An Interesting Fact About Chromosome

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Written by
3 years ago

Sometimes, I wonder, how it is possible actually. Just see how wonderfully we are organised. How brilliant our creator's mind actually. You have a thousand of habits, traits and those are wonderfully typed into your DNA. Just amazing. DNA are actually parts of chromosome. There are thousands of things interesting about chromosome but want to share one that I found out recently in my course. But first I am gonna discuss some basic about it.

What is chromosome??

Chromosome is a thread like structure and an organised package of DNA that tightly packaged within the nucleus of plant and animal cells. Each chromosome is made up of DNA( Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid) and histone protein where the DNA is coiled around histone providing structural support of chromosome. Chromosome contains hereditary information that makes each animal individual and also cary information to grow and reproduce. Their major role is to pass the hereditary information to one generation to another and protect the purity of an individual species. These thread like structure are visible during the metaphase stage of cell division when thet chromosome is in more compact and thick shaped.

The Interesting Fact Of The DNA

Actually the most amazing feature of the DNA is it's compactness. May be you have nooooo idea how compact it is actually. But to know that I need to clear two short terms. Haploid and Diploid. Our chromosomes remain in pairs actually. When they are in pairs, it's called Diploid situation. Di means two which means there are two sets of chromosome. On the other hand, where there is only one set of chromosome, it's called haploid. For example, each human has 46 chromoses or 23 pairs of chromosomes in each cells. It's a diploid condition. Our body cells are diploid actually. But when I remove one from each set and there are 23 chromosomes, then it's haploid condition. Our sperm and ovum cells are haploid and that's why we get half trait from father and half from mother. So,

The Haploid human genome contain approximately 3.2 billions of base pairs of DNA packaged into the 23 chromosomes.

So you can easily say our body cells, diploid cells contain 3.2 X 2= 6.4 billion base pairs. And the distance between one base pair to another base pair is .34 nanometer only.

So, in each cell, we have .34nm X 6.4 billion = 3 meters of DNA thread.

Now, one interesting thing is that, I mentioned, each cell contains. Do you know on average our body has 37.2 trillion cells. So if you separate all the DNA thread from each cell of your body and join them together. The thread will be 120 trillion meters long.

Note: 1 trillion = 1,000,000,000,000

Now another interest fact, the distance between Sun and earth is Only .15 trillion meters😐😐.

So, with the total DNA into your body, you can got to sun and came back to earth almost 800 times.

Just see how amazing things are. To be honest, I didn't follow the numbers on my slide. There are some mistakes I think and the slide said 300 times but when I calculated. My god, more than 800 times. I just can't beleive. Check google info's if you think there is any mistake. I am just astronished here.

Anyways. I hope you will find it interesting. It's actually interesting. Kinda short but I am too much excited now after writing it. Thanks for attention guys😍😍. Take care and best of luck.

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Written by
3 years ago


Ahh this was the same info we had for biochem about the chromosome coiling and incoiling for gene replication ;;-;; was hell to study that

$ 0.00
3 years ago

whoo.. that's pretty long distance yet it is compacted in one individual only, really amazing

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This is cool ...

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Didn't know about the length. It's huge 🤔

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Have you tried reading how our traits are formed ? Its somethig like a formula from our parents DNA...

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Coding.. Arrangement of ATGC

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That's it.. Haha... But that was confusing for i didn't mind. Lol

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Grabe ang taas naman non hahaha

$ 0.00
3 years ago

ouch, I am not from philippines.. Eng please😓😓

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Oh im sorry. I thought you are a Filipino. I said i didn't thought chromosomes will be that long.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Neither did I. I was also surprised when I got the idea about the length.. 😶😶

$ 0.00
3 years ago