we know that not all the time we received good heart values. We know that noise cash admins are still making improvements and experiments to the platform to make it better. I'll definitely achieve $100 again or more than that in this new month of August.

At least 5 quality posts a day

 Last time I posted 3-4 posts a day because I didn't want to flood my subscribers' news feed with my name on it lol. And it's kinda annoying too. But I do hope I can post good quality content every day knowing that I'm too lazy and I always wake up late. lmao

QR Code Tips 

I really like giving someone a tip using QR code, especially if the post is so catchy. I've been giving tips through QR code way before the QR code challenge appeared. Even though it's not that big of an amount, it still feels different knowing that it came all from your own wallet.



Post at least 20 articles

I've been telling you already that I'm so very lazy and laziness always takes over me lol. I can only post a new article the day after. But it is one of the goals that I really wanted to achieve and I don't want to disappoint myself. I truly admire these awesome authors who can publish articles every day. You guys haven't run out of ideas. Sana all. You wholesome people motivate me to write every day.

Read 5-10 articles everyday

Last time, I could only read 5 articles a day because my eyes couldn't take it anymore and it started to get itchy, so I needed to stop a bit. But right now I already set an hour when to start browsing readcash and noisecash. I already limit my time staring at my phone too. When I open readcash, I will automatically look for new posted articles so that my notification will not be loaded with unread articles lol. Gomenasai ✌️

Comments and Up votes 

Sometimes I only leave upvotes and forget to leave a comment. Sorry lol. I admit that sometimes I get lazy about leaving comments and also when I see some users have already commented on things that I also wanted to say. But I will definitely leave more upvotes and comments starting today. (Rip eyes)

Diamond badge 💎

The goal that I badly want to achieve! I really want a diamond badge right after my name. It looks so cool and cute too, lmao. It feels like it shows how generous a user is. A badge of generousity lol. I think so?

 Ugh, diamond badge cutie 🥺

I really hope that this month will be full of productivity and the ghost of laziness will not possess me.

I just want to give a huge shout-out and show my deepest gratitude to my awesome sponsors. @Caroline17 @Corpsekunno @Sequoia @Bloghound @TengoLoTodo Thank you so much for choosing to sponsor me. You guys are also one of my motivations to write more articles. Also, I don't want to disappoint you all. May you receive lots of blessings.

I will definitely achieve all of these. I claim it!

Author's Note

Thank you to my lovely readers for reading my first article for this month. I really appreciate all of your up votes and comments. And to @TheRandomRewarder for greeting me with upvotes every morning. It's way better than Good Morning messages to be honest, lmao.

Again, you can always hit the Like and  Subscribe buttons if you want to. That means a lot to me.

Arigathankyougozaimuch ❣️

$ 5.07
$ 4.73 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @Caroline17
$ 0.05 from @Ruffa
+ 5
Sponsors of Jinifer
Avatar for Jinifer
3 years ago


Diamond badge cutie, I like that! Well do your best here and in noise, as for the five quality posts, I am lucky to do two in Noise 🤣🤣🤣

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yeah I'm really aiming for the badge to pop up at the side of my name hahahah

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wow 5 posts aday 😍 trying my best atlis post 1 in a day.. Congrats sa kita.. Tuloy lang sa pag grind💪

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you po. Let's keep on grinding 😉❣️

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Oi ako din mandin nong una, hindi ako naglalapag ng monthly report. Pwro nong naging member ako ng Club1bch ayon, ginagawa ko na. Pero hindi ako nagseset ng goals. Basta kung anong maaachieve ko this month then that's it. Celebrate kung anong maaachieve and go with the flow.

But anyways, Good Luckuu sa nga goal mo. Basta sipagan pa natin for the economy eh 💪💪🎂

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Salamat ate ruffa 🥺🥰

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yeeey! Set lang ng set ng goals. Kaya natin toooo. God bless sa goals mo sissy 🤗

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Salamat mare 🥰

$ 0.00
3 years ago

We almost have the same goals in some matters. lol, I am also thinking if I will set my goal to 100$ but it sounds impossible for me to achieve it. Anyway good luck with your goals I hope all of it will come true

$ 0.01
3 years ago

There's no such things as impossible if you're aiming for it. I'm sure you'll definitely achieve your $100 goal. 😉

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I hope so and I am doing my best to achieve it...thanks for the encouragement

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wow! God bless sa mga goals mo sis. Maabot gyud na nimo tanan. Me too, murag daut na pud akong mata. Dili na makaagwanta tinutukay sa phone. Murag need na ug alalay.😁

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Thank you ate, ma achieve rani nato atong mga goals puhon ❣️

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I can relate to that not wanting to comment sometimes because I am feeling so tired or sleepy hehe. But congrats on your achievement, sis. Slow but sure!

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Thank you po ateee 🥺🥰

$ 0.00
3 years ago