Attention!! Attention!! This is a must read article for everybody. I am not going to make it hard. Have some patience and read properly.
I should have written it first. I was going through a small review of @Hanzell 's thesis work and then there I saw she was trying to write about superbugs and instantly made my up mind to write the article as I know it is very very very important for you guys to know.
So, what are superbugs?? Some kind of bugs or what?? No my friends. They are microbes( Tiny infectious agents). But are they regular ones?? Nah, they are not the regular one. Superbugs are microbes that have gained antimicrobial resistance and they can resist the medication that we use to treat our disease.
Specially, I am going to tell you about the Antibiotic resistance, a subset of AMR(antimicrobial resistance) that is shown by bacteria. We all know about antibiotics and they are used to kill bactetia but when the bacteria gains power to resis the antibiotic, it gains the superbug ability.
How they become superbugs???
Look, let's put it simple. You are living a good life with good food. Then you got admitted into a boarding school or best example for Bangladeshi is the university hall or hostel. First few months will be tough for you. Accommodation, food, the small beds. But eventually, you will feel better and even you will start to take food(95% water and 5% pulse) with full appetite.
Bacteria gain antibioic resistance like that. There can be two reasons that I can think of with my limited knowledge.
TAKING FREQUENT ANTIBIOTICS: If you take antibiotics frequently, the bacteria will be in touch with them for a long long and and will be able to modify their genome sequence and other layers to gain antibiotic resistance.
NOT COMPLETING THE COURSE: If you do not complete the course, all bacteria will not be dead and the surviving one will have some power to resist it next time. They will pass it to the other one with 'Sex Pilus' and even dividing by binary fission. Then there will be army of Superbugs in your body.
Let me show you something. Check it out.
Look, the brown ones are bacteial colony. And the white tablets are antibiotcs. In the left picture, there are no growth of bacteria around antibiotics as they are killed in contact with the antibiotic but in the right pictue, there is no effect of antibiotic working on the growth of bacteria. That's how they work😐😐.
Just think you are suffering from disease but the regular medicines and antibiotics are not working as the microbe evolved and gained resistance. You will suffer from a miserable death.
How to be safe from it
Simple rules. Just don't take antibiotics frequently and if it isn't serious matter, please avoid taking antibiotics and let your immune system fight then. And if the matter is serious, maintain the time and fulfil the course of your antibiotics so that not a single bacteria can survive. And don't be a 'BAL PAKNA'. Don't take antibiotics without doctor's prescription. Many people think antibiotics is the solution for everything and engulf some without knowing whether the disease is viral, bacterial or caused by other parasite😑😑. Don't go to pharmacy and ask about medicine and they can sell you high power antibiotic to earn money without thinking about the effects that you are going to face. In Bangladesh, people adulterate food with many antibiotics😑😑. Fucking disaster. A newborn boy was found his body has no effect on 16 antibiotics as the bacteria has gained resistance🙂🙂. His mother used to take milk and may be there was antibiotics in the milk and if affected the baby🙂🙂. Sure death.
What is our future??
Scientists are working their butt off to evolve the antibiotics. It's not that easy. Your body have to be capable of endure the effect and so many facts. Strong chemicals, toxicity and thousands of things matter. I have heared about 'Trozan-Horse Antibiotics' and they are in development phase. Lots of experiments are going on. So hopefully we will evolve too to fight against them
Thanks for reading the whole article.
Dude😑😑😑. Give some upvotes😑😑. Pay some homage to my efforts😑😑. Because of the contest dudes😑😑 not getting points nowadays. Help the article writers too😑😑. I am saving your life you know🙄🙄😏😏.
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@Macronald hewa
Happy posting
Hye ! I like bugss and supper bugs pics ,😂😂😂 But coming to original topic . You did best awareness from your article.. hopefully we all can get. Stay Happy 🌸 stay safe